Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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22 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Last night both my Kittie girls tried to sleep with me. Itty Bitty at my feet. I sleep with my feet out of the covers and all she wanted to do was lick them, but she finally quit. Poor Tinker Bell likes a little higher up which is not good if I want to turn, so she ran away again. They are loving me so much right now :)

    I hope everyone has a good day and enjoy!!!

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning!

    We could see stars during our walk this morning for the first time in a long time.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Crazy busy!

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! I didn’t get to watch my show last night after all. We went over to the new Food Depot at the corner of McDowell and Terry Roads to check out their grand opening specials. They had pork loin pork chops for $1.19 per pound, along with lots of other specials. We heard that they may be opening one in the old County Market in Pearl that just closed.

    BE has an appointment in Forest today and I don’t know if I’m supposed to ride along or not. Otherwise, I could be washing clothes and doing a lot of other stuff.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’. At the Capitol.

  7. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flying through! Gotta get this kicking and screaming kid to bed (i.e. newspaper)! be back.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Hope everything is going your way today!

  9. dwb810 says:

    Hello everyone! Beautiful day here in StL. Well, I am off to testing for a permanent position with WashU. It may not be ideal but it would get me in the WashU system. From what I am reading, the benefits are excellent. I could get my degree for FREE!!!!

  10. parrotmom says:

    Good luck DWB.

  11. dwb810 says:

    Thanks everyone. I am back and that was intense. I usually test very high – not so sure this time. Holy Crap that was crazy. Oh well, it is what it is.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    My eldest has been stressing about the first dance at the reception. I just suggested to her that they use Linus & Lucy. She said they could learn the Charlie Brown dances. I said, “Exactly!”

  13. msblondie says:

    well everyone have a great evening… have a project graduation meeting tonight.

    If any of you are in the Byram area from 5 to 8 tonight stop by Newk’s and enjoy something… they are helping us with a fundraiser night tonight.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. I hope you are enjoying yourselves.

  15. parrotmom says:

    MrsH I don’t know what the Charlie Brown dances are??

  16. OldBopper says:

    Evening. Second batch of brownies are in the oven. I’m taking them to the Capitol tomorrow.

    Had a good day today. Helped kill some intense legislation and helped keep some other bills on life support. Didn’t lobby a soul just directed my clients in their efforts and they were very successful. That was fun and certainly not stressful at all. It’s amazing what nonprofessional lobbyists can do with proper instruction. The fun part is the opposition didn’t know who was sinking their ship until their heads were under water, and I still don’t have my fingerprints on anything.

  17. OldBopper says:

    MrsH, my daughter reminded me a week or so ago that she and I have never danced and she thought it might be good if we did a couple of dances together before the magic day. I’m nervous about dancing with the MIL, but I bet we will be OK.

    Of course yours can pick out the song they want to use and practice a few times until they feel comfortable. It’s not necessary to be a ballroom dancer but I would pick a song that runs about 2.5 minutes and not one of those horrible 6 or 7 minute songs. Short songs are in short supply these days.

  18. dhcoop says:


    Been totally absorbed in a project, but thought I should pop in and say hi. HI!

    Now, back to work…

  19. Clucky says:

    Alive and well. No news is good news, right? Well, unless you work for a media outlet!

    OB, a story in the C-L begs me to ask…why don’t we have an “Attempted Murder” charge in Mississippi?

    Leagle, Chicklette flew through the first of the Hunger Games trilogy this past weekend, and begging for the next two. I’m trying to find them in paperback so they can go to the beach with us next week. I’m reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, the follow up to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Very good already; the letters seem to be shrinking. Glad my shades have readers built in that are stronger than my last pair of prescription glasses. Bifocals are definitely in my future.

    Speaking of Miss Thang-we saw the orthodontist today. Finally, we go to Meridian in 2 weeks, followed by BRACES!! two weeks after that. OK, her in braces, band and tennis, Thing 2 in college and Thing 1 will be back in college this fall.

    I’m accepting donations. LOL I have to do my taxes tomorrow. Sad.

    Dwb, so glad you have come back to the fold. You have been missed! I sure you did well on the test, dear. Tell your hisband hello from us!

    PM, praying for you everyday darlin. May God keep His hand on your shoulder.

    Hugs to you all! Love ya!

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