Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning!  What’s up?

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24 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Morning everyone. I think I am on a mission today. I have a full day ahead at work ahead of me. Thanks to my Jungle I worked in Sunday I itch, go figure :( I need several gallons of weed/grass kill and then I want have to worry about my Jungle. LOL!!

    Clucky I laughed when I read about going for a sex change operation during your midlife crises. We already know you you would make a great plumber so why not try out the welding. Love you girl. Prayers for your friend and band director

  2. dhcoop says:


    PM, I meant to tell you I heard something a little while back on Southern Remedy (radio show on PRM) about using Milk of Magnesia on poison ivy. It’s supposed to be better than caladryl at drying it up and keeping the itch down. The only problem is that it’s white. If you are itching bad, though, it might be worth a few white spots.

    Gotta get moving. Hope everyone has a great day!!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Baking soda is also a very effective remedy. My youngest child got poison ivy so bad she had to have a shot. The next time she got exposed and started itching, I poured nearly a box of baking soda in the bath tub and after soaking in it, her symptoms went away. Caladryl doesn’t do much of anything and neither does the oatmeal soak for the bathtub, but baking soda will.

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Looks to be a nice day.

    Daddy is better and I think he’ll be returned to the nursing home late today or tomorrow!

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  5. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flying through. Juuuust pray that i don’t kill my editor before this morning is up. I have three pages to get done and he is aggravating me about pictues for another page.

    Alright. Gotta fly!

  6. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    CL please don’t kill your editor then you will have to write the story about yourself :)

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Yep, no sense in making extra work for yourself. Besides, the cleanup will take too much time and then someone would have to bake you a cake with a file in it so you could break yourself out of the hoosegow.

  7. Legal Eagle says:

    I don’t have a single place that I have to be today. What bliss that is.

  8. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    10,000 things to do and no money to get’em done….sigh

    I could use a good welder for about a day at my place, clucky, just sayin’.

  9. parrotmom says:

    AW glad to hear your dad is doing better.
    Has been a busy day and not even lunch yet.

    CLady find a stick to hold in your beak and I agree with LegalE you would be causing to much work for yourself.

  10. Airwolf says:

    Well just got the word that it will be at the quickest tomorrow before Daddy gets out. He’s not eating hardly anything and they are trying to fix that.

  11. dwb810 says:

    Hello Everyone! Last two weeks of the semester and holy cow are we busy.

    AW – Still praying.
    CL – There will be no killing at least til after the picnic.
    LE – Enjoy your day – they come few and far between.

    Gotta go for now.

  12. Molly says:

    Hey, all. Co-worker went home sick so I’ve had the place to myself :) and it got busy. No one was on the calendar to come in this afternoon, but there has been a steady stream of people. She won’t be in tomorrow either, because she apparently has been up here spreading strep throat germs. Yay. I REALLY don’t mind her being out because it is much more peaceful, but I would be worried about absenteeism jeopardizing my job. She’s worked here for just under 9 months and has missed 23 days. Of those, 2 were planned days off. 23 days! She only gets 5 days paid time off in her first year. It’s a good thing I’m healthy or there would never be anybody here.

  13. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening.. about time to wrap it up around here.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    We went to a village that is having some local political problems. The former mayor treated us to mountain harp concert. It was beautiful!! And we sang happy birthday to a 7 year old named Jensy. Mark and my FB friend Juan(our driver excellante!) have some pictures posted.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    We were out running some errands and got hungry, so I suggested that we try Five Guys for the first time. I spotted it last week on our first trip to Corner Bakery. I must say that I was not impressed. The burgers were dry, but the fries were good. I wanted some onion rings, but there’s no such thing at Five Guys. For my money, next time I’m out that way with a burger hankering I will go to Backyard Burgers. They have my favorite blue cheese burger and I like their onion rings and besides their burgers are juicy.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone! Lovely weather out today of course after the warm up.

  17. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through. Just got through with my last meeting of the day and now I need to post things on our website. I didn’t kill my editor. Thanks for those words of encouragement. I agree, no sense in missing the picnic. I could go for a cake with a file in it though. Tomorrow will be a fun day. We will be taking pictures together again all day. :)

  18. OldBopper says:

    Just a shade over 550 wedding pictures posted. These are raw photos and not intended for purchase or publication. Anyway, here’s a link, password is mclarty

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