Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.

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22 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Getting ready for another good day.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Hey Coop, I’m not first really 2nd with Marshall being first. Hope everyone has a great day. Today sure feels like it could be Friday for me. The days seem long and the week seems even longer. Maybe I can find something fun and expensive to do this weekend. Do you have to have a kid to go to the museum to see our Favorite political Cartoonist at work? What are the hours this weekend?

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! I wonder what today holds?

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! all have a great day!

  5. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!!

  6. cardinallady says:

    Good morning! It’s been a busy morning again. Finally got aggravating out of the door so I can at least get some computer work done.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin (barely). Busy, busy. Co-worker is out again today. There is a ton of work on her desk that needs to go out this week, so I’m trying to get it all done.
    Dad just called. He and Mom are going out of town for a weekend and need me to Grandma-sit. The weekend is May 4-6. As I recall, the MRBA picnic is May 5. That’s gonna knock me out of pic-a-nicking. Grandma can no longer be left along for a very long at time. I had to Grandma-sit the weekend of the very first MRBA picnic. She could be left alone back then, though. At nearly 100 years old, she needs a bit more hands-on care. She does pretty darn good for her age, though.

    • cardinallady says:

      Molly is she bed ridden? can she get out at all? Bring her for an hour or so. The sunshine would do her good. :) And I would love to talk to someone who has seen everything from Model T cars to jet air planes.

      • Molly says:

        She is not bedridden. But she can’t ride in the car for long. She hasn’t been to my house in a couple of years because the 30 minute drive is too much. And she walks with a walker and is very wobbly, so it would be hard to get around at Roosevelt. If she felt up to it, I know she would have a good time. She always did love a good picnic.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning, while it’s still morning! They had a big Skylar blowout last night at the Brandon City Hall. They put up a big TV screen that covered one wall of the part of the building that used to be the Super Jitney warehouse and sold pizza and drinks and watched American Idol.

    I have 20 people coming this afternoon for bridge, so it’s about time to get dressed and go AFK.

  9. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon! Didn’t realize that I’ve been AWOL all day. Running errands all day and doing them all on Boule. Have Casper listed for sale and have been getting some nibbles.

    Some people are just plain stupid. I had one guy tell me he called his local dealer and the dealer told him the price I am asking is what he would sell it for but he would pay me less at wholesale. So the guy wanted to know if I would take the “wholesale” price. I told him “hell” no. Advised him if he found one for that price he better jump on it. A few people have offered to trade me something for it. Sorry dude, I don’t want your belongings, just your cash money. I’m not in a big hurry so I can wait for the right buyer.

    OK off my soapbox now. If you want a friendly Honda Rebel, let me know.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      BE put his Suzuki 1100 on Craig’s list and a man from north Mississippi met his price and brought a trailer down here to pick it up.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Molly so sorry you can’t do the pic a nic:(. But glad you still have a drandmother around.

    OB I dread when I decide to start trying to sell some things because the majority wants something for nothing.

    I am surprised about my typo this morning and if you noticed were kind. I meant to say inexpensive not expensive something to do this weekend. I can think of a lot of expensive stuff?

  11. parrotmom says:

    CLady I laughed at your comment if finally having “aggravating out of the door!”

    • cardinallady says:

      Glad I could make you smile today little bird lady! I am finishing up and going home. My dear editor is going to Nashville tomorrow so I will at least have a day to myself.

  12. dhcoop says:

    Attache is performing tonight in Clinton, so I’m hanging in Jtown getting freshened up and ready to enjoy a great performance. It’ll be a late night, but it’ll be worth it!

    PM, I did kind of wonder about the “expensive” weekend plans! LOL!

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    It was a good afternoon. Twenty seniors remembered to show up and remembered how to get there, so I can’t complain.

  14. cardinallady says:

    Alright, I’m going home to feed my puppies, shut my chickens up, feed my cats and big dogs and then feed myself. :)

  15. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone!! Coop enjoy your evening at Attaché. I didn’t realize it was that time. I usual see yard signs throughout town.

  16. Clucky says:

    Home from Chicklette’s band concert. I got out of Flowood in time to get cat food, freshen up, and get the girl to school in time. As always, their performance was outstanding. Next year, we will have 150 kids marching. Yes, you read that right-ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY in a 2A band. The first year we won state, we barely had half that many in band. Now four years later, we’ve won 3 state championships in a row, and the kids that are joining band in fifth grade jump in with both feet! We are very proud of them!
    I got some not-so-great news today from my doc. We’ll just see where this goes when I see my neurosurgeon next month. OK, to spend some time with Mr Fab. Good night and God Bless.

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