
Four pounds of fur, teeth and joy.

Right now, I’m watching an eight-week-old, four-pound puppy trying to drag a bigger-than-her shoe across the kitchen floor. It really is comical — but there’s not much about Pip that isn’t funny.  She’s tiny, very dark and has white teeth like a vampire bat. She likes to attack my leg and has a God-given ability to turn just about anything into a toy. She has survived one incident with a closing door without a scratch. The good Lord knows we couldn’t handle any more dog drama after what we went through with Banjo.

Ah, Banjo.  I’ve missed the big lug every day since he died.

Pip won’t replace him.  And honestly, I’d never put that kind of pressure on her. But what she has done is remind me of a very important lesson:

Yes, I lost Banjo. But I found Pip.  She is my little brown and black reminder that the living have to keep on living.

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11 Responses to Pipsqueak

  1. SusanKelly Garrett says:

    Thank you for your message!.. Pip will bring new adventures to you and your family!

  2. Alynda Ponder says:

    Marshall, thank you for sharing Banjo & Pip with us. Puppies and babies have tremendous power to heal broken hearts. Glad to hear the hearts of the Ramsey family are healing.

  3. Christine Roberts aka diamondbertie says:

    Lovely! that reminds me of the early days of @diamondbertie these are precious beings, each on different as can be.

  4. Marilyn Blackledge says:

    Am loving the Pip stories – our fur babies bring much joy to our lives.

  5. Collie Howard says:

    Our precious furbabies are like our children each different and unique; very special in it’s on way and irreplaceable. God blesses us with each one for each reason, not to replace another but to enrich our lives and teach Us many, many lessons on life and love!!

  6. Benny Howse says:

    Love your stuff

  7. CJ Applewhite says:

    I miss Banjo and the Banjo stories. Pip will never take his place but she will have her own story to share. She is a cutie pie.

  8. My husband and I had many pets over the years and each time it became necessary to put one down it just broke our hearts. After we lost our cocker spaniel in 2003 be decided we wouldn’t get another dog because (as my husband said) “We get far too attached to them”! Well after my husband passed away in 2008 I was so lonely that I changed my mind and am so glad that I did! My little Chloe (a Jack Russell terrier) saved my life and I can’t imagine my life without her. I pray that Pip will do the same for you and your family!

  9. Clucky says:

    Sweet puppy girl :)

  10. Katie says:

    As someone who has loved and lost a dog (Frekles…a wonderful friend, comforter, and protector), I also know the joy of realizing that your heart is big enough to love again. Congratulations on finding Pip…May she be a help to healing, a source for fabulous creativity, and a great loyal friend.

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