Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?  (Besides the pollen. My medication isn’t cutting it)

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28 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning. Dentist appointments for us today. And I’m going to have the nurse who works at our preschool take a look at my hand. Yesterday, I got it caught between my bike and a hard place (the edge of one of the square posts on our porch.) It was almost instantly bruised and then swollen across 3 knuckles and down my index finger.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone!!! So sorry for you Marshall and you others that are under attack from the pollen blob. It is hump day down hill the rest of the week. Words from PD who sometimes is present and others in his own world. “Life is short! and Death is short!! He tickled me so bad one day and you can’t help to smile(laugh). I walked in the room and said hey dear, his repsonse “K” I have been talking to you for the last hour where have you been?” The brain is something else for sure.

    Everyone enjoy your day and hopefully the weather want be too bad. Keeping fingers crossed.

  3. OldBopper says:

    MrsH, with a hand in that shape, you need an automatic transmission on that hot rod bike you have. Hope it heals quickly.

    Two unusual problems this morning. Ran out of shaving cream and forgot to get more. So PQ let me use her Raspberry Mist shaving cream. It’s kinda like brushing your teeth with bubble gum flavored toothpaste that the kids use.

    The other situation is I had to search for my glasses this morning. They have been the last thing off and the first thing on for a lot of years. But I don’t wear them for watching TV any more.

    Headed to the Capitol for a while this morning. I haven’t been in several days and need to make sure they don’t forget me.

    Wishing everybody a pretty good Wednesday which is a lot better than a pretty bad one.

    • dhcoop says:

      OB, you made me LOL with the shaving cream analogy!!

    • Mrs. H says:

      OB, nothing we own has an automatic transmission. Em did and El will have to take driver’s tests in a standard.

      • Old Bopper says:

        That is so neat. I think everybody ought to have to learn to drive a standard shift. Our two girls had standard shift in their first car.

      • msblondie says:

        I wish we still had a standard so I could teach M. Both my sister and myself had to learn to drive one before we were allowed to get our licenses. Mine was on my dad’s Bronco II with the starter acting up. Learned to park on the hill and pop the clutch to crank.

  4. Barb says:

    Morning! Back to work today. Not too thrilled, but have to work!

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day today.

  6. Airwolf says:


  7. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Busy day!

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning! wait! *brushing all the yellow pollen off of my wings and tail feathers* I really am a redbird and not an orange bird like I appeared to be when I first flew in. Heh

    I wore a yellow shirt today so you can’t see the pollen on it. The rain is a coming THANK GOD!!! We truly need it. I saw the most fascinating thing today, oh first I saw my first humming bird! I put out the nectar last week and was rewarded this morning. It is a full two weeks earlier than usual! The girl that works with me here and I have been talking about them for the past weeks and I sighted mine first. I live west of town so it makes sense that I’d see one first. I called her and told her and she is a tinsy bit jealous since she sent off and got this beautiful new feeder.

    Now, to what I witnessed after the hummer. I saw two wood ducks flying from their nesting hollow tree this morning with a baby duck in the beak of one of them. They were headed to the water that is about a quarter to half mile away from my house. I knew they nested in that tree every year and always wondered how they got the babies to the water. She had it by the neck like a kitten. it was an awesome sight. Then I paid even closer attention and noticed that two sentry ducks were standing guard while they were moving the babies. It’s amazing! who couldn’t believe in God when nature shows it?

    • msblondie says:

      How awesome CL – those ducks were a sight I bet. We have wrens that nest under our porch owning.. and it is fun watching them teach the babies to fly.

    • parrotmom says:

      That is awesome about the ducks. Also glad you were first to see the hummingbird too!

  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning again.

    I questioned Daddy about how he managed to fall out of the wheelchair. He said well everyone says I can go home if I can walk so I decided to give it a try by myself. He said it didn’t work out so well. They now have him on a pressure sensitive swith that sets off an alarm if he trys to get up. But I saw some of that old fire he has. He wants to go home very badly!

    • msblondie says:

      AW – that is a good sign. But I know how careful he has to be right now.

    • parrotmom says:

      AW I know he has to ready to go home. Glad he was not injured when he did this. It’s tough on any age when they take a fall that can be life threatening or life altering.

  10. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    No communications till just a few minutes ago. Pretty serious weather in my neck of the woods this morning.

    Y’all stay safe out there.

  11. msblondie says:

    The rain and thunder are here in northwest J-town. now off to lunch.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Blues you hang in down in your part of the country. Everyone take care.

  13. Clucky says:

    Not even gonna tell y’all what time I got up today. I will say the pollen and change in the weather have me feeling like my head will explode.

    It’s coming a storm right now.

  14. dhcoop says:

    It’s gonna be a NASTY drive home tonight. Y’all stay safe!

  15. cardinallady says:

    Yep the radar is nothing but yellow – how fitting – the rest of the world is yellow too. LOL! Blues be careful down there brother.

    Hey I have a pretty good tip for those of you who have banged fingers or knees and need an ice pack (like Marshall Ramsey). Two weeks ago I tore a muscle when I was digging the grave for my dog because I was trying to get it done while I was at lunch and the clay was full of water and HEAVY. Anyway, I barely breathed without pain and ate a steady diet of aspirin and ibuprofin, occassionally putting ice on it.

    My editor (who played tennis in is younger days – a day or two ago) told me to get some polmolive dish detergent and put it in a freezer bag and freeze it. Well folks, that stuff once it is frozen stays cold for HOURS and I put it on my muscle and went right off to sleep. Felt better the next day. It’s GREAT. try it.

  16. dhcoop says:

    Well, I’ve gone and caught myself a train…

    Card, that was very cool about the ducks. I had no idea they did that.

  17. dhcoop says:


    Just had my sushi fix for the week. All better now. :)

  18. Clucky says:

    Nap and Excedrin and pseudo-Sudafed = headache GONE. Ahhhhh.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    No broken bones in the hand (HOORAY!!!) I was at the doctor’s office during the worst part of the storm. Lightning took something out in town and their computers and phones were down. The lights kept blinking so they put everything on the generator and I got to have my hand X-rayed. The swelling is less today than yesterday but just as blue. Probably a broken blood vessel, which I could see in the first minute after I got my hand out.

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