Tuesday Free-For-All

Survived my speaking and driving yesterday. Did my show in Hattiesburg (actually in Oak Grove).  Drove back via Summit to Seminary to get back to 49. A very pretty backroad drive. Got home at 8, picked up my son from Scouts on the way home and then worked until 11.

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68 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! Excited about the day! Inauguration day. First Female Choctaw Indian Chief! Everyone have a good one!

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Wow, MR. You keep on the move!

    My big blue hand is ready to be delivered to school this morning. I’m waiting for a model to wake up so I can take a picture.

  3. parrotmom says:

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day of it Marshall. Nothing like a nice backroad to do some nice thinking that “God is Good”!

    Good morning everyone. Please tell me it is Tuesday. I left and came back home a total of 8 times yesterday. I feel as though I did not get any work accomplished. Oh, by the way. They made PD’s neuro appt for next Wednesday, they are not going to make him wait till the end of the month. Yay!!!!

  4. parrotmom says:

    MrsH good luck with your project/entertainment today!!!

    Guess who has poison ivy??? I have not done any yard work since the week after labor day. I think I came in contact when PD and I were cleaning out his Explorer this past weekend. I can get it from anywhere.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all! Slept pretty good last night….several hours at a time. It was nice to get some rest for a change. Boss, hope you got some rest last night. You’ve got to protect your health, there’s no sick leave for the self employed.

    LE, watched 2.5 men last night. It was really funny in a good way. Much better than before.

    Ordered my new motorcycle helmet yesterday. Plan to order the highway bars today. Still looking for a good price on the headlight rim. Can’t do anything right now because I can’t remove the old stuff with limited strength in left arm. So, I’m not in a big hurry.

    I do think I will be OK operating the riding mower later this week. I’ll need to move the motorcycle out of the way to get the mower out and that’s going to be the deciding factor.

    Hope everybody has a good day. Have you noticed that I’m back to using capitol letters? Progress is sometimes measured in small increments.

  6. cardinallady says:

    Morning everybody! Flying through. Got a river of words to write today, including a short story on the murder of my sister-in-law’s sister. Hard situation. She chose a tough life. Will be a long day for my dear sister-in-law tomorrow.

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

  8. dhcoop says:


  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning glories! Playing chauffeur today for Mom! Cardio checkup.

  10. Molly says:

    Mornin. I decided to drop the pajama pants issue with the school. I’m still ticked at them for singling her out, mind you, but am not going to push it. And she was singled out. She said there were literally hundreds of kids still in pajama pants at the end of the day. Another sophomore even had an identical pair of pj pants, and no one ever said a word to her. Sigh….

    • Mrs. H says:

      I’m proud of you, Molly, for not pushing it. That is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you KNOW that you are correct. Excellent example of self-control on your part.

  11. Mrs. H says:

    The big blue hands are on my FB page.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Someone just brought me a blessing: an aloe plant! She heard how I had burned myself twice in the past month while cooking dinner.

  13. Clucky says:

    My root canal was postponed until tomorrow. I got my MRI changed from Meridian to Flowood so I won’t be running all over creation tomorrow.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I had mine in Flowood right next to River Oaks Hospital (the original one) and they were all as nice as can be.

  14. The Real JB says:

    Morning one and all. Been looking all morning for some paperwork that I misplaced on a client. It is probably stuck in some folder.

    So what are your thoughts on Hank Williams Jr losing his MNF gig because of his comments? MNF will never be the same.

    • Mrs. H says:

      We only get local broadcast TV, so we’ve been without MNF for several years now. I haven’t missed him :)

    • dhcoop says:

      Well, I don’t watch football, so I really don’t care, but I do know that he made an incredibly stupid remark.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      My oldest child and I saw him in concert after he was supposed to have cleaned up his boozing and doping ways. He threw stuff off the stage – the microphone and a guitar and something and kept on playing. I thought we had been in there a long time and when they finally turned on the lights and led him off stage, it was midnight.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Son of Pluck is messing with me and won’t let me post.

      My oldest child and I saw him in concert after he was supposed to have cleaned up his boozing and doping ways. He threw stuff off the stage – the microphone and a guitar and something and kept on playing. I thought we had been in there a long time and when they finally turned on the lights and led him off stage, it was midnight.

    • Barb says:

      He never has been one to know when to shut up!! I missed the comments, though. What did he say?

    • Barb says:

      JB, I replied to your post about MNF. Please answer when yo get a chance.

