Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.  I’m about to go run at 4:30 a.m.

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20 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning!!! I hope you had a nice run this morning Marshall. Hope everyone that has today off has a nice one.

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      The run was excellent. Much better than Saturday’s. I’m still hauling around 30 lbs too much freight, but I didn’t curse ever second of the 35 minutes I was out there. And the weather was nice.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    We’re back from a weekend in Atlanta. Went to the Ikea store and got 2 red chairs and a footstool to match. We were due for a trip the first weekend in December, but there was too much going on at church. I think I may have found the dress I want to wear for the Eldest’s wedding. I tried on one that I really like, but the only one in my size had a little pull in the fabric. I have found it online for half the price!! Now I have something to fall back on if I can’t find anything locally.

  3. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Saw signs advertising crawfish over the weekend. A sure sign of spring in south la.

  4. dhcoop says:


    I’m off today and thankful for it.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Good morning!

    Had a difficult time explaining to students why they should not take their cell phones with them when they go to Panama. Every call that goes to voice mail or text to the inbox is charged at overseas rates whether you retrieve them or not. A couple of the adults will have phones and one of the adults is taking a computer so they will have email capability when in range of wifi.

    Hope this finds everybody doing as well as can be expected. The dress safety valve sounds like a good idea Mrs. H.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Wet on my hill this morning.

    I was relieved that Baby Darling wanted a beach wedding! Lots less preparation and much cheaper!

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. Don’t have the day off and sure would have liked to sleep in. Did get to sleep a little later than usual since Kiddo has the day off. She spent the weekend in Tennessee at a church youth thing. Got to spend a couple of hours at Shiloh National Park and found it interesting. I have a feeling we’ll be visiting the park next time we’re up that way. It’s just a few minutes from my home town. In the meantime, we need to spend a Saturday at the Vicksburg park.

    • Airwolf says:

      My Dad always found time to take us to Shiloh. My brothers and I always had a good time. We went almost every summer! It’s about an hour from here. I still enjoy going.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Wet feathers here! It was so hard to climb out of the bed today … and then I kicked myself in the tailfeathers when I read Marshall’s post about getting up at 4 a.m.

    I’m trying to get myself in the mood to write and take care of my editor. Gotta go. Marshall, thanks ever so much for making me SMILE and laugh this morning. Your cartoons are FUNNY!!

    Blues, crawfish, potaotos, corn, sausages and Old Bay … boy you have flung a craving on me!

  9. msblondie says:

    morning gang… home with the crud today… got it over the weekend..

    i think i am going back to bed.. all have a good day

  10. Mrs. H says:

    We’re going to the florist at lunch today. A friend told me that when I get over the shock, to give her a call. She did her daughter’s (I was at the wedding and didn’t realize they were DIY) and told me she’d help with ours.

    • OldBopper says:

      MrsH, you could probably do all the flowers except for the bouquet yourself. It would save a lot of money. I take it the church has plenty of vases and some talented people who can arrange flowers.

      We have lucked up on that as a lady has offered to do the flower arrangements for the wedding and reception for just the price of the flowers. It’s a wedding gift. We still have to purchase a bouquet(s).

  11. Barb says:

    My Giants won last night!!!! YAY!!!

  12. OldBopper says:

    I think I found and repaired the electrical short in my motorcycle. I blew three fuses before I finally found the cause. Had two short (10 mile) rides and everything is working as it should. If Boule is happy, I’m happy.

    Barb, glad you are happy with the win by the Giants. Blondie, take care of yourself and shake that stuff soon.

    Gotta run, the Legislature convenes in 7 minutes.

  13. OldBopper says:

    It took all of 9 minutes for the House and Senate to convene and adjourn. Glad I didn’t drive in for the proceedings. The first week or two is always slow after statewide elections.

  14. Airwolf says:

    They’ll get down to visible work about 20 days before adjournment.

  15. msblondie says:

    feeling better.. got some drugs in me and slept most the day.. hoping i got this knocked out.

    mrsh: my sister did all my flowers for my wedding… even my bouquets. never knew the difference. she got the talent from my grandmother (she owned 2 florist shops)

  16. clucky says:

    I am so over this surgery stuff. I thought I was sick and tired of hurting, but dadgum….talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire! The good news is that I have feeling back in all my extremities. I do believe the sore throat/neck is the worst.

    Enough whining. In the midst of sleeping most of the day, I had the most BIZARRE dream that involved most every member of the MRBA. Leagle had a leading role, and I wish I could remember the whole dream because I was laughing my tailfeathers off even in the dream, and still laughing when I woke up-then realized how bad it hurts to laugh! For some reason Leagle was driving a station wagon (Think ‘Family Truckster’) and Halloween was involved..or maybe Mardi Gras. At any rate, there was a large time being had.

    It was nice listening to MR on the radio today. Mr Fab has gone to fetch my ice pack (bag of frozen corn) since I am apparently sporting a bull neck.

    Later, friends.
    Miss y’all.

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