Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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25 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Me, me, and me! Morning everyone. It’s Monday the last week of September. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday to AW. I hope you are feeling 100% after your crud the other week. Have a wonderful day.

  3. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Happy Birthday, AW.
    I get to change out a flush valve today. Doesn’t that sound like fun??? NOT!
    Everyone enjoy the day. Looks like it’s going to be another nice one!

  4. Mrs. H says:

    Good Morning, All.
    We had a great time in Starkville this past weekend. Next Sunday is Biker Sunday at our Eldest’s church in Diamondhead. That will be 3 weekends in a row that we’ve gotten to see her and her beloved. After the service, we won’t be staying for their luncheon because Mr. H’s mom has invited us all to her house to celebrate Mr. H’s birthday (which is really on Wednesday.)
    I’m praying joy, wisdom and courage for all of y’all today. Walk well.

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. Gorgeous day! Happy Birthday, AW! Hope you have a great one!

  6. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday Airwolf!

    Everyone have a great day!

  7. Clucky says:

    Doctor Day. Throwing on some clothes and a hat, brushing my teath, and hitting the road with the top down. Woohoo!

    Happy Birthday, AW!!

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends! Thanks for the birthday wishes.

    I hope you have a lovely day!

  9. msblondie says:

    morning gang! Happy Birthday AW!

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Airwolf! Have a great day!

    I’m wondering if someone caught Blues eating the last doughnut and tied him to the rig for alligator bait. I certainly hope not.

    I have to be at my regular Monday game in an hour and I’m trying to get this second cup of coffee down, but it is scalding hot right now.

  11. parrotmom says:

    I agree LegalE about Blues. He must have been so ready to get home he forgot to leave his schedule with us, lol! Hope he is well.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    When I left the house this morning, I left behind my glasses and my phone. When I arrived at my office, my computer wouldn’t come up. When I pulled a spare pair of readers out of the glove box, one of the lenses fell out. I need a do-over

  13. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Red streak is me. The light at the end of my work tunnel is a train coming in the opposite direction. If you see a red splotch somewhere, pick me up, dust me off and set me to flying again. Okay?


  14. msblondie says:

    Prayers this way please… I have an interview Wednesday afternoon.

    Thank you all!.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Prayers with the interview MsB.

  16. Molly says:

    Good luck, MsB!!

    Hope your day has calmed down, CL.

  17. parrotmom says:

    Hey Molly good to see you too!

  18. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone! I have been missing in action for tooooooo long.
    Happy Birthday AW.
    Good Luck MsB.
    Hope all goes well Clucky.
    MrsH, I want a do over on the past 18 months.
    PM, LE , CL – you all keep me entertained even though I don’t tell you often enough.
    I miss you all and do think of you quite often.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Hey DWB glad you checked in. We have been missing you for too long to. Hope all is going ok and wished the times could be better for you. Love and hugs girl. By the way I had a Rooster burger Saturday. Yumm!

  20. cardinallady says:

    Going home, going home to the bird house. It is 8:17. It is way past dark. My chickens have gone to roost and so should I.

    I’m taking the Hawaii tour tonight. Season premiere of Hawaii Five-O comes on. *whew* Just what I need to finish out the day. I wish I had some spiced tea.

    I’m not going to eat any more because I STUFFED myself at breakfast/lunch between 2:30 and 3. Grilled cheese, french fries and recees pie for dessert from Huddle House. SINFUL, SINFUL SINFULLY good. And as Marshall would say … now I’m paying the price. My body is not accustomed to eating that much during the day.

    Alright, red tailfeathers are dragging home. See y’all sweet people in the a.m.
    Probably a bit earlier. Still have four pages to put to bed.

    DWB, thanks for the kind comments.

    AW Hope you had a grand birthday! Sixteen again or still 39 and holding? [Yeah, I put that age at 39]
    Let’s see, my froggie lady has or had a birthday somewhere around here too, right?

    kisses and hugs to EVERYBODY!!!
    I would play the Waltons and say goodnight to everybody individually, but I’d still be here in the morning as slow as I am typing right now. :) :)

  21. dhcoop says:


    Been watching DWTS Allstars in between phone calls with my Baby Girl. Lots of stuff happening. All is well.

    FYI, for any of you good folks that drive (like, EVERYONE), PLEASE don’t speed and be careful. Had a woman get impatient with me driving 50 in a 50 mph zone tonight and passed me on a yellow line on a hill. I ended up slowing down about two minutes later to pass the accident when she plowed into someone sideways and pushed their car about 50 feet down Hwy. 51. Not sure how fast she was going, but it was considerably more than 50. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but it could have been much worse. There is absolutely no reason for driving carelessly fast. Be late if you have to, but don’t push it. This has been your public service announcement of the day. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

    DWB, great to hear from you. And, Honey, we ALL need do-overs. I could use a couple myself. :)

    Airwolf, I hope you had a most awesome birthday!

    Going to check fb to see what my Big Sis is up to in Russia. She discovered ice cream comes in a bag last weekend! She’s also found corn meal and bought figs bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t get to talk to her often, but it sure is fun keeping up with what she’s doing through her pictures and posts. It’s really the only reason I’m even on fb.

    Good night my friends. Y’all sleep well.

  22. parrotmom says:

    How interesting Coop about your big sis.

    Hmmm!!! I know cats can be sneaky, but how well can they plan. I was on the phone with my brother. I knew both cats were in at one time, but one will generally go back outside by through the bottom of the screen. I got up for some reason and noticed my bedroom door was open. Oh crap, sure thing there was one of the cats sitting on the floor looking up at the Parrot’s cage. I turned on a light and she took off and went behind the bed and apparently out the bedroom door without me seeing her. So I am not satisified as to whether she went outside or not so I close the door and stay in the room moving stuff to see if I can see her. Unless I have a 3rd cat that I don’t know about this cat was laying on the love seat in my computer room acting like she was just woke up. i’m thinking being caught she would have ran from me, but no? Is that sneaky or what. Both cats are outside now. I have checked the bedroom a couple of times and all seems to be clear. I hope I don’t wake up with a cat in my bed here after while.

  23. Clucky says:

    Yep, being sneaky. Typical cat. Ours were cuttin’ up last night too!

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