Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s the start of a three-day weekend.

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30 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Friday morning to everyone!

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning! It’s mowing day at the farm. Gonna be hotter than who’d have it!!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Asking for prayer to a person I went to high school with. He is a preacher in Alabama. It appears that he took quite a fall into a concrete wall and down some steps possibly due to a stroke? They are not allowing visitors and he is needing our prayers. His youngest son just graduated High School earlier this week.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Prayers going out for your friend PM. Hope he’s okay.

    AW, be sure to hydrate!

  5. dhcoop says:


    I typed the wrong email in so my “Mornin” comment is awaiting moderation. Oh well…


  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  7. Old Bopper says:

    Morning. Got a back ache this morning. Supposed to go on a ride to the coast and back tomorrow. Hope the back mends quickly.

    Fighting with Google on this computer. It wants to give me the home page from AVG. Don’t want it. Deleted AVG from computer and it still shows up. Changed the home page several times but without success. The AVG toolbar will not let me access things like Drudge Report or Huffington Post. Tried Firefox but it’s slower than molasses on a winter day. May wind up going back to IE.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I got my friend to strip my computer and got it back yesterday. He said he took AVG and Norton off my computer because they were slowing it down a lot and he installed something better. Everything seems to be moving along at a faster rate than it has for a while.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Everyone having fun today ?

  9. pncpnthr says:

    At home for my “vacation”. Had planned a trip to the beach but maybe next time. Need a happy pill or maybe just a pint…of Ben & Jerry’s. That fixes everything!

  10. Airwolf says:

    It is hot on this mower! Red Solo Cup………

    • pncpnthr says:

      Be careful! I’ve had too many scares with dehydration, Hubby & Cub have both had stitches due to passing out, hitting the floor! It can sneak up on you! Keep Gatorade (mix one part to three parts water, so it wont be so sweet) or Pedialyte handy! We have a case of Gatorade & 3 bottles of the other here now.

  11. Mrs. H says:

    Just got back from the grocery and am making a double batch of spinach dip for the preacher’s daughter’s wedding reception. Yep, they are wishing they were where Mr. H and I are now: on the other side of the wedding!!

  12. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    I have re-joined America’s work force.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Hello MrsH I love spinach dip. Want be much longer for them now.

    Hey Blues congrats on the employment! Are you north, south, east, west, or even in the state?

  14. parrotmom says:

    Chuckled on PNC’s pint and AW’s solo cup?

  15. Airwolf says:

    Finished without passing out! Shower time! I’m wasted from the heat, gonna be a long hot summer!

  16. blues4you says:

    Y’all have a safe weekend.

  17. dhcoop says:


    Glad to see you, Blues!

    I’m excited about heading north to Eburg in the morning for Poppy’s 1st birthday party! It will be fun, I’m sure.

    Tonight I’m working on some ancestry stuff I started putting together for Mom. Learning some interesting stuff.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening.

  18. parrotmom says:

    Evening to everyone. I hope you all are having a fine ole time and good plans for the weekend.

  19. Airwolf says:

    Rambette and I are sitting on the back porch listening to old music and drinking cold lemonade.

  20. OldBopper says:

    Headed out in the morning with a friend to meet up with four other bikers and ride down to the coast. We’re picking up two in Johns and two in Collins. Should be a fun day.

    Ordered a new set of pipes today, Vance & Hines Cruzers. Should be in early next week. And AW, also ordered a Cobra fuel management system along with a K & N air filter.

    Looking at HID converter system for headlight. A friend I rode with in Arkansas had one and that baby really put out the light. His bright light alone put out more than the dim headlight and two driving lights combined.

  21. Clucky says:

    Checking in. Bed day-did too much yesterday apparently. I hate this.

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