Editor’s note

A lot of the posts over the past couple of the months have been a little different than my normal writing. Please forgive me — I’m working through a whole phone book full of emotions right now and a lot of what I’m figuring out along the way makes it into this blog.  Bottom line, I had happen to me what is happening to thousands people across the country every day of the week. I got knocked down and it was no fault of my own.  But I can promise you this — I’ll make lemonade out of the lemon. It’s what I do and it’s what I’m going to do once again.

Bear with me.

I’ll have a heck of a book to write before this is all over with.

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4 Responses to Editor’s note

  1. Koby Padgett says:

    Have quite enjoyed your writings recently. Quite inspiring to me. You definitely voice yourself well in both cartoon and words.

  2. cardinallady says:

    These glimpses into your personal life is what makes us love you so much Marshall. A person can relate to someone better if they know them in sunshine AND shadow.

    DON’T STOP being REAL!

  3. cLuCky says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying your writing. Your words spill with emotion, and tho you often paint a picture worth a thousand words, you are an incredibly talented writer as well. Keep it up. It’s an excellent form of catharsis, and when you come through this on the other side, you will be glad you have a journal of sorts of what you have experienced. Plus, a blog is cheaper than $65 a pop for a therapist’s hour…just sayin’.

    I really need to start blogging again.

  4. Natchez says:

    I just discovered your blog, and LOVE it. Let us know when the book is written!

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