Tuesday Free-For-All

Going to Oxford. How’s your day?

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19 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Marshall be careful, you may be on wet roads.

    Morning, gentle rain falling!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good Morning Marshall!! Happy Trails to you, be safe!

    Good soggy Tuesdayorning! MsB you will definitely have you struggles with 2 graduations and a wedding to plan.

    I never saw Tinker Bell come into the house morning so hopefully all will be ok!

    I have two 4S iPhones. To switch one to a single plan with taxes is approximately $100.00 to gang both put me back to approximately to 150. Seems a know brainier but to keep both up and running?

    Clucky u will get better, I can relate house work isn’t like being in the real world. I hope you have a good day and smile if possible.

  3. OldBopper says:

    G’mawnin’. Kinda damp outside but I have plenty to keep me busy inside. Besides, Boule deserves a rest.

    Hope the Boss has an uneventful drive today.

  4. CluCky says:

    I woke up the chickens this morning (as yall can tell from my 4am novella on the Monday FFA.) Got the laundry done, dishes running in the dishwasher, made nanner nut muffins for breakfast…but now I am fading fast. I don’t want to lay down because I have so much I want and need to get done today. I never take a “little” nap..it always turns into a few hours. But it’s getting hard to keep my eyes open, and I’m afraid if I try to do what I want to do, I will wind up overdoing it or get careless and hurt something. I think a nap is in order. The weather doesn’t help either.

    I’ll check in later.

  5. dhcoop says:


    Steady rain here in Jtown.

  6. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!
    has anything been decided about the picnic this year I know that LE as been posting about it, if it is in CS I just wanted to remind everyone the tomato festival is the last Saturday, June 30th so if we have it that day everyone can go to the tomato festival uptown

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    I guess I run everybody off—-BLOG KILLER!!!!

  8. Mrs. H says:

    Busy getting stuff done before I leave for a week. Some stuff, it’s just better to let it sit while I’m gone rather trying to instruct someone else how to do it. SOMEONE asked if I was going to do payroll ahead of time since I’ll be gone Monday (payday). Have I EVER not done payroll ahead of time when I was on vacation?
    Some things MUST be done!

  9. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon busy day. I have watched the clouds they seem to be moving pretty fast. Maybe the rain is over?

    MrsH you would have some upset people with no paychecks.

  10. parrotmom says:

    It’s chilly, 59 degrees at my home. I wished my firewood wasn’t all wet :(

  11. Barb says:

    Clucky, I just read your post from the wee hours. Sympathize about the computer…mine still gives me fits!! You mentioned that you have an external hard drive. Do you know of any way to make your computer use the storage space as storage space and not just as backup? Anybody? I can’t even get it to backup any more!! Help!!!!

  12. dhcoop says:


    I need to go back and read from last night. I’m behind, it seems.

    Barb, are you trying to use available space on your pc? You should be able to create a folder on your “C” drive (or hard drive) and store files, but I’m not really sure that is what you are asking about.

    The weekend and yesterday’s 12 hour work day has finally caught up with me. I am a totally pooped frog.

    Leagle, I finally got a chance to drive through the Chatauqua Park tonight. It’s beautiful, but unless we could get the pavilion, it wouldn’t work for us because the picnic areas aren’t sufficient. It would be convenient for me and CB, but I would vote that we stick with Roosevelt unless someone else has a better idea. I’ll try to check with them tomorrow to see if #1 is open. That was the best spot we’ve had in the 3 years we’ve done it. Better breeze, more shade, etc.

    PM, how you doin, dear? Still think of you daily.

  13. Msblondie says:

    Had a good trip. Got all that needed to be done done.
    It worn out.

    Everyone have good nite

  14. parrotmom says:

    Hey Coop, doing fair. Lots to do at work. The Parrot and I are getting back into a relaxed routine. He is something else. I still play PD’s recordings for him and he still prompts PD in the appropriate places as to what the next verse starts with. So special to me.

  15. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone!! Wow have we been busy at work. I am one whipped puppy.
    Just checking in and now —– checking out.
    Good night and God bless.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    Coop, I was told by the folks in charge at the park in Crystal Springs that they would set up as many chairs as we would need in the round house. But Roosevelt was fine and pavillion number 1 was shady and had a breeze coming off the water. But, wherever we go, we need to move fast before all the dates are gone.

    I agreed to substitute for the Tuesday bridge group today and I rode with an 86-year-old woman from Pearl to the Palisades on the north shore of the reservoir in the rain and got back in one piece. Thank you, JC!

    Parrotmom, this is for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXkL_mL70ck

  17. OldBopper says:

    Evening, drove older daughter’s car to Grenada and exchanged it for mine. We’re both happier. Name tags for reunion are done and will take them to one of the Vicksburgers tomorrow.

    Now, to get to work on the music for the reunion.

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