Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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24 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, It’s Friday!

    Barb so sorry for such long hours and days. I had thought about you one night just didn’t make it on the computer to check on you.

    CLucky so so sorry for the additional pain you have been in for the last few days. You all be careful coming home.

  2. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! Heading out in a bit to pick pears at a friend’s house.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Morning! Last day of preparation for the big rummage sale at St. Phillips beginning at 7 am on Saturday. We’re loaded to the extreme with stuff and more comes in each day. No early birds allowed.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Happy Friday!

  5. Mrs. H says:

    I couldn’t get on last night. Sometimes my computer and this blog just have technical difficulties and I have to coax them into diplomatic resolution.

    I have come down with a summer cold or sinus infection or something. My head is pounding, my ears, nose….well, pretty much my entire head…… is stopped up. There is so much that needs doing (translate “cleaned up”) with our remodel project, but I’m afraid the drywall dust would drive in the final stake and finish me off.

    • parrotmom says:

      MrsH sorry for the cold, I can’t help but wonder if from the outdoor shower you were caught in earlier this week. Hope you get better soon.

  6. blues4you says:

    Wonders in….hey folks, what’sup?….grabs some coffee…pretty much a free day today as the rig begins intermediate casing procedures. I have a little maintenance work outside to do but that’s about it. Later on today, I’m going to get very still and very quiet. Probably close my eyes for a bit…y’all take it easy.

  7. cardinallady says:

    Flitting in and through. I’m down to getting page one and jump ready for next week. Once I write a short little ditty about some girls who put up a lemonade stand to raise money for cancer and the food pantry needing donations.

    I’ll get those pages done and page three done and I AM DONE and soooooooo outta here!

    • cardinallady says:

      Aaaand breaking news changes everything as Shep Smith would say. I called my sheriff about one thing and he said he has a major arrest. *rip, rip,rip* that’s me tearing up page one and trying it again. I just LOVVEE the news industry. Really I do, it keeps the day and the paper from being boring.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Hey Blues hooe the easy, quiet day holds out fir you.

    CLady glad you can see the door opening for the great escape. You have a safe trip and enjoy your coffee with the gulls.

  9. pncpnthr says:

    Hubby’s been servicing my vehicle – oil changed, tires rotated, vacuumed and was going to wash it. Then it rained. Maybe later.

  10. msblondie says:

    lunch today was Penn’s. It was catered here at the office.. I am so miserable.

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    I had poured my second cup of coffee earlier when I got an emergency call that someone had to cancel at the last minute for the bridge game at the church. She’s on a new medication that is making her dizzy. I left my fresh cup of coffee and threw on my clothes and one of the guys came by and picked me up.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Bank open house to meet and greet the new band director. I’ve got pizza bites in the oven: pizza dough wrapped around a small cube of mozzarella and a slice of pepperoni. about 20 – 24 in the pan, topped with Italian seasoning and Parmesan cheese.

    It’s looking more and more like I’m going to get another drenching in the process. The raincoat WILL be coming with me this time.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Rode in the rain coming home from church. A few weeks ago I was talking to a fellow cyclist about riding in the rain. He was amazed and said, “You really ride in the rain?”
    Well yes, that’s why I carry rain gear. He’s been cycling for years and refuses to ride in the rain. Heck it beats sitting under some bridge waiting for it to stop. The bike is going to get dirty either way.

  14. parrotmom says:

    OB sounds like it would be refreshing.

  15. cardinallady says:

    *searching for raingear* sounds like i’m in for a wet vacation. :) but that’s okay a day in the rain and no work is better than a day of sunshine and having to sit inside. :) Yall have a great week. I’m going to try to peek in from my phone from time to time. It won’t let me comment sometimes.
    PLEEAASSEE let me know if anything happens to our favorite blogger dog. I don’t want to go the week without hearing from him.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs and prayers))))))))))))))))))))

    Lord, please be with my dear friends this week. Surround them with your love. and also Dear Lord hug the family of MD, he is saying a final goodbye to his father in law. Draw these people to your great heart and gently minister to their hurting hearts. I pray you will keep us all safe … especially me and CardinalSon if we catch a big shark. Take care of everyone and minister to their needs like we know you always do God. WE love you and thank you and praise you for choosing to love us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Love yall. red tailfeathers out!

  16. dhcoop says:


    I guess I’m in a critical mood.

    Watching the opening ceremony for the Olympics. Thoughts:

    1) I’m not surprised my ancestors left England. No explanation needed

    2) ban chewing gum during “the walk”. You are representing your country. I DON’T want to see your smacking as you walk

    3) ban cell phones/cameras during the walk. Once again, you are representing your country. Smile and wave. Just smile and wave. The holding up of cameras/phones seems, somehow, just…I shall I say this…rude. It’s supposed to be about you and the fact that you are there. Let other people take your picture and make video. Seeing you with a camera in front of your face isn’t working for me….just sayin

    Jumping off the soap box now. Y’all can have it.

  17. Old Bopper says:

    Evening. Just watched the lighting of the Olympic cauldron. The Brits really know how to do the fireworks.

    Drive safely CL and have a wonderful trip on the coast.

    Pulling for Banjo….bless him and his family.

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