Tuesday Free-For-All

Good  morning!  I think Alabama just scored again.

Storms are on the way.

Storms are on the way.

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16 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    OOooo, MR! The part of this drawing that was showing in the header is so cool! (not that the rest isn’t excellent, also) but just that one section made me hurry to open this post.

    Good morning, by the way. I was working on an amigurumi elephant for El while watching the game last night. No, she is NOT a Bama fan (well, she was last night while Em spoke up for the Irish) but she’s ALWAYS liked elephants. I posted a pic on FB if you’d like to see.

    The girls both expressed a preference for who should win the game and both promptly left the room and never came back! I think DVDs of “Friends” and a 30-year-old paperback copy of “The Hobbit” held way more interest for them.

    Take care, my friends.

    • cardinallady says:

      Son and I went to watch the Hobbitt at the movie theater last Thursday night. I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t seen it. It is VERY good, true to form. JRR Tolkein would be proud. *siiiggghh* I just wonder when the next movie is slated to come out.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Mrorning and Happy Birthday to Elvis. He is 78 years old today. No I don’t think he is still alive. His birthday is the day after my dad’s and the year of my mom’s birthday. So it is implanted in my brain.

    Hope you all have a delightful day.

    I will be going to Canton after work for a wake or visitation–which ever you prefer. A great aunt on my dad’s side past she was 93. My dad woiuld have been 84 yesterday. This was his mother’s youngest sister.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Mr. H told me he needs to take the car to work tomorrow for a funeral. One of his co-workers lost a son in a car crash this weekend: 22 years old. It breaks my heart.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

  5. Airwolf says:


    Beautiful day up here. Mom and Dad day so I need to get moving! Hope your day is special.

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. ROLL TIDE! Mrs.H, I saw the elephant on FB last night. I like! Of course, I AM an Alabama fan.
    Kiddo was ecstatic over Alabama the win. I stayed up for the whole game, but knew by halftime what the outcome would be. Poor Notre Dame didn’t know what they were getting into!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flying through! Oh did they play football last night? I was too busy watching my Hawaiian detectives. I didn’t get in until late so I cooked supper, switched between Five O and Matlock. At 11 o’clock they aired my favorite Dr. Quinn episode, Christmas 1993 episode. I haven’t seen it since that Saturday night. It was neat that I got to watch it exactly two weeks after Christmas Eve 2012.

    • Molly says:

      I love those Hawaiian detectives, too! However, it was a rerun I believe. If not, my DVR saves all episodes for me. I don’t remember the last time I saw an episode of Dr. Quinn.

  8. Mrs. H says:

    An elderly gentleman in our church lost his wife a few weeks ago. He came by today to resume his duties collecting food bank donations and delivering them. He told me the story of their courtship. I cried.

  9. parrotmom says:

    CLady what was the 93 season Christmas episode? Was it the one similar to the Charles Dickens story? I get Dr Quinn on the INSP channel on Dish Network. Comes in weekdays at 6:00 pm cst. Mattock comes on at 9:00 and 10:00 week nights. I really enjoyed watching Dr Quinn these past 9 months and nothing better than some Andy Griffin. Both shows clean cut shows.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Going to Canton and hope the rain stays away till j get back home.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Evening folks.

  12. Clucky says:

    Hello. I noticed this weekend more traffic at the little lady’s house next door. This afternoon, I saw her daughter outside. Turns out, my neighbor passed away Saturday, and services were yesterday. She would have turned 95 in May. I’ve been her next door neighbor for 16 years-she was “old” when we moved here! Her family is very sweet. Her daughter had just retired from teaching this past year.

    No big news to report-all is as well is it gets around here.

    Y’all have a good night.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Evening! I was able to make it to the Capitol today to witness the start of my 33rd Legislative Session.

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