Wednesday Morning Links: News and stuff

Good morning! What a difference a day makes — it’s a good 20 degrees warmer outside this morning.  There’s some light drizzle out there, too. It’s not an issue here in Central Mississippi, but Northeast Mississippi is starting to get treacherous.  Enjoy the balmy weather down here and if you’re up north, take caution.  And remember, if you don’t like the weather in Mississippi, wait five minutes.

Here’s the official forecast from the National Weather Service for Jackson. It’ll be cloudy with a chance of drizzle and a high of 56.

Here’s today’s Free-For-All for discussion and more.

Biggest Loser is the biggest winner. Mississippi’s own Patrick House lost the most and gained the most last night by being crowded winner of NBC’s reality show, “The Biggest Loser.” House showed America that he had a bigger heart than stomach and if there were any doubters, he won them over, too.  He reinvented himself from a broken-down, out-of-work sales rep to a slimmed-down, confident inspiration right before our eyes. He’s also the third Mississippian to win a reality show this year alone.  So remember America, if you’re on a reality show and there’s a Mississippian on there with you. concede defeat.

Murrah Coach who whipped players keeps his job and goes back on the payroll Monday. I’m kind of  Old Testament on this issue.  Eye for an eye —  or in this case, a very large man should have given him a dose of his own medicine.

Just in time for Christmas… The Senate is about (early this morning)  to vote on the tax cut extension.  It passed a procedural vote 85-13.  So far, the Obama administration is like Presidential greatest hits: You have Bill Clinton talking about George W. Bush’s tax cuts.

Veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke’s chilling last words about Afghanistan: “You’ve got to stop this war in Afghanistan.”

Speaking of... in an effort to break the Taliban, the U.S. is using more firepower and counter-terrorism tactics.

Excellent Rick Cleveland column about Delta State’s very intelligent QB Micah Davis (who just graduated with a 4.0 in Chemistry).  The Statesmen will be playing this weekend for the Division II National Championship (which they won in 2000.)

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2 Responses to Wednesday Morning Links: News and stuff

  1. parrotmom says:

    Thank you for keeping me abreast on all the top news.

  2. dhcoop says:

    Yet another Mississippi threat on a reality show!

    I feel sure these guys could win. They are awesome!

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