Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning!  I hope you have a great weekend.

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20 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Saturday morning to all all. The time is 8:00 am. Lovely weather today until the winter returns tonight. Everyone enjoy!!!

  2. OldBopper says:

    Cool and sunny. Wind is supposed to kick up later today. Sailing is not good when its gusty. Nor is cycling.

    I think a trip to Sam’s Club is on the agenda.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Housecleaning is on my agenda today. Trying to get excited about it. Yeah, right…

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Beautiful out but cool.

  5. Barb says:

    Morning! Running late…have a great day!!

  6. parrotmom says:

    Managed to wash and dry 2 loads of clothes, paid the bills—except the light bill. Hmmm…. Can’t seem to find it, oops. Now soon to head to work and put in a few hours there. I think Rooster’s is calling my name first.

  7. OldBopper says:

    Back from an extended visit to Sams. Got me two new books to read, “No Higher Honor” by Condoleeza Rice and “December 1941” by Craig Shirley. Also found that John Grisham is writing a children’s mystery series based on a character named Theodore Boone who is 13 years old. People are comparing the books to Nancy Drew books. He’s only got two books out right now.

  8. Mrs. H says:

    I’ve got 7 jars of jalapeno jelly cooling on the counter. Every now and then I hear the ‘tink’ of another lid sealing. Mr. H & I are going on a bike ride in a bit.

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    BE had guy stuff to go do and I was going to wash clothes. Well, that was before I turned on the water tap a couple of hours ago and found that the water was turned off. I hate it when the park does that without telling any of the residents before hand.

  10. Old Bopper says:

    The yellow finches have arrived! Noticed them just before lunch.

    A bit too breezy here for a comfortable bike ride. I hope MrsH can get in a good ride.

  11. dhcoop says:

    It’s going to be 28 tonight?? But it’s so pretty outside!

    Got a bit of housework done. More to do…

  12. Mrs. H says:

    On the way back from H’burg, we saw a bike pulled over on the shoulder with its flashers on. Guy was standing beside the bike, girl was sitting on the ground beside it. We turned around and went back to see if they need any assistance. Turns out it was someone we know! He used to go to our church. His brother still does. I haven’t seen him in a while and he’s grown a full beard. When he opened his mouth and I heard is daddy’s voice coming out, I knew exactly who he was! He said they were fine. Had a flat tire and pulled off. His brother and SIL were on the way with the trailer. It was in almost the exact same spot that we had a flat several years ago and our eldest had to hitch up the trailer to the truck and come to our rescue.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Very interesting MrsH a mother small world.

  14. Barb says:

    Evening everyone! Glad this work week is over!!
    Pro Bowl tomorrow…only one more week of football…very sad!!

  15. OldBopper says:

    Happy Sunday Morning!!! Headed to early church in about an hour. Wishing all of you a blessed day.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Morning my phone still has 28 degrees outside at 7:50 am. Brrrrrr!!

  17. dhcoop says:


    8:30 am…having a cup of coffee and a bowl of grits. Phone says 32, but I just went out on the porch (in the sun) and it didn’t seem that cold.

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