Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have an awesome day.

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56 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Good morning!! Hope everyone has a great day!

  2. dhcoop says:


    Mighty pretty outside. Let’s all have a great day!

  3. Crystalbutterfly says:


  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. It’s gotten really cloudy at the Rez. Sun was shining bright an hour ago.

  6. Molly says:

    I have a dilemma of sorts. Coworker lies about everything. I have adopted the stance that if it is not proven without a doubt otherwise, I don’t believe her, no matter what she says. So far, I have just let the lies slide. But I am getting really sick of (1) being lied to, and (2) her believing that I am stupid enough to believe her lies. Lately, it has gone beyond the purely unbelievable (like, she broke 9 ribs on a ski trip but didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so she got taped up and back on the slopes immediately) to telling me one thing and half an hour later telling me the exact opposite. Both statements could not possibly be true, yet she seems to expect me to believe both. Should I comment after her second, contradicting statement that something is wrong considering what she told me earlier, or should I just let her keep believing that I’m an idiot? I really resent the second option. It’s gotten to the point where I hope she calls in sick or something. I had rather have to both our jobs than to listen to her. We are stuck in the same room all day so I can’t avoid her.
    Signed, Sick of Being Lied To

    • dhcoop says:

      I vote for option one.

      • Barb says:

        Ditto!! I HAD a friend like that. For instance…she woke up in Mexico married to a stranger so they tore up the marriage certificate and went their separate ways! Yeah, right!! She had 3 more marriages and divorces and that never showed up?! I don’t think so!! She partied with B.J. Thomas when he had his club here. She would have to be a heck of a lot older than she is. So, as far as I am concerned, if you know someone is lying to you and you can’t not see them, call her on her next lie!

    • msblondie says:

      i say confront her

    • OldBopper says:

      Molly, don’t know what to tell you. That is usually an indication of a very insecure person. At least that’s my opinion.

      • Molly says:

        I am not in disagreement, OB. She puts on a show about being sure of herself and totally self-reliant, but I have thought for a long time it was all an act.
        You should hear the stories she tells, like the one where she was thrown into a Mexican prison naked and all the prison guards pulled up chairs to gawk at her. Oh, yeah, she had a couple of broken ribs then, too, but they were fine in a day or two.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      Molly, not sure what to tell you I am in the same boat put she doesn’t lies about the personal things she just lies about work things.
      When I came back from leave instead of being at my old desk I was put into another location and having to do two jobs. I kept my job title and pay, if not I would have been in the big boss’s office. I was told it only for a little while but I know that I was lied to about that. because the location I was put in is for a lower position, they fired the girl doing the job and I used to do the job and hated it so they decided to make me do the job, I feel like I was slapped in the face

      • Molly says:

        I haven’t caught her in any work-related lies. But she lies about non-important personal things so easily, I have to wonder about everything else that comes out of her mouth. Thankfully she has no power over me. In fact, I am her direct supervisor. She’s been talking about getting her Masters in Business and trying to get the Business Manager’s job (she can’t stand the current one) and that would put her directly over me. That’s not gonna happen! I would be out the door so fast their heads would spin.

        • Crystalbutterfly says:

          the one that lies here is on paper my supervisor but I don’t answer to her I answer to the big boss and he has stated that on more than one occasion

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Molly, one of our former co-workers who, by the way, is on your friend list on Facebook, made up lies about me and went to her boss with at least one big whopper that I know of. I ended up being made a floater and she ended up working for the lawyer I had worked for for 4 years. And to top it all, she and I usually ate lunch together. I read an magazine article not long after that and the magazine called her personality type “black widow.” I have no doubt that her lie was the foundation for my being let go when the strip down came in preparation for the building of the new office. I say whip her a@@!

  7. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Had a call from the Vet this morning. Rider finally had a movement and we know the culprit…..string! When she told me that, it was easy to figure out what happened. A few nights ago the cats decided to play with the thread on PQ’s six spool monogram machine. They had thread all over the room. We’re talking commercial sized spools of thread. We have since covered the spools so they can’t get to it.

    There’s a problem though. String will cut through the intestine. An xray showed more string in his system. The Dr. wants to wait for another movement to see if it clears out. If not, she’s going to have to operate. At least for the moment, he’s feeling good and doing pretty good.

    Four days and counting until the wedding.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning! OB I’m glad your cat is better even tho not out of the woods. Molly I can’t handle liars either.

