Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s finally Friday!

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38 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Good Morning, MRBA!!!
    (say that out loud, like Robin Williams)

    The band director decided yesterday that the entire band can take the field as pirates tonight for homecoming. That meant a late trip to WM after I had gotten soup started for dinner. Oh, well. The black sweat pants will definitely get used again.

    Mr. H and the eldest were late getting in. His mom’s house was broken into while she was out yesterday. They went straight back to her bedroom and got jewelry, including Sr. Mr. H’s wedding band. I think that was the hardest loss. Mr. H replaced the door that was destroyed and will go back tomorrow to finish up the weatherstripping.

  2. OldBopper says:

    So sorry to hear about the break in. It will be a long time before she feels safe. Prayers for Mr. H’s Mom. Does she live in y’alls neighborhood?

    • Mrs. H says:

      She lives on the hwy in Ocean Springs. This is probably the 3rd or 4th time that house has been broken into in the 40+ years since they moved in. Once was when Mr. H was in high school (early to mid ’70’s). His sax was taken. Once was when our Eldest was little (early ’90’s) and was with them when they discovered it.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Oatmeal with honey, toast and fresh orange slices for breakfast this morning. Tis a good day for warm cereal.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good nice Chilly Friday :) I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    MrsH that is so horrible for Sr. MrsH. People have not respect for what is not theres.

    Love and hugs to everyone and hope everyone is feeling better. PD has a fire going this morning to enjoy again. I think at 38 I would like to stay home and enjoy it with him.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    Ordered Em’s birthday cake today. A lady from our church owns Sweet Expressions Bakery in Hurley. You can look them up on FB. She does some really nice stuff.

  6. Mrs. H says:

    And Tank, I had never noticed Herman Cain’s lack of eyebrows! He has something in common with El!

  7. dhcoop says:


    MrsH, I’m so sorry to hear about the break-in. That just plain stinks.

    Happy Friday!!

    Don’t forget the fall flower show in CS tomorrow! It should be a great day!

  8. dhcoop says:

    p.s. I thought I had some oatmeal in the cabinet here, but don’t. OB made me want it even more! I have some crappy instant Cream of Wheat that may have to do.

  9. msblondie says:

    morning gang! it is food friday at our office. one of our girls is leaving so we all brought stuff… i did coops rotel squares.. so easy and yummy.

    everyone have a great day!

  10. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Pretty chilly on my hill with a heavy frost. Mowed my 8 acres yesterday and really fired my sinuses up. Cold wind all day. Went to Bear’s soccer game last night, they won 2-1. Bear scored the winning goal.

    For breakfast, Nutella on toasted 7 grain wheat and a good cold glass of milk!

  11. OldBopper says:

    Go Bear!!

  12. cardinallady says:

    Morning! flying thru. The tailless bird is me. I’ve been working my tailfeathers off these last three days. Halleljuah! I am putting this section to bed at last. I am looking FORWARD to November!!! Life should slow down.

  13. dhcoop says:

    Way to go Bear!!

    I’m baking a potato and fixed some speckled butterbeans for my lunch. mmmm

  14. Mrs. H says:

    Got to go to town and see if I can find what Em wants for her birthday.

  15. parrotmom says:

    strawberry milk shake for lunch. thank goodness for heaters in vehicles. where have Tank and JB been off to this week? Strange they are missing in the same week :)

  16. OldBopper says:

    I am very happy to hear our President announce the war in Iraq to be over and promise to bring all the troops home by the end of the year. Great news!

    Maybe he could look in the other direction and do the same for our folks in Korea. Go for it Mr. President!

  17. Mrs. H says:

    One of El’s friends just called me to ask if tonight’s game was home or away. “It’s at home, dear. Homecoming is always a home game.”

  18. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening…. going to go bundle for our homecoming game..

    M has solo and enamble competetion tomorrow. Now that she can drive – I am not allow to go.. I make her to nerveous.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    I posted pics of both my pirates (and a spare that shows up every Friday afternoon!)

  20. parrotmom says:

    You folks have fun at the games and hope your teams win :)

  21. Clucky says:

    We are 8-1 right now, and tonight’s game isn’t a district game. Next Friday night we play Scott Central. Now that jb took his toys and left the sandbox, it just won’t be the same. We are sitting out this game-it gets expensive! State Band Championships at Hinds next Sat. We perform at 1215!
    Mr Fab isn’t attending his daughter’s wedding tomorrow; long story but those of you who married, had kids, divorced and remarried will figure it out. He’s sad.
    I have an appt w/Dr Kerr (neurosurgeon) to get my neck checked out. Does anyone know him or heard of him? Email me at cluckyrn (at) gmail (dot) com if you would rather not discuss on here. Also, has anyone else ever had cervical spine issues?
    Meds kicking in. Later.

  22. dhcoop says:


    Not in the mood to talk.

    Bright light is the flower show tomorrow. Still looking forward to that.

    • Ann Onimous says:

      Flowers. That sounds like an awesome Saturday. Wish I could make it… but even if I could, I kill everything I touch. I have a pink and purple polka-dotted thumb.

  23. dhcoop says:

    Bright spot in my day was listening to the Marshall Arts hour on Supertalk. He had Brian Leech on today and it was AWESOME!

  24. dhcoop says:

    Ok, my bad. Barry Leach.

  25. dhcoop says:

    I would blame it on autocorrect, but I’ll just blame it on a major brain fart. Regardless, the show was awesome!

  26. Clucky says:

    Where is CB!? She usually goes to the flower show, doesnt she?

  27. OldBopper says:

    We haven’t heard from Crystal Butterfly in a while. I thought she was facing knee surgery but haven’t heard anything for sure.

  28. dhcoop says:

    Haven’t heard from CB, but I’ll attempt to contact her.

  29. dhcoop says:

    Just heard from CB. Planning on seeing her in the morning.

  30. dhcoop says:


    It’s going to be a beautiful day for the fall flower show! Gonna go run through the shower.

  31. parrotmom says:

    Morning to you all!!! Coop enjoy the flower show. AnnO I am the same way no flowers/plants for me either.

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