Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day.

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30 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. CornPop says:

    Good morning, Everyone! Sorry I’ve been ‘out of it’ lately. Orville is now on chemo every other weekend, which really make it difficult to get much accomplished. Seems like every time we turn around we’re heading back for a weekend at the hospital. I always spend the whole weekend with him & go home Sunday nights so I can go to work on Mondays. Matter of fact, he checked into Hotel UMC on Friday for chemo (it was a relatively ‘normal’ chemo weekend) & is still there this morning. The Methtrexate level in his blood was still too high for them to let him go home yesterday, but it should be OK today & they’ll discharge him. Plan at this point is to do another MRI in a week to compare it to the last one done after the series of 3 treatments (& it showed significant improvement). Once the doctor compares the two then she’ll make a decision on where we go from here, but she does expect it to show even more shrinkage of the mass at the base of his skull. The last few weeks, she’s had him getting prepared for the bone marrow transplant with informational booklets for us & insurance-necessary testing, etc. to prove to them that he’s a ‘viable candidate’ for the transplant (just on the outside chance that they can’t use his own bone marrow for the transplant). They will start harvesting his bone marrow stem cells soon & the full marrow transplant, hopefully, in the next few months. We’re both happy to know we’re moving toward that end result the potential cure of his cancer (after the transplant is done & he’s gone through that 6-month-long torturous treatment) and at the same time apprehensive of the unknown. That’s about where we are now & I’ll give updates as I have them.

    Thank you, PM, for asking about us. I’ve been lurking and sending up prayers, as needed, for all of you.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, CornPop thanks for the update. I think and pray for you often.

    I heard from Barb yesterday, she should be hooked up and running on Saturday. She is excited and can’t wait to be back in our cyber world. She has asked about all of you and I have updated as I could and knew.

    Prayers for Blues and family. God be with you all.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings! Good to here from you, CP.

    Mr. H and I had a lovely time at Felix’s last night. We’ll go see the eldest today and deliver her most recently delivered wedding gift as well as the new museum at Stennis. She is most pleased that after several weeks of fighting with AT&T, they now have internet!! She posted to her blog about all the stuff we made for her wedding. So if you are interested, you can it check out: http://andrasnamelessblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/i-do.html

  4. dhcoop says:


    Glad to hear the update, CP! Still sending up prayers daily for all my friends and family here.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin. We have too much sunshine and Florida has too much rain. Guess I had rather be blessed with an over abundance of the former.

    BTW MrsH, I’ve checked the webcams in the Blue Mountain, Destin, and Fort Walton Beach areas. I think your daughters are having a great time at the beach. Hope y’all are impressed with the new visitors center at Stennis. I lobbied for that baby for a few years. It wasn’t easy to get a few million dollars to help build it. Had to convince others that it truly is a project that benefits the whole State.

    So good to hear news from Corn Pop. Prayers for her and Orville.

    Glad to get the news on Barbara. Didn’t know what happened to her. Thought maybe she just faded away like many others we have had on this blog. I did notice that SuperMom is back on Facebook.

    The boys are at VBS and I’m catching my breath. Need to take them for a while this afternoon and let PQ get some rest. Us older folks can love those grands, but have a hard time keeping up with their endless energy.

    • parrotmom says:

      OB I know you dnjoy having the boys around but like you said your routine changes and it is go, go, go. I will probably never have that experience. Something that makes me sad.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Here’s a link for the Infinity Project: http://www.visitinfinity.com/exhibits/future-exhibits/

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Thanks for the update CP. you and Orville are in our daily prayers.

    OB the grand kids can wear one out! Bear went home last night. He never tires and very seldom takes a nap but he’s a joy to be around. Mind like a steel trap! He helped me clean my old truck yesterday!

    We need rain badly, grass fires are popping up due to the drought!

    Hope everyone has a great day. I’ve got to pick up Mom in a while!

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

    CP good to hear from you – prayers for sure.

  9. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    It’s great to hear from you CornPop. Y’all are loved around here, you know.

    Well, my family has put the fun back in dysfunctional. As small in number as we are, you would think that we could all stick together and get through this. But noooooooo. Not gonna happen. Grief can bring out the worst in people and it has here. There’s going to be stories about this funeral in my family for a long time…..sigh….Feelings have already been hurt and I don’t really have a say-so in most of this, but I’m trying to steer things in the right direction so we can get on with this. I’m failing miserably.

    • parrotmom says:

      Blues I don’t know why it does that, why can’t everyone play nice at times like these. I understand the family is getting smaller and smaller and to you family means a lot. Some people just not from the same cloth. Love and hugs and keep hanging in.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Sorry I couldn’t check in yesterday. Was a busy day. And then when I thought it would slow down, had to go cover a 35 acre grass fire. Alright talk later. Still have a short story to write!

    Blues, love you brother.

    Dear Lord, our brother Blues is facing today without a loved one but not without You. How I pray that you will surround his heart with your love and comfort. Minister to him today through your holy angels and give those around him a sense of Your sweet presence. Draw them to YOUR great heart and trace your comfort and joy into their lives through the tears. We will be careful to give you the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen

  11. OldBopper says:

    Got my new telephone directory. Slim and trim. They went to three columns on each page. If the print gets any smaller, I’m going to have to use a magnifying glass. I note that esteemed 18 wheeler truck wreck lawyer Don Evans hasn’t aged a bit in the last five years. But, with all the money he makes, I would think he could at least buy a new suit. Check him out on the back cover.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    CornPop, Blues, Parrotmom, Clucky and everyone else having problems right now: you are in my thoughts and prayers daily and enjoy being part of your extended families. We can pick our friends, but we can’t pick our families.

  13. dhcoop says:


    Hope everyone is doing well this evening. Leagle, I’ve had your daughter and her family on my mind. Praying all is well with them.

    Hugs, Blues!

    Funny thing happened on the way home tonight. Reached down to scratch my side and felt something odd. Pulled on it. It was a tag. On the outside of my shirt. I had had my shirt on inside-out all day. Some things never change…

  14. Mrs. H says:

    The Infinity Center is a great place. And they built it with plenty of room for expanding the exhibits. If you go, definitely take the bus tour.

    • OldBopper says:

      Good to hear. I’m looking forward to a visit soon. Bet you oldest would fit right in with a job there.

  15. parrotmom says:


  16. Legal Eagle says:

    I still haven’t heard from my youngest child since a few days ago on Facebook. She said not to call because she has laryngitis and if they are out of power, she probably can’t charge her cell phone anyway.

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