Tuesday Free-For-All

When does a Tuesday feel like a Monday? Have a great day!

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20 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Today does!!! Happy Tuesday going back to work. Hope you all have a great day.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Went down to cut the grass a Mr. H’s mom’s house. I finished the front and was going along the driveway to the back, when the blade suddenly stopped. I couldn’t get it going. Looked back and saw one of the belt pulleys laying on the ground behind me! I guess the blade hitting the root stopped the blade so fast it snapped off the pulley. I (and Mr. H) have mowed over that root every other time we mowed for the last several years. Maybe all the rain from Isaac compressed the ground around it so it stuck up higher.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all! Much of today will center around a funeral in Vicksburg.

    MrsH, mower belts tend to stretch with age. Hitting something may have just been all it needed to fly off. I’ve had them do that right in the middle of good grass. Either way it’s no fun to put a new one on.

    Boss, it’s either a Monday/Tuesday or a Tuesday/Wednesday, though the latter is a bit more difficult to imagine. Maybe you can split the day at noon and start the downhill run to the weekend.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! sorry for not poking in over the holiday weekend, but I was throwing myself a pity party. On Friday afternoon, I was let go at my job, no reason giving, though I have a good reason, just one I wont say here. So I am back in the hunt for a new job. I had already started looking for something else now will be at it harder. I just ask for you to pray for me please.

    Everyone have a good day.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    I had to make a run up to the senior center to get lunch tickets for the September luncheon and then ran by the cigarette store to pick up some luscious muffins and then come home and get my first cup of coffee. I can’t find my cell phone and need to call some people. We were in someone’s back yard last night and my phone may still be over there. It’s not in my purse and not in the car and when BE calls it, we can’t hear it ring. I guess that will be my freaking project for the day.

  6. Clucky says:

    MsBlondie, I’m so sorry :( Best wishes on the hunt.

    I’m present and accounted for; that’s about it.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    OB, it wasn’t the belt that came off: it was one of the pulleys that the belt is wound around that sheared off. When I break it, I REALLY break it!

    Oh, Clucky. Did you see that my friend had her baby yesterday? Against the odds, Baby Jane is physically perfectly healthy. She took a bottle today. They will do an MRI to test other things. But so far, she has beat the odds to still be alive at this point. And she seems to be thriving so far. We’ll take our miracles one day at a time. :)

    Mrs. B, we’ll pray for a miracle for you, too.

  8. cardinallady says:

    MrsB, I AM so sorry about the job. I know how that feels. I was let go from my last job that I had before the newspaper, 23 years ago on the Friday before Labor Day. I drowned my sorrows at the lake fishing with Grandmama. As I studied the lines that time had etched on her face and seeing all she survived in her lifetime, I knew I could do the same, because I was cut out of the same cloth she was.

    You will find that just right job for you, too. God will put you where He wants you to minister. There is somebody that needs your smiling face and words of cheer and He is moving you into that place. Have faith my sister. I love you!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I got the news from some lawyers at 5:00 p.m. the night before Thanksgiving, so I went home sobbing for the holliday. It turned out that they would clear house of all secretaries and then hire a new crew (not necessarily in that order) so they wouldn’t have to pay benefits.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Incidentally, I will have to post my editor’s column on the blog tomorrow. It must go to print first, but his last line was one of Marshall’s hurricane Isaac survival posts on his blog last week, which he of course, gave Marshall credit for.

  10. Molly says:

    Mornin. Uh, afternoon. Too busy around here to check in this morning. MsB, so sorry about the job. That really stinks! Maybe some of the feelers you already put out will hit on something soon.
    I have zero energy today. I went home at lunch and passed out. Barely woke up in time to get a bite to eat before time to head back to the office. Sure am glad I work close to home.
    MrsH, are you talking about the baby who was diagnosed in utero with some horrible disfiguring disease?

  11. Mrs. H says:

    That’s the one, Molly. She may still have some brain function challenges. One day old is probably a bit too soon to know for sure. BUT, she wasn’t supposed to survive long after delivery. She’s on some monitors but she’s doing everything a 6 lb 14 oz newborn is supposed to do. (and she’s beautiful, too. I guess even moreso than most newborns because of the negative expectations.)

  12. OldBopper says:

    MrsH, when you mess it up you do it in style! Never had that problem and hope I don’t.

    MrsB, so sorry to hear about the job. Hope you land an even better one soon.

    Funeral is over. It was good seeing cousins and aunts I had not seen in years.

    It is hot! That is all.

  13. msblondie says:

    After job hunting this morning,, came home and mowed the front yard.. it was so hot. The weedeater didn’t want to play nice for me so the weeds found Mr. Roundup. I am worn out.

    I do have to say thank you for all the kind words they mean so much to me.

    Everyone have a good evening.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone!

  15. Clucky says:

    Chicklette is having SERIOUS algebra comprehension issues. It’s making her hate ALL of school right now. She’s in Algebra I instead of pre-Algebra. Methinks I may be going to the school tomorrow. Her grades are all A’s except in Algebra. I feel for her-I was the same way.

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