Friday Free-For-All

On the road. Again. Today’s show will be from Oxford.

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28 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Safe travels, Marshall. Cub came through his surgery with flying colors. The dogs didn’t sleep last night so I am ill this morning. Sure hope Cub feels good.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning PNC glad Cub did well, now for you to get some rest after some active dogs over night.

    Marshall safe travels to and from Oxford. Please post your hours again for this weekend at the childrens museum. Thanks

    I think today is Friday, yesterday felt like one and acted accordingly. Today is going to be a long day. Oh well it is what it is.

    Clucky praying for you girl. Hang in there. I know with PD to have been so active to be shut down was very tough on him after he became disabled back in 1989, but he survived and thrived. Hugs to you and everyone else on the MRBA.

    DWB did you get your delivered onion rings from Rooster’s yet? Should I go try anothe plate and put in a word to the boss for the that delivery? Love you.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Happy Friday! When the alarm went off this morning, I picked up my phone (also alarm) to see what time it was. It’s time for the alarm to go off. duh

  4. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Thinking about riding down to Hattiesburg Cycles today just to “look” around. It’s a shame the Capitol City doesn’t have a cycle shop that nice.

    Welcome home MrsH! You can chime in anytime you want. I bet she’s behind in many things and recuperating as well. Those trips can wear you out.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Headed to the farm to mow. I’m tired an haven’t even loaded my JD.

    There’s a good possibility that Daddy will go back to the nursing home today. Fingers crossed!

    Hope everyone has a good one.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! happy friday!

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. Co-worker decided to come back to work today. With her excessive absences, she may not be around much longer.
    Coop, Kiddo and I may go see Attache tomorrow.
    Clucky, Northwest Rankin’s band has never had 150 members. This year was around 140, but I understand a lot of long-time band members are quitting after this year. Don’t know how many 8th graders are moving up into it next year. Somehow, the band directors manage to suck the fun out of it for the kids. And there’s not much parental support either. There are few parents that are always there and always helping, but just a small percentage. I’m always impressed with Desoto County’s parental involvement. I love watching that band perform. They are absolutely fantastic. Even with Kiddo not being in the band this year, I went to the State Championship just so I could see what Desoto County would do this year. They never disappoint.

    • dhcoop says:

      Molly, I hope you already have your tickets. All performances have sold out. My SIL and Peanut couldn’t come last night (soccer), so my Baby Girl turned their tickets in before the show. Immediately got snatched up by people waiting for no-shows.

  8. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!
    Molly I know about the band not getting support but CS was from the school not the parent and the 6 years that my 2 kids were in it the always got the highest ranking and they only have around 40 to 45 members also your co-worker would not last in the department that I work in at UMC they do not put up with a lot of absents—if you have health issues the best thing to do here is get on special medical leave so you don’t get wrote up for missing to much work
    hope that everyone has a great day!
    we need to decide what kind of food we are going to have at the pic-a-nic this year

    • Molly says:

      NWR’s band doesn’t get much support from the school, either, and NONE from the district. The program doesn’t get a penny from Rankin County School District. The band directors are paid, but that’s it. They won’t even pay the janitors to run the vaccuum cleaner in the band halls.
      Coworker wouldn’t make it in a big company. And her absences actually hurt more in a small place, like this. When she’s out, I am the only staff member here so I have to do EVERYTHING. She doesn’t have a particular medical problem. It’s just always something. She did have surgery which accounts for 10 of her 24 absences. But then there’s been stomach bugs, sinus issues, a spider bite, you name it. She is in her first year with the firm and only gets 5 paid days off. Those are long gone.

      • Crystalbutterfly says:

        I don’t know if CS got any money from the school but I know that we were always doing fund raisers and the year that they got new uniforms we had to beg for them and that was about 20 years ago and they are still using them

  9. cardinallady says:

    Flying through. *Waving a wing at Marshall.* Hi Marshall! alright now to work. I “lost” my car keys this morning and finally found them and got in about 10 this morning. It’s okay, though, I’ve put in enough overtime this week to be able to take off seven hours today. And yet, my little red tailfeathers are right here in my seat.

    That’s okay, though, I’m going to be gone all day NEXT FRIDAY! YES!! I’m thinking about driving down Thursday. I’m so ready for some time away.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    I did not plan to be anywhere today. I’m still drinking coffee. TGIF!!!

  11. cardinallady says:

    Thoughts and prayers to the people in Smithville and Birmingham, Alabama and all those towns in between today. 3 p.m. is going to be a tough hour.

  12. Molly says:

    Coop, I got a call from Attache that they have tickets for me. Yay!

  13. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings from home. I finally got some pictures posted on my FB page so you can see where I’ve been for the past week. Clucky, I put up the Feliz Navidad picture for you and a whole album of Peruvian flowers. My 2 youngest are on the way to Atlanta for band stuff: a concert Somewhere that is not listed on the itinerary and then fun at Six Flags.

  14. OldBopper says:

    Welcome home MrsH! Didn’t go to Hattiesburg after all. PQ has gone to Grenada for an overnighter and church meeting this evening and tomorrow.

    AW, hope you get some good news on your Dad.

  15. Airwolf says:

    Welcome home MrsH!

    Eight acres mowed! Now I won’t be able to breathe for two days. Finally got a definite, Daddy goes back to the Meadows tomorrow!

  16. parrotmom says:

    Welcome home MrsH. Can’t wait to check out your pics.

    Gee for Wednesday and Thursday to have been so smooth my mind forgot how to work today.

  17. parrotmom says:

    boy I did I ever kill the blog today 9:30 pm and my last post was way before 4:30 today. I hope everyone is having or had an enjoyable evening.

  18. Old Bopper says:

    11:25 pm. Casper has a new home! A man bought it for his wife.

    Good night.

  19. parrotmom says:

    7:03 good Saturday Morning. Hope you all enjoy your day :)

  20. parrotmom says:

    Congrats OB it sounds like the right person found Casper.

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