Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great week!

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22 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Pretty day outside. I think PQ and I will make a 1 pm movie. There’s a movie showing which is taken from a book she read, so I guess that’s the one we will see. I have no idea of the title.

    Hope everybody has a great day!

  2. dhcoop says:


  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! It’s all bright and shiny in the hills.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a good day.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone. I have been going since 5:00 this morning. Maybe 2 more weeks of all this extra running. Life for PD and I have taken many turns and bends and when he comes home our life together will be tested even more. It has been a tough soon to be 3 months and where we have had professional nurses and CNA’s for help it all comes down to just the two of us again. I can only concentrate on today and maybe tomorrow, I can’t think on two weeks away at this time.

    I hope everyone has a Blessed Monday.

    • cardinallady says:

      Will you get home health care help when he goes home PM. Contact your local Three Rivers department (well, up here it is called Three Rivers, down there it might be something else.) It would be your area agency on aging, wait a minute … here is the information: Central MS Area Agency on Aging P.O. Box 4935. Jackson, MS 39296, Chelsea Crittle, (601) 981-1511 1-800-315-3103, Copiah, Hinds, Madison, Rankin,

  6. cardinallady says:

    Good morning good people! Got a river of words to attend to. Flit back through later. Incidentaly, my trees have been been swarming wit cardinals lately.

  7. OldBopper says:

    PQ just came back from Kroger with Cara Cara Pink Navel Oranges. They look like a regular orange on the outside and like a red grapefruit on the inside. Originally from Venezuela, they are now grown in the United States. Very tasty. Actually reminds me a bit of grapefruit.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the info CLady. They will have him set up for home health to include rehab, but from past experience the nurse can only do so much and if no one holds the therapist feet to the fire you don’t know for sure how well they are doing there job or biding there time.

  9. OldBopper says:

    One for the Money is the movie. PQ says the book was really funny. Judging. From the trailers it will be funny.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. A small group today. I hope everyone is well. Can someone tell me what is a MOVIE? j/k I am glad you enjoyed it OB. Here I go again off to the wild, wild east?? North??? Do I know anymore???

  11. dhcoop says:


    I’m looking forward to the season premier of RuPaul’s Drag Race! Comes on at 8.

  12. msblondie says:

    evening gang!.. Do you know that Tinker Toys are now plastic instead of wood? unbelieveable. Hubby is helping M with her mousetrap car. They are using Tinker Toys now for part of it. I am staying out of it and watching.

    PM Prayers for you hun.. I know you are worn out.

  13. Clucky says:

    Checking in. Pretty good day Sat w/Chicklette, stayed in bed all day yesterday. Got up early to take her to school and do a little housework. (not supposed to do ANY) but sorted laundry, folded towels, but reached in the dishwasher for a spoon mase me scream with muscle spasms. Still recovering. I did manage to make meat loaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. First time I have cooked in 3 weeks, at least. Follow up appt Thursday afternoon in Jackson.
    PM, prayers for you daily. Thankful for nsblondie tending to our vets weekly, Leagle mixing it up with the old farts at bridge, OB & PQ getting ready for the wedding of the century…missing coop. Grammargirl, Tank, and the turdhead.
    So proud to call you friends.
    I’ve gotten into Pinterest lately, and making little crafty stuff to keep me sane. Plan to make log cabin pillows tomorrow.
    Love y’all.

  14. Clucky says:

    Oops, did not mean to omit Barb, Molly, CB, CP, etc.
    Thing 2 is back in college. We are about to have a COME TO JESUS meeting with the financial aid office. He applied for an unsubsidized student loan,,
    Amd has been o. His own for two years. They are insisting on both parents tax information, which is totally unneccesary.
    Mes H, how are wedding plans going? A dear friend that lives in Ocean Speinga and sis wedding photography has moved to Hawaii. I can find out who did Tim’s daughter’s wedding last fall if y’all are atill looking.

  15. Clucky says:

    Forgive my spelling. My vision is going down quickly.

  16. dhcoop says:

    Clucky, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon!! We miss you, too!

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    Why anyone would want to spend all that money when they could have a really nice and much less expensive wedding under the trees in the great outdoors in the MRBA’s great little wedding chapel, complete with eco-friendly popcorn thrown at the bridge and grooms beats me, to to each their own.

    I’ve been off with only 3 of the old farts today and since 2 were in their 60’s and 2 are barely in their 70’s, I played with a bunch of kids today.

  18. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Looks and smells like rain is coming. I’ve been outside trying to walk some of my soreness away.

    I hope you all have a great day!

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