Broken Bottles

I love movie bar fights.  You usually see some poor guy kicking butt and then some dude sneaks up behind him and “WHAM!” He knocks the butt-kicking guy out with a beer bottle. Life sure can be like that sometimes.  You’re cruising along, doing great and “WHAM!”  You see stars and are down for the count.

Broken bottles can be bad.

But they also can be good.  Picture this:  A group of people are standing by a large ship’s bow. As the music plays and the confetti drops, a well-dressed lady grabs a Champagne bottle and “WHAM!”  Another bottle is broken.

But this time, it doesn’t knock anyone out — it sends a ship on a great journey.

We’ve all had a lot of bottles broken on us the past couple of years.  Jobs have been lost. People have fallen ill.  Homes have been repossessed. And it’s easy to think of those bottles all as beer bottles. But I’m determined to view them as Champagne bottles.  I’m not the guy in the bar. I’m not knocked out. I’m just starting on a new journey.

So, as soon as this lump on my head heals, I’ll dust the glass off my head and propose a toast.  Here’s to our new journey.  And to broken bottles that send us on our way.

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4 Responses to Broken Bottles

  1. Carolyn Diamond says:

    AMEN! You are wise beyond your years . . . probably because of the trials you have been through! May you continue to be “toasted” with champagne!

  2. GrammarGirl says:

    Beautiful–thanks for the reminder.

  3. parrotmom says:

    I need to do the same thing and take your advise.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    Thanks for continuing to remind us to look for the silver lining.

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