Christmas Free-For-All

Merry Christmas and thank you for the blessing of your friendship.

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11 Responses to Christmas Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Merry Christmas to you all and all your loved ones!

    PM, thanks for the good wishes from yesterday. Midnight came pretty quickly, but 1:45 took forever to come!! It took us that long to get the rest of the store in order!! I hope you and PD have some peace today.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Merry Christmas!

    I hope Blues made it home OK. PM, glad to know you will have dinner with others….I worried about you being alone on Christmas Day. Barb, hope you can get some rest and enjoy the remainder of the day.

    Been keeping the basement water under control since about 6:30 this morning. It’s not bad, but requires tending to about every half hour. Should be done about 45 minutes after the rain moves out. Still, it’s a Merry Christmas for the 246 million Christians in the United States and Season Greetings to the other 70 million folks. We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves and that includes everybody.

  3. parrotmom says:

    All cleaned up and ready to play in the rain. At least I don’t look like what the cat/dog dragged in anymore.

    I hope Santa was really good to everyone.

  4. parrotmom says:

    I had a good lunch and enjoyed my couple of hours of time away. I went back and fell asleep. Am home taking care of the Parrot and the kittie girls heading back soon. I have been talking with him about my going back to work next week, but he does not want to be alone at night and he is not pretending. Don’ know how Tuesday and after will go?

  5. Mrs. H says:

    Blessings to you, PM. We are praying for both you and PD.
    Lovely Christmas here, despite the weather. El woke us up at 6, and thanks to that, I got all the cooking that needed doing before church done. Sr. Mrs. H joined us at church and came home with us, bearing pecan pie and glazed carrots. Everyone was happy.

    Merry Christmas to you, my cyber family.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Good evening. We’ve had a long delightful day! Got up early and went Baby Darlings to watch Bear open his gifts. He has so much he can’t play with it all. Then back to our house to get ready for our family brunch! It turned out great. Later this afternoon we headed up to the farm to celebrate with Mom and Dad. Finally back home and pooped.

    I hope all had a wonderful day!

  7. parrotmom says:

    AW I thought about that breakfast brunch this morning. I bet it was delicious :)

    • Airwolf says:

      I cooked over five pounds of bacon! That’s not counting the sausage patties and ham. It turned out well.

      I pray you guys will have better days and nights.

  8. msblondie says:

    Merry Christmas! We had a good day. Lunch with the in-laws then got M off to her dad’s. Hubby and I are just relaxing now… it is quiet in the house.

  9. OldBopper says:

    For some reason I awoke at 4:45 am. I set the basement water alarm before going to bed and had not heard it. Checked the basement and water around one edge. Went over to the water alarm and saw that I had placed it upside down. So I put the pump vacuum directly on the leak and used the other to mop up the excess. Took about twenty minutes. So glad I got up when I did. Everything is under control for the moment.

    Was hoping to go shopping early this morning. I need a couple of suits with the wedding coming up. I did some scouting Christmas Eve afternoon and I think I know where to get what I want. When you wear a 42 short and have a big butt, your choices are extremely limited. Dillards has a whole floor dedicated to men’s apparel but only about 8 or 10 suits that fit me along with less than a half dozen sport coats.

    Belks usually has the best selection and prices for me. Plan to go there first. PQ, oldest daughter and grands are going shopping too. They are looking for dresses for the same reason.

  10. dhcoop says:


    Seems my family gave each other the gift of the creepy crud for Christmas. One by one we are coming down with a terrible cold. Yay.

    Funeral today for my BILs mother, who passed just a couple of days after he returned to the UAE. Big Sis still here so I’ll be going to the funeral with her.

    My truck is acting up again so I have to try to deal with that today too.

    Happy day after Christmas, indeed.

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