Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! 72893_10152452907690721_1202360990_n

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7 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Cold and crisp! Headed to church. The Meadows is still on lockdown! Daddy probably thinks we’ve deserted him.

  2. bpman says:

    Goodmorning! How y’all been?
    Bout 6 inches of snow on the ground here in the STL. I’ll be on Snow Hill with the kids & their sleds today :)

  3. OldBopper says:

    Wow bpman! Sounds like fun. Enjoy while you can.

    Finished our church council this morning. The United Methodist Bishop for Mississippi brought the message today. He did a wonderful job. Methodists are fortunate to have him in Mississippi.

    Headed out on the motorcycle in a bit. A beautiful day outside.

    Y’all be sweet.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone close to 6:00 pm I have the game on like I care.

    Clucky I laughed about your nap and thinking Mr Fab and you both missed out. No problem than he went but, shame on him for not bringing you back a burger in case you woke up.

    The sun felt good, the wind a little chilly for sitting out side.

    You all enjoy your evening.

  5. dhcoop says:


    Hey bpman! Great to see you!

    Had a great weekend, but I am WORN OUT! We ate so much it was ridiculous, but fun! LOTS of laughing involved as well. The best part was watching Dad enjoy himself so much. That was priceless.

    Now, I’m trying to watch the Super Bowl, but I really don’t enjoy football. I’m only watching because I think it’s cool that the opposing teams coaches are brothers…and so that if anyone asks me tomorrow about a commercial, I MIGHT be able to have a conversation about it. So far, I’ve not seen anything memorable. Except the fact that the Taco Bell commercial wasn’t in English, which sort of pissed me off since otherwise, I think it was a really great commercial.

    Anyhoo…i hope everyone is enjoying their evening. I’m just glad to be off my feet…

  6. Clucky says:

    I second you, sister. I’m in bed and thinking it just might hurt less if I just cut my legs off! Miss Thang has been a pill to find a dress for the pageant this coming Saturday. After trying on more than I can remember, along with matching tears and meltdowns, we FINALLY found “The Dress” this afternoon. Honestly, she could be a model. She is ecstatic, and I was *quite* relieved that it was within our budget too! Now for hair, Mani/Pedi, blah blah blah. Next Sunday, I may stay in bed ALL DAY LONG!

    I made a big pot of jambalaya during the first half of the game and a pan of cornbread. The game was completely dominated by Baltimore during that time, but I was happy to be out of the kitchen for the second half. The power outage after halftime would have totally freaked me out!

    I have a baby kitty snuggled up to my back snoozing away. I think I’ll join him in dreamland :)

    Sweet dreams!

  7. OldBopper says:

    The game last night was a good one. PQ has come down with the crud. I slept upstairs last night and let her have the master bedroom. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

    Planning to take Bleuz in for a new rear tire. Started taking the saddlebags off last evening during halftime. Big problem, allen head screws are apparently soft and several heads have turned to mush. Can’t change out the tire with the saddle bags on.

    In addition, the downstairs heat isn’t working. Calling the repairman in just a few minutes.

    The nice part is I know the week will get much better. Hopefully soon.

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