Crossing your path

There’s a black cat that lives in my neighborhood. He runs like Snooki toward a tanning bed when he sees me. My wife and I joke that our luck has been so bad lately that he’s afraid we’ll cross his path.  Of course, it’s a joke. In reality,  we’ve had some amazing people cross our paths the past two months.  Their crossing has come at the very moment it was needed. And brought us GOOD luck.

Right after I was made part-time, I got a Facebook message from a local car dealer.  He wanted to have lunch and talk.  I like lunch so I said, “Sure.”  I walked out of that restaurant two hours later convinced angels walk this Earth. He said everything I needed to hear at that moment.  He told me how he had faced a similar situation and plowed through it. How everything had worked out for him.  He put me on a path away from self-pity toward achievement.

There are times I have doubt.  Huge doubt. And there are times negative people drag me down.  I’m like a sponge and can absorb negative emotions of those around me.  So I’ve made it a goal to gravitate toward my friends who can see the glass half full of hope. And sometimes, like this week, those friends seem to come find me.

I’ve been having another rough week this week.  I’ve been down in the dumps — but right at my lowest point, I got another message from another business leader.  We had a lunch meeting and he told me about the possibilities that lie ahead of me. How I can go out and not only provide for my family, but use my talents in amazing ways. I can help people. I walked out of there fired up and ready to take on the world.

So what kind of person are you?  Do you bring people hope? Do you motivate them to do great things? It doesn’t have to be loud, cheesy or in their face. I’m not telling you to become a self-help guru. Quiet support can move mental mountains of doubt.  Let people know you are there for them. Because you never know who you motivate and how. I’ve been blessed to have amazing friends and family motivate me lately.  They’ve let me know they are there. It’s time for me to cross a few other people’s paths and return the favor.

Now to go find that black cat. I need to cross his path and give him some good luck.

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2 Responses to Crossing your path

  1. parrotmom says:

    Marshall I am glad you cross my path everyday :)

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