Thursday Morning Links: News and stuff

So the s-word just got uttered on television. Yes, the s-word — “snow.”   They are predicting snow Sunday night. Go beat the rush and buy lots of milk and bread.

Weather: Here are the details.  Today it will be a pretty nice day.  Sunny and 57.

Here’s Thursday’s Free-For-All for all things discussion.

Twilight top “People’s Choice Award” winner for top movie. Twilight winning top movie is why I’m convinced I am no longer people.

Build him up, tear him down: Ted (Golden Voice) Williams’ past emerges. I still wish the guy luck overcome his demons. He obviously has a God-given talent and I hope he can find a way to use it.

The House Republicans are reading the Constitution aloud. I just hope they actually read some of the bills that they pass.

Elizabeth Edwards’ will is released. And John’s name isn’t mentioned once. Zing.

Chicago Mayor/ Presidential Chief of Staff  Wife Swap: Bill Daley to replace Rahm (who is running for Daley’s old job at Mayor of Chicago) as Obama’s Chief of Staff — the gatekeeper to the President.

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One Response to Thursday Morning Links: News and stuff

  1. parrotmom says:

    That Elizabeth was a very smart lady. The excutor or trix would need any monies for the well being of her children and not his love child by another woman.

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