Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day!

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34 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Happy Hump Day!

  2. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! My side-kick will be back today, Yeah! She’ll be off for 6 weeks when the baby arrives so I’ll really be miserable then but she’ll be back today! Yeah!
    Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Mrs. H says:

    good morning. I got a peek at Mr. H through FB video chat, but his mic wasn’t working, so basically, I watched him type his end of the conversation to me. Funny.

  4. OldBopper says:

    mawnin’ y’all. i think the full affects of my crash kicked in late yesterday evening. may try a bit of that pain medicine today.

    hope everybody has a good one.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone :) I hope you all have a wonderful “HUMP” day. Prayers for Clucky glad to know you have an answer and hope your appointments go well today.

    Today is my special day, I will see if I can make it through my work that has been haunting me. No fun to shed tears when you feel so overwhelmed, but yet you are doing all you can do.

  6. parrotmom says:

    OB, hugs for you dear. Pain is no fun, take it easy and get a little pampering if you can.

    • OldBopper says:

      Thanks, PQ is a wonderful mate to have in troubled times. A few months ago I was helping her with a broken wrist and now she’s helping me.

      I think all the bruises have come to light now. I have a breast that looks like the result of a mammogram from hell.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Happy birthday, PM. Do something special.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Thansk MrsH!!! I think I will have a muffin and a slice of bacon for breakfast.
    Off to work I go!!!

  9. dhcoop says:

    Happy Birthday PM! You’re as old as me now, right?? LOL! j/k

  10. Molly says:

    Happy Birthday, PM!

  11. parrotmom says:

    yes Coop, I have caught up with you!
    MrsH, I was going to drive the pickup today, but PD isn’t ready to let it get out on wet streets or fog. A bit over protective I would say.

    • CornPop says:

      I hope you have a very happy birthday, PM! My philosophy is “We’re not getting older…we’re getting oh so much better – just like a fine wine!!” :-D

  12. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

    Happy Birthday PM! Treat yourself today to something special. You deserve it!

  13. Barb says:

    PM, I hope you have a really great day!!

  14. OldBopper says:

    PM, Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is puncuated with lots of smiles and hugs!

  15. parrotmom says:

    Thanks to all. Amazing when getting for work, hard to believe this has been me for 50 plus yrs. I really see myself at about 30. Of course with silver highlights in my hair and still some acne due to stress. I only missed my goal wt by my age plus the 100 that goes before it. A loss of 35 pounds in the past 4-5 months. yea for me.

  16. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Gonna make some of my grass shorter. Leaves are falling like crazy!

  17. dhcoop says:

    Fixed a pizza for lunch. DiGiorrno does a good job. :)

  18. Mrs. H says:

    Our youth minister and our minister of music are in the Andes in Peru on a mission trip. The youth minister asked me to speak to the youth tonight while he was gone. I’ve got a devotional based on Matthew 7:13-14, the broad highway vs. the narrow difficult road. I figure working a motorcycle trip into a talk to youth is a good way to capture their attention!

  19. Mrs. H says:

    Heading home in the rain.

  20. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Parrotmom! I hope you are having a great day and have something special to eat tonight!

  21. dhcoop says:


    Another long, but good day.

    PM, I hope you have had a great birthday! I’m still in my “birthday week”, so I’m still celebrating! I ate my last piece of my birthday pie today. hmmmm

  22. Barb says:

    PM, I hope you had a goooood day.
    Mrs.H, which translation of the Bible do you use?

    • Mrs. H says:

      New Living Translation for church and study. For reading the bible through I use The Message, which technically isn’t a translation but a paraphrase, because it’s much easier when reading several chapters all at once and not studying verse by verse. (However, if I’m reading Psalms, KJV is wonderful for poetry)

      If you want to test drive a translation, go to and compare side by side.

  23. parrotmom says:

    Thanks to all of my MRBA family for all your well wishes. I did have donuts at work which was a surprise. I have had a few calls and many well wishes on FB too!!!!

  24. Ann Onimous says:

    Sorry I’m late with the birthday song, but I came home from church and went to bed! Here goes nothing…

    *gargle* LAaaaaAAAAAAaaaaAAAA! Yeah, I do sound a bit like Tarzan. But at least I didn’t break your window.

    Hippo, birdie, two ewe:
    Hippo, birdie, two ewe!

    Oh, look! A parrot! How pretty!

    Hippo, birdie, (SQUAWK!) deer, (Pollywannacracker) parrotmom…

    (the parrot shoves the little birdie out of the way and takes his place)

    Hippo, parrot, two ewe! (SQUAWK!)

    Happy birthday, PM! :)

  25. parrotmom says:

    nite, nite, everyone!! Thanks again for all your wishes for my Birthday today, I really felt special.

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