Thursday Morning Links: News and less

This is going to have to be fast.  I mean REALLY fast. I have twenty minutes before I wake the boys up.  So here we go…

Eight days, 17 hours and change until Christmas Day. Time to go finish up your shopping.

Thursday Free-For-All: The daily discussion area can be found here.

Today’s weather is brought to you by LITHIUM. Lithium, the #1 treatment for bipolar weather.  Yes, it is 40 degrees warmer this morning than it was two days ago.  Today’s forecast calls for a 50% chance of rain and a high of 74.

Tax package heads to the House for a high stakes vote.  Will enough Dems peel away from the House leadership and vote with the President? Will Nancy Pelosi and gang get their way and we end up with our taxes rising next year?  Stay tuned.  I know I’m not rich and if it doesn’t pass I’ll have to pay several thousand more (primarily from the child credit going away).  I could use that money to help keep my family afloat. Here’s how the tax bill would affect you.

After a LOOONG and rich career, Larry King hangs up his suspenders.

Michael Vick, “I’d like to own a dog again someday.” Here ya go Mike — here’s your dog.

Haley Barbour ponders a run for the Presidency. And here’s my cartoon about it.

Interested in seeing Tron? Here are some reviews for you.  Want to see Yogi Bear? I’m so, so sorry.

Got to run. More good stuff later.

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