Wednesday Free-For-All

After a 19-hour day yesterday, I’ve back at it.  How are you?

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31 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Marshall and everyone else. Marshall glad you survived your 19 hour day even with all the rain.

    Well I found TinkerBell’s hiding place from Monday. Inside one of the recliners of my sectional. She slipped through the back side. She came in last night, had some supper and being slightly wet disappeared. The hunt was on. She stayed there till about 3:00 am and apparently had to go pretty bad (she doesn’t run very lightly), but made it to the box and then proceeded to sound like a cow on a flat rock! They are both outside now so time to wake the Parrot up. Got to love my pets!! (Oh and Itty Bitty stayed in all night first time since PD’s children went home. She had the top side of my pillow and I barely had the lower side of it.)

    Everyone have a good day.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. PQ and I are hoping to have a normal schedule today. We appear to be blessed with beautiful weather. Smiles and hugs to all.

  3. dhcoop says:


    It’s gorgeous out!

    PM, I’m so glad you have your kittykids.

  4. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!
    Coop and PM are now the kittymoms or as my granddaughter says the caddymom
    hope that everyone has a great “hump day”

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    Morning! I’m sipping coffee and don’t have to be anywhere until 10:30 and then 12:30.

    My high school class is having a blowout this weekend at a classmates’s weekend place in Fannin. We’re having a cookout and there is a lake or pond and sounds like lots of activities available for the afternoon. I should take my OB gift of oldies and play them some real goodies. Note to self: take CD’s.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Beautiful day but cool. When it dries a little I’ll finish mowing. Gotta clean the dust bunnies off my ceiling fans.

    I hope your day is pleasing!

  8. Mrs. H says:

    Not beautiful here, yet. Maybe later.

  9. blues4you says:

    Morning folks.

    Going to pay for mrs.blues transmission. Yes, Mrs.H it’s good to live in a small town since this happened over a month ago.

    Everyone be careful out there.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Almost lunch time. Think I will skip the grits and eggs earlier were way too bland for my liking. I think a Dt Dr Pepper and peanut M&M’s will be better.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues good too see you the last couple of days.

  12. dhcoop says:

    I’m here by myself and didn’t know what I was going to do for lunch. I had a bag of black-eye peas in the freezer, a container of microwave mac & Cheese and a box of Jiffy cornbread mix in the cabinet, a tomato and onion sitting on the counter. Lunch problem solved!

  13. Airwolf says:

    COLUMBUS, Miss. (AP) — A Columbus motorist has been fined $200 for throwing a kitten out of moving vehicle.

    Officials with the Columbus-Lowndes Humane Society tell The Commercial Dispatch ( ) that the five-week-old kitten was not harmed.

    Authorities say when the man threw the kitten from the window of his car Friday he didn’t know the vehicle behind him belonged to an undercover officer with the Columbus Police Department. The motorist has not been identified.

  14. Airwolf says:

    Anyone who will hurt an animal will hurt a human being!

  15. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening.

    I think the allergy monster has won the battle with me… the voice is about gone and the throat is sore along with my head about to explode. feeling it will be an early night for me.

  16. Mrs. H says:

    Our RA group (missions organization for boys in grades 1-6, for all you non-baptists out there) is having their annual race this evening. They have made balsa wood racers that are powered by N2O cartridges. It is a wonderful event on the church calendar. Hamburgers and hotdogs for all.

    In other news, I realized that my Kindle charger (the end that plugs into a wall outlet) is rated for 100-240V 50/60Hz. That means that I don’t need a voltage converter in Peru. All I’ll be charging is my iPod Touch, which I’ll use as a wireless communicator, my Kindle and my phone (just for the trip home). All of those will plug into the USB end of the plug.

  17. parrotmom says:

    AW that is a horrible story. So true if you hurt a poor defenseless animal you will hurt a person too.

    MrsH you are a very smart lady. Glad you don’t have to take all different type connectors to make one object work.

  18. dhcoop says:


    Been watching AI. It’s hard to say who it might be. They are all awesome. Of course, I’m pulling for our own Skylar Laine. I think this is the best season yet.

    Seems I am in demand by the young people in my life. I had Cub on Saturday, Bug on Sunday, now my niece, A, is wanting me to come up this weekend. I LOVE my family!! Blessed, I am. :)

  19. Crystalbutterfly says:

    nite nite to all!!!

  20. Barb says:

    Coop, what I am trying to do is use my external hard drive as an extention of my computer instead of just as a backup. I just read your post from last night.

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    It’s now 11:30 p.m. I left home at 10:00 o’clock this morning and just got back. We had an appointment on Lakeland at 10:30 and stopped back by Corner Bakery for the first time. Then I had to get BE to drop me off at the Brandon senior center and pick me up later and then we ran errands, etc. and ate at the Waffle House a while ago for the first time in several years. I used to be such a regular that they should have put a plaque on my booth, but we haven’t been in a while.

    My phone is chirping and my charger has gone out and BE’s won’t fit it, so that’s something to worry about tomorrow before or after our monthly Pearl senior luncheon and the Thursday bridge game.

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