Thursday Free-For-All

I’m headed to see Elvis today in Tupelo.  What’s up with you?

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40 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone, more rains coming today ahead of a cold front. Marshall be careful and enjoy yourself while you work.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    My girls get home today from choir tour/mission trip to the Tuscaloosa area. Mr. H has a dentist appointment. I am in prep for Mad Science. What can I do with 20 cubic feet of packing peanuts?

  3. dhcoop says:


    I sure I am glad I’m already at the office. Otherwise, I’d be driving through a heck of a mess!

    MrsH, packing peanuts make great filler/drainage in the bottom of flower pots, but I don’t think that’s what you have in mind for a science project. :)

    Hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Looks like it is Mr. Fab’s birthday. Happy birthday to you.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    Well, Sunday all those peanuts are going into 2 swimming pools to simulate water so the kids can go fishing for Swedish fish. BUT……. since one day is Mad Science is devoted to static electricity…….

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! woke to thunder… rushed to get out the house earlier and still had wrecks and traffic and rain to deal with.. it was a mess getting in this morning.

    well all stay dry and safe.

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    everybody be careful out there today!
    hope that everyone has a great day love you guys!!

  8. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Re: msblondie

    Yep, me too…”woke last night to the sound of thunder…how far off I sat and wondered….” Bob Seeger.

    Day 14 on the job. Feels good to earn a small check for a change. Hope to be here 10-12 more days.

  9. Old Bopper says:

    Mawnin’. Breakfast at Waffle House today, then to WalMart to pick up some things in preparation for PQ’s trip to North Carolina next week. Stumbled across the neatest thing in the “brooms and mops” section. An elongated brush supposedly made for refrigerators and air vents. I think it will work beautifully on spoke filled motorcycle rims. The little bottle brush I have does a good job but this should be much easier.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    I’ve already dealt with a last minute scramble this morning and don’t want any more calls until this afternoon. If I learned one thing from lawyers, I learned how to say “Hold my calls.”

  11. parrotmom says:

    So the radio forecast this morning was rain this afternoon before the cold front. So what was all the rain about earlier this morning? Is more yet to come?

  12. parrotmom says:

    Lunch time or almost? Is anyone having something spectacular?

  13. parrotmom says:

    I wonder if Marshall has spotted Elvis yet?

  14. parrotmom says:

    Just noticed 3 in a row. JB flashed through my thoughts about me talking to myself again. I had been better, but now returning to old self again :)

  15. dhcoop says:

    PM, it’s good to see your old self again!

    I’m about to fix a big salad for lunch.

  16. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! I’ve been up at Mom’s working on a kitchen facet and putting a new one in her master bath. I’m trying to get everything fixed. I’m headed to Florida for two weeks. I think I have the transportation end of it handled for Mom to visit Daddy. I need a break.

    Now I’m waiting for the rain to come. Nap time!!

  17. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Rain is here. Looks like a lot of it on the western front.

    Barbie will be in all her glory this evening forecasting severe thunderstorms, possible hail, high winds, lightning, flash floods and the chance of tornadoes. She covers herself well when there’s a cloudy sky and thunder.

    Thank you but I’ll pay attention to David Hartman. If he says it will be bad, you can take it to the bank. He’s not a hyper forecaster.

    Got the baffles in for my new motorcycle pipes. Now if the pipes will come in, I’ll find out how well they work.

  18. parrotmom says:

    AW you definitely need a break and some relaxation. I hope it all works out well for you and that you can sit back and enjoy.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Hopefully no more rain or at least not heavy and hard.

  20. Legal Eagle says:

    4:34 p.m. For some reason, the lack of correct time on here drives me crazy.

    After BE told me that salt melts as fast as sugar, I went off without my umbrella or my library books that needed to be returned today. I had 3 of my playmates call me this morning to ask if they were signed up to play bridge. I need to find a new crowd!

  21. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon! trying to approve our magazine and get it to final press. Looks like the boss is going to get rained on at the festival today. Gotta get back to the coal mines.

  22. msblondie says:

    looks like it is going to be just as messy on the way home as it was on the way in. all becareful and have a good evening.

  23. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone I hope you all have a nice evening

  24. dhcoop says:


    Just got to Gtown. No power. BAD storm here, apparently. Tree limbs down. Debris everywhere. House is fine, thankfully, but a very old cedar in the front yard is half gone.

  25. Airwolf says:

    Evening ! We got a nice soaking rain but no storms. Thankful for the water!

  26. dhcoop says:

    Still in the dark…

    As I was typing a status update on fb, “a few strategically-placed candles make a difference in a dark house”, I recognized a much deeper metaphor there. Just saying…

  27. parrotmom says:

    Coop sorry about the storm and no lights. I hope the night gets better and it is not too muggy for you.

    • dhcoop says:

      Sitting in the truck charging my phone. Good times!

      Hope I can get it charged enough to last till morning. It’s my alarm clock as well.

  28. Mrs. H says:

    We had a really bad storm just before supper. Makes me glad I told Em & El that they couldn’t drive the 2 hours to see the new Mrs. K’s place in Diamond Head. They would have been driving back in that, on top of not having slept well the past week while on choir tour as well as driving in the heat without AC in her truck.

    Word to the wise: no matter what tells you, do NOT attempt to dry fresh dill in the microwave for 3 minutes on high on a paper towel. The paper towel WILL catch on fire and make a mess.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      And what is the deal with dill weed being so hard to fine and so expensive when you do find it? If it keeps on, it’s going to be up there with saffron.

  29. dhcoop says:

    MrsH, that’s good to know. I haven’t tried it, and now won’t. I’ll be sure and tell G as well. She’d be most likely the one to try it.

  30. Clucky says:

    Yes, PM, today is Mr Fab’s birthday :) He’s taking his birthday holiday off tomorrow-after meetings at 7am and 9am. What’s the point??

    Good day as far as pain and energy go. I hope it stays like this a few days.

    Our last cat popped out 4 kittens sometime after 2am this morning-closer to 8am I think, since 3 of them were tangled in umbilical cords. Glad I’m not squeamish and knew what to do. All 4 kittens are healthy and Mama kitty looks tired but good. We have already rehomed 3 kittens, and have many more. If anyone would like a kitten, just let me know-I deliver :)

  31. Clucky says:

    Coop, I would love to have some of that cedar. I love the aroma!

  32. dhcoop says:

    Still no power, but I’m not complaining. I have a roof. Its all good.

    Clucky, I’m thinking hard about this cedar. It’s not mine, of course, since it belongs to my BIL and Big Sis, but I AM trying to take care of things in their absence. ..

    I’m seeing slices of cedar…chunks /chips, etc. Lots to think about. Clucky, you are on the list!

  33. dhcoop says:

    Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR FAB!! Can’t believe I almost missed it!

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