Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you stay cool today.

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22 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    It’s back to work for me today. Got our girl’s stuff all out of that bedroom so ours could move in. Now for the planning before we knock out the wall!

    That bedroom on the back of the house is a lot brighter at night than ours. May have to put in some blinds thanks to the booger light in our neighbor’s back yard.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning!!! It’s Friday eve. Prayers, hugs, and love to you all. MrsH good luck with that I have a booger light in the back yard but thanks to an Oak tree doesn’t lite up as much as it used to. Blues glad things are getting better in your place and Clucky keep on truckin you will find that way out at least that is what I believe for myself.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’, mawnin’. The boys are up and having breakfast before going to VBS. Yesterday we were playing “baseball” with a huge plastic bat and a plastic ball about the size of a softball. I was pitching and the eldest hit a line drive which hit me right in the bridge of my glasses. I’m wondering if I will end up with two black eyes. Got a sore nose for sure.

  4. Airwolf says:


  5. OldBopper says:

    Just got good news. Effective in September the new interest rate on our mortgage will drop to 2.875%.

  6. dhcoop says:


    Excited about having lunch with my two sisters at Two Sisters!

  7. parrotmom says:

    OB hopefully you want look like a raccoon. I know that had to have hurt.

    Coop enjoy lunch with your Two sisters at Two Sisters. Nice to have a girls luncheon. I loved the pic of the dove’s nest. I will need to post the pic of Itty Bitty’s hiding place from the Mockingbird when she has enough.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! gonna be a hot one.. eveyone have a good day.

  9. dhcoop says:

    Great lunch!

  10. GrammarGirl says:

    Clucky, we’re coming to Meridian this weekend to play ball. How close are you to the big city? Maybe we can sneak in that meal we missed back in May. . .

  11. blues4you says:

    02:30 pm

    Done with the funeral. Thanking the Good Lord for a breeze and shade at the gravesite. It was a nice service. Still shaking my head about how some things were done, but it don’t matter now.(excuse me GrammarGirl)

    I need to mow grass but I think I’ll sit it out today and start early in the morning. There is an adult beverage in my very near future.


  12. Airwolf says:

    102 degrees, I wonder what July and August will be like!

  13. cardinallady says:

    Is Thursday almost gone? Have been busy and now trying to get my head wrapped around this lewis and clark story.

    Went home to see Jon, remembered that I left the three turtles I had captive out in the heat :( I kept them to save them but cooked them instead. Have been kicking myself. I promised myself I ‘ll never pick up another one until I have a proper enviornment. I’m so upset.

  14. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening. got Bingo with my mens tonight. I am sure I will quiet a bit about the Supreme Court ruling from them.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    One of my male bridge players had double pneumonia a couple of months ago and hasn’t had any energy to speak of since. He had his 85th birthday a few weeks ago and pneumonia at that age is never easy. He loves to play bridge, but has dementia, so you never know how he is going to bid from one hand to the next. I talked to his wife Tuesday morning and to him and he said he wanted to play bridge with us today, which was great. Then he called me Tuesday night and asked me if he had talked to me that day and if he said he could play bridge. I told him yes and then he said he couldn’t play today after all because his nephew was having surgery. I got someone else to play instead and guess who showed up today anyway! Yep. I didn’t say a word. I just sat out and didn’t play and went off to another part of City Hall and read a magazine. I went back in the board room about an hour before they were through playing and one of the women who lives at the reservoir asked if I would play so she could beat the traffic. I told her sure and played the last two rounds, or 8 hands.

  16. OldBopper says:

    The boys came home from VBS and took a 4 hour nap. I think we have successfully worn them down……f..i..n..a..l..l..y. ;~)

  17. OldBopper says:

    Our oldest grandson just came and told me (of duets), “These people sing so bad they hurt my ears.” I totally agree.

  18. dhcoop says:


    It’s HOT! Went out and picked the few figs that are ready. We need rain badly.

  19. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone!! 108 today. Freakin’ hot. The humidity is only about 30 percent . Temperature is down to 97 but only feels like 95. Really! Rejoicing at 95 degrees.
    Anyway, today is my son’s birthday. We went out to eat at this little eclectic place and then on to Ted Drewes. Delicious. Hope everyone keeps cool ( well as cool as you can in this heat.

  20. Clucky says:

    Card, put the turtles/shells in an ant bed and leave them be. In a few weeks, they will be clean as a whistle.

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