Budget plan approved; McCoy challenges Barbour to a duel

Jackson, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi Legislative leaders patched together a $5.4 billion budget outline for 2012 yesterday.  And in a shocking announcement, House Speaker Billy McCoy (D-Rienzi) challenged Governor Haley Barbour to a duel.  “I’m sick of his smug lectures about cutting Guv’ment, ” said Speaker McCoy.” We’re going to settle this once and for all  like men”

Other lawmakers seemed shocked by the Speaker’s announcement. “I told Billy that this wasn’t a good thing, but he’s madder than a spanked hornet, “said Representative Steve Holland. “He wants to go old school and go Aaron Burr on the Governor’s #$%.”  Lt. Governor Phil Bryant seemed okay with the concept. “It’s OK with me.  So the Governor gets winged .. that just means I get to be Governor a little earlier than I planned.”  Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann would officiate the duel, which would be held outside of the State Capital.

Jackson City officials seemed OK with the showdown as well. “We were a little concerned about gunfire in Jackson, but it has happened before,” said Mayor Harvey Johnson. “I just hope this doesn’t interfere with us getting any money from the State to repair our aging water infrastructure.”

State Treasurer Tate Reeves sees it as a good thing, “Look, those two have been going at it for years. If we can do this and settle their squabble, it’ll provide closure to their ridiculous cat fight. Speaker McCoy doesn’t much like me anyway. And as a bonus, if we charge admission, we can shore up the MPACT program.”

A date and time for the duel hasn’t been announced yet.  “But you’re darn tootin’ it will happen,” said Speaker McCoy as he stormed off from the podium. No word from the Governor’s office is he plans to change “Let’s go walking” to “Let’s go dueling.”

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5 Responses to Budget plan approved; McCoy challenges Barbour to a duel

  1. An Observer says:

    Sadly, the provision that stripped the rights of suffrage and of holding public office from duelists was stricken from the Mississippi Constitution a while ago.

  2. dhcoop says:

    OMG!! You are too funny!!!

  3. parrotmom says:

    This is too good.

  4. cardinallady says:

    LOL!!! the print is awesome too. where do you find these things?

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