Sunday Free-For-All

Happy Sunday! Hope you have a wonderful day today!

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19 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! I just read the CL article about Glen Campbell. I took Mom & Dad to see him the last time he came to the Resort and I’m thankful we went. He was & is an awesome entertainer!

    OB, you mentioned a smaller bike that will go faster than a moped. I’m interested…but I WILL take a safety course, Cub says he wouldn’t have made it without his course, since we’ve never been bike people (didn’t grow up riding).

    Everyone have a wonderful day! I’m off to early church!

    • OldBopper says:

      It’s a Honda Rebel rated in the 250 cc category. Built in the cruiser style. This one is in real good shape. Has new battery, fresh oil change, new spark plugs, windshield by Memphis Shades, saddle bags by Tourmaster and a sissy bar. Also has wig wag brake lights to augment the regular brake light. And it has a full cover. A great little around town bike or for a ride on country roads. Wouldn’t try to ride it on the interstate except for a mile or two. I’ve had it up to 70 mph, but it’s real comfortable at 65 and below. It formerly belonged MrsH and has only been adult ridden. Has 9,000 miles on it and good rubber. Gets 70 mpg.

      Yes, by all means take the safety course. I did and learned a lot. I had never ridden before that. They used a Honda Rebel as one of the cycles to teach on.

      You can email me at for more info.

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. OB it looks like a. great day for a ride. Take care, good weather and weekend means more traffic.

    Off to church after a while then on to the nursing home.

  3. Jo Anne Dukes says:

    Hope to meet you at the Carrol’s home in Norfork soon. I plan to ask you to be ‘friends’ on FB, as Caroline has suggested. We are both from Jackson, and Kay Kelly is my niece through her mom, my sister, Mac Skinner. (We now live in Norfork tool.)

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. I may have seen Glen Campbell as a kid not really sure. I know I saw Tanya Tucker at the rodeo way back in the day.

    Will go back to work after lunch today. I sure wish I did not have too :( I would love to have a day off for what ever that is?

  5. dhcoop says:


    It is gorgeous out today! Looking forward to seeing my Peanut play soccer this afternoon. Perfect weather for it.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Enjoy yourself today Coop!! The weather is nice for a game.

    Hello Jo Anne, come back a visit us.

  7. dwb810 says:

    AW, CP, PM, PD, Clucky, I have you all in my prayers. I know there are others but I am having a senior/blond moment.
    35 years ago this past week my brother died. I woke up crying this morning because I dreamed I found him alive. Oh how I miss him. Okay, sorry for the depressing post just needed to share with those who would not judge.

    • blues4you says:

      Hey there, dwb810. It’s been a long time. Hope you’re doing well.

      On behalf of everyone here, thanks for the compliment in the last sentence of your post

    • Airwolf says:

      I lost my two younger brothers not too long ago. I find myself wishing I could just talk to them. Ed was 42 and Frank was 46.

  8. Molly says:

    {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for dwb. I woke up crying not too long ago after dreaming about my grandfather.
    Hey, everybody. Been a quiet weekend at our house. Kiddo and I were going to go see a movie today, but she doesn’t feel well. So, I made grape jelly instead.

  9. DWB810 says:

    Thanks everyone. Particularly difficult this year. Don’t know why but ……

  10. dhcoop says:


    Hey dwb! Good to see you here. Sorry about the sadness. I can certainly relate. I still get sad about losing my husband, and that’s been 22 years.

    Weather was beautiful today. Enjoyed the time with my Baby Girl and Peanut.

  11. DWB810 says:

    Thanks Coop. I am sure a husband is a deeper sadness. Side note for you – I am part of a professional group here in StL and the president collects frogs. Makes me think of you every time I go to a meeting or get an email.

  12. cardinallady says:

    Evening. Sitting at the office waiting on my editor to polish off a story for me to post to our web site. PLEASE pray. Baby drowned in a creek today. The daddy worked for us several years ago. They are a sweet family. I just CAN’T FATHOM what they are going through.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Had a great ride today. Boule and I logged 540 miles and tagged 15 counties in northwest Mississippi. We have ridden in 70 of the 82 counties. I love that bike! Rode him hard on the interstate at 75-80…85 mph. He never complained and was smooth as silk. Actually reached 90 mph for a short while until I realized how fast I was going.

    There was an awful wind blowing from the south during much of the afternoon. Didn’t bother the bike, but made me uncomfortable when going east to west. Other than that, it was a great ride. And, once again, the Mustang Seat is a real butt saver.

  14. parrotmom says:

    OB so glad yoh had a great ride. DWB I still will have dreams of my parents and will wake up crying.

    Well more bad news from my world. I worked today end of month trying to do my part. Well I arrived home to the worst possible nightmare. PD on the floor blood everywhere, along with other nasty stuff. I have no clue for how long. I immediately call 911 and start cleaning the floor just to make it to him. Then I started cleaning him and in some he managed to strip to nothing but his socks. He was hollering for help and for the Lord to take him. He knew me and told me to go hide, hide, please hide. He has moderate bleeding in the brain his heart rate is high, blood pressure is high and they had to put him back on the ventilator to assure his body gets more than enough oxygen. There is a possibility that he want make it and I would be more surprised this time if he does. The internal medicine doctor told me when asked. Yes tell his kids to make the trip now if they can.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    12:51 a.m. Oh my God, Parrotmom. I just checked in and was horrified by your post. I watched the academy awards and have been reading and BE has been on the computer, but I wanted to check in before I went to bed. I’m so sorry PD took such a fall today and hope they can get him regulated. Call me any time you need someone to talk to.

    I know how some of you are feeling about missing loved ones. I lost a husband memorial day weekend of 1972 and lost a son almost 4 years ago. And my parents passed away about 25 years ago. I’m an only child, so I know sometimes it’s hard to talk to just anyone.

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