Keep going

HopeI had a bad day yesterday.

I know, I know — wah. Put on my big boy pants and quit whining.

Just wanted to let you know I have them sometimes. I know you do, too.  I mention it because I got a long and passionate message from someone who had done everything right in his life and still managed to get laid off. And of course, life came crashing down around him. Now, like so many Americans who have had their worlds rocked, he is struggling to rebuild.

I told him to keep swinging.  I love Sir Winston Churchill’s quote, “If you are going through hellkeep going.”

Sometimes when I look in the rearview mirror, I get down.  But there’s a reason why your rearview mirror is much smaller than your windshield.  I just quit looking behind me and press on. Because greatness in on the horizon. How do I know? The odds are in our favor.

Just my 2¢ on a gloomy Wednesday morning.


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4 Responses to Keep going

  1. dhcoop says:

    Thanks, Marshall. I needed this.

  2. peggy renfroe says:

    i want to know if you have quit doing the talk show in the afternoons? i hope not
    because if really enjoyed it going home in the afternoons. Can’t stand the other
    program that is coming on now.


  3. Mrs. H says:

    I know it happens. I think I have the best job in the world, yet last Wednesday when I got home, I never wanted to go back…. ever. And yet I did.

    And I still think I have the best job in the world.

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