An epiphany on Epiphany

epiphanyToday is Epiphany (the holiday) so allow me to share an epiphany (a feeling) with you.

The world has changed. I must change with it. I can no longer do what I did yesterday and expect to succeed. I must experiment daily and be prepared to fail (but even if the experiments do fail, I won’t be a failure — no experiments truly fail because they bring about change). I must create artwork that affects the world (even in a little way).  I can’t play it safe. And my artwork isn’t just pictures. It’s everything I do — including relationships.  I must create from my heart. And I need to remember that life is like the half marathon I ran yesterday. The reward isn’t at the finish line. It’s the pain and the joy I experience along the way.  

The world has changed. I must change with it. 


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One Response to An epiphany on Epiphany

  1. Dinah says:

    Beautifully said, Marshall. I will definitely stay tuned. 2013 — here we are!!

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