    Mom and I had to make the decision to move Daddy from rehab to residential status this morning. He’s not making any progress toward walking. I don’t think he’s capable of doing anymore. A stroke in its self is a steep hill to climb but add Parkinsons and it is almost impossible at his age. But it is very depressing knowing how much he wants to go home and cannot.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    9 days til Peru; 38 days til the wedding

  10. msblondie says:

    been a busy morning already with work and with project graduation stuff.

    but te baseball games have started so i have them streaming.. so it will be a good day.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone .

  12. cardinallady says:

    Morning. Flying through! Quick prayer:

    Lord, please don’t let me kill my editor today. I don’t have time to clean up the blood nor time to write the story about the murder. Thanks.

    Explain later.

  13. OldBopper says:

    AW, so sorry to hear that about your father. I know it will be hard on both of them.

  14. dhcoop says:

    I’m sorry AW.

  15. dwb810 says:

    Hello Everyone!
    AW, most times the best decisions are the hardest. Praying.
    Molly, confront her. Although, “You are so full of crap” is probably what would come out of my mouth.
    OB, good heavens, cats can be so trying and lovable at the same time.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    I got some pretty good cards today.

  17. dhcoop says:


    Skylar Laine is doing us proud again tonight!

  18. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. I have been trying to get to the computer, but had a short visit with friend from work and her daughter. Then ran to Walmart, but had a wonderful talk with the youth director of PD’s from way back when PD was a teen.

    PD always though a lot of this man and introduced me to him either before or after we married and we stayed in touch every 5 or 10 years. He came to the funeral Saturday after seeing the Obit in the paper. He is such a kind person, he had not seen the children since they were very young. He said to see PD’s son it was spooky because it was PD made all over again. The way he walked, his mannerism.

    MrsH thanks for that big Bear Hug earlier today and all the other hugs and thoughts for today. It would be nice to get rid of his cough and sinus junk the doctor gave me some medicine yesterday but I guess in a few days I will start noticing a difference. I hope.

    OB glad they found out the problem for Rider and hopefully he will be back to his usual self soon.
    AW will be thinking of you and praying that all goes well tomorro with your Dad.
    Love and hugs to all.

  19. dhcoop says:

    Man vs. Food (Travel Channel) is on. It’s the Jackson show. He just did Chimneyville BBQ.

  20. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all of you I have a friend that need prayers for their 6 year old son—-3 years ago he was burned over 90% of his body and has really over come a lot and was doing really good until today then he starting having problems breathing and is not doing good at all—-so he and the family need all the prayer they can get so please say a prayer for them—-thanks love you guys!!!

  21. Crystalbutterfly says:

    just got news that Bowen is doing a little bit better—–our GOD is so good!!!!!!!

  22. Airwolf says:

    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for Mom and Dad!

  23. parrotmom says:

    Barb was just talking to one of my old neighbors from Maria Drive and catching up on all the gossip from everyone that I grew up around. She was talking about your street as well I wasn’t sure of your last name from that long ago, but she did recall the house.

  24. Clucky says:

    After midnight. Pitiful. Days and nights are flipped. Running on a noon-4am wake time. Sleep from 4am-noon. Crazy.

    As IF we needed another cat, saw a buddy today who told be they had bought 2 Persian cats-1 for each of their girls. The girls didn’t really like the cats; they sold one of them for the price they paid for both. The one they still had was a little matted up, so the vet did a close clip on his body, but head and face are still very fluffy. Yeah, we we given the kitty-he’s the same age as the one that one of our “former” cats brought to me about a week before I had surgery. They are getting along great, the dogs are good with him, and he has adopted (SURPRISE!) Chicklette. They were snuggled up earlier.

    AW, sorry about your Dad. You have to do what you have to do, but it sure aint easy sometimes.

    Gotta pick up my gun show tickets tomorrow while I’m in Meridian for my GI appt-yeehaw! LOL We will be at MC on Saturday for state bible drills. Chicklette should get her 4 year trophy this year. Her boyfriend is going too; should be interesting! PM, depending on who rides with who, etc., maybe we can get together.

    OB, glad yall found out what’s up with Rider. That is one seriously cool cat! I hope all turns out okay. So…you ready to give that girl away? Dang, but she is beautiful!

    Not being rude on purpose, but my eyes are heavy so I’m going to try to go to sleep at a decent time.
    G’nite friends.

    Chicklette asked me what kind of cat our new one is-I told he was normal, but his previous owners smacked him in the face with a skillet :/ She wasn’t amused.

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