Monday Free-For-All

Good morning!  Hope you have a great week.

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47 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Howdeeeee! Happy Monday y’all! It’s going to be a beautiful day; wear it well.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, Happy monday to you all. Get readding for aotherdoctrs appointment at 8:15 am. I guess time for PD to sign all the yucky paper work. Oh Joy!!!
    Prayers and hugs to all in need.

    OB thanks for the info from last night regarding my sewer :)

  3. dhcoop says:


    It’s REALLY foggy this morning!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Dang Ihave sent to emails to cornpop to have both undelivered. I will send one to Coop a bit later for her to forward.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Traffic at the stack was wondeful as usuall. It became better after Pearl St exit. Then Lakeland was a pain, but we still managed to make it before time. I wonder how long this wait will be?

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Fog is so thick, I can’t see the road. We got a nice slow rain late yesterday. Great for my ammonia and lime on the lawn!

    I hope everyone has a good day!

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang!.. that fog was a mess to drive this morning.

    Dad calls me as I am leaving home.. needed me to stop and pick up some roses for my mom from him… today is there 40th wedding anniversiary.

    everyone have a great day!

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Fluttering through. Gotta write my column then settle in to the history page.
    But first a prayer …

    “Dear Lord Jesus, many people around here are needing Your touch. Marshall needs to be able to see through the fog of sickness to do what he needs for his family today. God give him the grace and strength to endure. Please give him wisdom in breaking up the cold so his body and mind can be re-energized for You. And Lord, CardinalSon continues to need your grace today. Thank you for giving it in his hour of need. I pray for the other family. Please give them comfort today as they bury their loved one. In Jesus name. Amen.”

    Incidentally, I found out the guy that did the U turn in front of Jon died Friday.

  9. OldBopper says:

    Oh CL! How tragic! Prayers for all.

    Went to Orthopedic surgeon this morning. His opinion: it’s healing fine, no surgery is necessary, come back in a month and we will xray it and tell you what we find.

    So, the dull lingering uncomfortable feeling and I will have to learn to get along a little better. I’m hoping to outlast that feeling.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Well PD is all set for November 1st. We have the shots for the belly starting today. Now to hear back fromt the plumber that is to be here after noon. I wished it would be before I head to work.

    • Barb says:

      Sorry you have plumbing problems on top of everything else that you are dealing with!! Is PD having surgery on November 1st?

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Well, good grief. That sounds about as much fun as shots in the eyeball, PM. I hope this works a lot better for him.

  11. OldBopper says:

    Does anybody want a Bose surround system? Specifically a Bose Acoustamass 6 which has a front center, left, and right speaker and two rear speakers (left and right) along with the sub woofer. You must have a stand alone receiver to plug the system in to. Retail for $700, asking $275. A friend of mine wants to sell it.

    MrsH, it would be perfect for your set up.

  12. Clucky says:

    Im home in bed. 2nd day in a row. Pain 12 on a 1-10 scale.


  13. Legal Eagle says:

    BE’s friend was knocking on the door at 7:30 this morning to go to Bolton with him to unload the junk off his truck. Since I didn’t go to bed until after 2:00 a.m., I can’t say that I was particularly glad to see him.

    The park maintenance man came by at 11:00 and said the water would be turned off for several hours while they worked on the line. At least they said something this time, which is highly unusual. I planned to take Miss Clairol to lunch today, but I guess maybe I’ll see her about supper time. I have to see her today because I’m going to a ladies lunch tomorrow with members of my high school graduating class.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    There is a new science fiction thriller out that is set in Agricola, MS. Mr. H says it’s too bad the author isn’t actually from Agricola because it won’t have local color. “It will only have shallow, superficial, pastel local color.” He’s so right. But I’ve purchased it for my Kindle and I’ll let him know.

    If we see lots of rubber-neckers driving along Hwy 613, we’ll know why.

  15. Airwolf says:

    Did Tank leave us too?

  16. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening

  17. Clucky says:

    Im afraid so, AW. It appears to be the case.

  18. dhcoop says:


    It’s DWTS night!

  19. Clucky says:


    (MrFab has lost his marbles. Carry on.)

  20. dhcoop says:

    I’ve been up since 2 a.m. Think I’m going to crash now.

    Let’s all have a better tomorrow. My today was okay, but tomorrow can always be better!

  21. OldBopper says:

    Watching the World Series game. Good game so far. Rooting for the Cardinals.

  22. Legal Eagle says:

    You would think that if the maintenance comes by to tell you not to run water or flush toilets for a few hours, that he would come back by and tell you he was through working. Oh, but no. I finally turned the water on about 6:30 and turned the breaker to the hot water heater back on and Miss Clairol and I finally got together.

    BE’s friend went off a while ago while they were in Bolton and BE’s headlights apparently have a short that makes them go off and on, so he is staying over there in the camper tonight.

    I haven’t eaten a bite today. My prescriptions last month were out of date and the doctor’s office called me in a one-month refill until I could get way out on Old Canton Road to see him. He can’t see me until Thursday and I took my last medicine yesterday, but his nurse said they had afforded me the courtesy of refilling them for one month. So now I’m afraid that if I eat, I will be up all night with acid reflux. I hung up the phone when the nurse called and said “Beeatch” at the top of my lungs. Of course, she didn’t call me until my pharmacy had closed, so now I guess I will have to call them tomorrow and see if they will loan me a few pills until Thursday.

  23. Legal Eagle says:

    You may now go back to your regularly scheduled program. The rant is over, for now anyway. I’m sure I will be able to find another subject by tomorrow at least.

  24. parrotmom says:

    I am sort of late. The plumber finally showed up. Not sure how bad the news will be. One working toilet and they have to find a part of the line in the backyard that wasn’t replaced back a few years ago. I was told not to worry. Hmmm!!! I think that means just the oposite.

    So you folks think Tank is really gone for good?

  25. Legal Eagle says:

    I’ve seen her on Facebook, but not here. I hope she isn’t gone from here. Since when can’t friends have different opinions and still be friends?

  26. Clucky says:

    I hope not.


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