Saturday Free-For-All

Slept 11 hours last night and ran 9 miles this morning. Needed to do both.

Hope you’re going to have a great weekend. I’ll be at Lemuria books at 11 a.m. today signing Fried Chicken & Wine.





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7 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Morning– almost lunch. Marshall I hope you have a wonderful turn out today.

    I decided to come in to work today. My skills in staying focused ended about Wednesday last week, so making up for that today.

    Enjoy that sunshine.

  2. Airwolf says:

    Where dis this cold rain come from. Nasty outside. BB and I are curled up watching a movie, well I am he’s asleep!

  3. cardinallady says:

    Had a good day. Rain at first. I built a fire. Now glorious sunshine! Fire will still feel good though. Gotta go home and stoke it. Think I’m going to trim a few limbs from my crepe myrtle. It’s that time of the year. I slept until 10 a.m. myself this morning. I needed that, too. Spent last night sobbing over my black lab. My other two dogs stayed in for the night. We needed each other’s company.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Been at Episcopal Diocesan Council all weekend. It ends tomorrow with a huge church service. Then, I hope to come home and ride a motorcycle before the football game. In fact, I’m thinking of DVR’ing the first hour of the game. I can catch up after halftime. I’ve never been impressed with their halftime show so I can fast forward through that.

    Hope everybody is doing well. Smiles and hugs to all.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Evening to you all. CLady sorry your lab never made it back home. I know it makes you sad. I have a fire tonight. The temp doesn’t really call for one, but I’m cold and that is all that matters. Plus I don’t want any wood left over this year.

    I hope Coop and family are having an awesome day with the birthday man. I haven’t seen any news did the groundhog see his shadow?

  6. Clucky says:

    No shadow, PM! I could tell spring is almost here by my sneezing this morning! I was up at 7, and got SO much done today! We had plans to go to friend’s house for a cookout at 7, so I laid down around 530 for a quick nap. I woke up at 830 with Mr. Fab snoring in my ear. I sent a message that “Whoops! We won’t be there!” She said he had come over for a burger and that I was sleeping like the dead. Ha.

    Our washer died 2 weeks ago. It’s not even funny how much we’ve spent at the laundromat since that time. We found a Maytag for a steal and picked it up late this afternoon. Tomorrow I should have a running washer again.

    I got us a new storm door for the front today and got it installed. Yay!

    Now to see if my back will let me go back to sleep. Sweet dreams :)

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