  15. Mrs. H says:

    The grandfather of one of our church members got to go on the Honor Flight last month out of Gulfport. This morning he was killed. He was in a minor traffic accident and then had a heart attack on the way to the hospital to be checked out.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    BE couldn’t sleep last night because his back was hurting so bad so I sat up and finished James Patterson’s “Kill Me If You Can,” which was good. We got to bed around 3:00 or 3:30 a.m. I had to be at the senior center at 9:30 to pick up lunch tickets for the luncheon this month and from there we went to the MHP in front of the prison to get BE’s DL renewed. He came back to the car and said they don’t take checks anymore. WTF??? We drove back to the bank and got cash and drove back out to the MPH office and got his new DL. We ended up having lunch at the all you can eat buffet at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Brandon across from Crossgates. I had my share of good old chicken livers and the trimmings and a chicken breast, original, and chocolate pudding and peach cobbler for dessert and now I’m about ready to go back to bed.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    Marshall, since Summit, Mississippi is in Pike County down near McComb, I’m thinking you probably drove through Sumrall and then to Seminary. My number 3 son and his wife and 2 sons live in Sumrall and so does Bret Favre. See, you had friends along the way and could have stopped in and didn’t even know it.

  18. The Real JB says:

    LE…you sure are wordy.

  19. cardinallady says:

    prayers please!! Cardinalson just had a wreck. Truck totalled. He is fine. However, he has full coverage. Someone turned left in front of him.

  20. The Real JB says:

    CL…glad he is fine. Praise the Lord! Glad you have GOOD insurance.

  21. OldBopper says:

    cl, glad he wasn’t injured. prayers for both of you. if the other guy has insurance it will be a big help.

    got all my insurance matters setteled today. if injured, vehicle insurance is primary before health insurance kicks in. that is if you have medical payments on your vehicle insurance. medicare said they heard it was a vehicle accident. since the federal government provides all my coverage, i opted out of medical on the cycle. so, i don’t have different providers arguing over who pays first. i carry liability, uninsured motorists, and comprehensive on the cycle. since the hospital i am using honors medicare and tricare, we have 100% coverage. that’s a real blessing.

    our auto coverage is far more complete including towing and rental car.

  22. dhcoop says:


    Card, I’m glad he’s okay!!

    Just getting in. Doing much better today, but still not 100%.

  23. parrotmom says:

    Evening to you Coop and everyone else. Prayers for Clucky and Cardinalson.

  24. parrotmom says:

    AW so glad you mom received a good report today :)

  25. cardinallady says:

    Thanks y’all. I just heard from him again. he called to say he didn’t have any broken bones. the guy he hit was an elderly gentleman from what I understand and he had to be airlifted out and I don’t know his condition. My brother prayed with me this afternoon. It’s better. I talked with Jon’s insurance agent and he said he would help us with the claim on the other guy’s insurance once we get the police report to him. Jon should be on the road again in a couple of days. He just left me a message and sounded truly upbeat. I’ll lay bets he is going to Uncle Jerry’s house tonight, though.

    • cardinallady says:

      Just talked to my sis and Jon gave her more information. He is okay. He is staying with my nephew tonight. Going to take the day off of work tomorrow and get back at it thursday. The other guy was feeling woosy so they airlifted him just to make sure.

  26. dhcoop says:

    Card, I know it’s killing you that you can’t lay hands on him tonight with a big hug!! Nothing like when your babe gets in a situation that you have no control over! Hugs dear!

  27. dhcoop says:

    DWTS update: I’m ticked off that Chaz is safe. He CAN’T dance! I know his Mom is Cher, but he CAN’T dance!! I think the only reason he’s still there is because word got out if he made it one more week, his Mom would come to the performance next week. I hate that Carson is in the bottom 3. He’s working SO hard!! Teach me not to vote… If Carson makes it through, I’ll be voting next week, for sure!

  28. Barb says:

    JB, went back to look at something in your earlier post and accidentally posted this there.

    JB, I replied to your post about MNF. Please answer when yo get a chance.

  29. dhcoop says:

    I have sneezed so much tonight I’m seeing ragweed in a totally different light… I used to think it was a cute flower… NOT!

    Got a big day tomorrow so I’m going to try to get some rest. Card, keep us posted on CS… I’m glad he’s okay. OB, I hope you continue to improve. Clucky…, well, good luck with the root canal tomorrow. Been praying for Thing 2. Hope he’s learning…

    I am proud that the Choctaws inaugurated their first female chief today! It’s historic!

    I’m about to crawl into a ball and get some sleep. TTFN!

  30. OldBopper says:

    AW, glad your Mom got a good report.

    Glad to hear more about Jon. Good that he wasn’t hurt. Hope the older man comes out alright.

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