Saturday Free-For-All

GOOD morning!  About to go for a long run with my sons.

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15 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Happy sunshine is here today! G’mawnin’. A bit chilly for riding but I’m already thinking about next weekend. May zip over to V’burg this morning.

    Clucky, our “Chances Are” is by Johnny Mathis. Love the words and the tempo. PQ and I consider that to be our song. Yeah, yeah, I know the song pre-dates your birth.

    Daughter has a shower scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Its her first, so she and her Momma are both excited.

    Hope everybody has a great day!

  2. OldBopper says:

    Hyperlink to “Chances Are”.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Glad it has warmed up 10 degrees since the first time I was up. At 8:30 it is 44. We had frost on my side of town. Happy Saturday to you all!

  4. Barb says:

    Good morning!!

  5. CornPop says:

    Thanks for the beautiful brain itch, OB! It’s one of my favorite songs, too – Johnny Mathis is the only version I know and love…never heard of the others. Guess I’m dating myself.

    I have a huge pot of red beans cooking down on the stove, per Orville’s request. I’m happy to cook anything he has a taste for because before too long it will be extemely difficult to get him to want to eat anything. We’re going to have our daughter, SIL & all four grandkids over for supper tonight, along with my parents. This will probably be the last time can we do this for a while due to Orville’s treatments. The grands (aka little incubators) range from ages 2 1/2 through 12 and we’re going to have to keep him away from possible exposure to illnesses until his immune system recovers to normal down the road. I think that will be one of the most difficult things he will have to endure – we both adore those children, but will do whatever has to be done.

    He has an appointment with the oncologist specialist on Monday at 10am. She read his medical chart and squeezed him into her full schedule so that we can move forward quickly.

  6. Airwolf says:


  7. blue4you says:

    Howdy. 09:40am

  8. dhcoop says:


  9. parrotmom says:

    afternoon! I ran home from work to take care of PD. Will be heading back soon. The weather is lovely out today :)

  10. blues4you says:

    It’s cloudy & cold in bayou country.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Wow!!! Where is everyone? I’be been bad :(. I lost patience with PD and vice versa. After working and running back and forth. In his mind he thought he was right and I had his wheelchair legs backwards. He hurt my feelings and made me cry. So after all was said and settled I took a nap. My feelings are still hurt, but we are at peace. He walked to the bedroom with my assistance to see and talk to the Parrot for his bedyime. That was a first. Now to find something to watch on tv.

    I get to go back to work tomorrow since I wasn’t able to stay as long as I intended to today. Yea me :(

  12. OldBopper says:

    (((((PM))))) Had a good ride today and really enjoyed the weather. Going to early church in the morning and then, and then, Boule and I are headed north. We’re going to visit all the Delta Counties we haven’t been in. Going up 55 to DeSoto County across to Tunica and then south on U.S. 61 to Hwy 82 and then back down 55. Should be an all day ride.

  13. dhcoop says:

    PM, you haven’t been bad. You are being challenged more than most and deserve a little consideration.

    I just got off the phone with my BFF in Oregon who will be coming to Jtown in a few weeks for her brother’s memorial. I haven’t seen her in 10 years and I’m really looking forward to it! Her brother passed a couple of months ago (extended illness) and the family is all gathering here for a final farewell. I got really tickled at her telling about the USPS losing his remains. I never thought about there being rules about shipping cremated remains, but you can’t just use FedEx or UPS. Suffice it to say she wants to make a special visit to the Madison PO to personally thank someone that found her brother after he was “lost” for three weeks in the USPS! It wasn’t funny at the time when she was searching, but it’s funny now that he’s safely with family.

    Started plotting the garden area in CS today. Looking forward to lots of home grown veggies this year.

    Now going to finish watching The Devil Wears Prada.

  14. parrotmom says:

    I bet that was very upsetting at the time with USPS loosing something that important. So glad they can laugh about it now.
    Nite, nite to all!!!

    OB have a good and safe ride tomorrow.

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