Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Happy signing day!  I’m ok with the fact no college will want me to play football. It’s the 27th year now. I’m  over it.


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10 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Marshall and everyone else. Marshall I gave enjoyed your stories and your fit to fat updates. I may not comment on them every time due to time constraints. When busy or overwhelmed I sneak and read for a pick me up. Thanks for all up do.

    OB it is strange how small the world is when you start talking to people. Amazing that you meet someone during the same time period on the opposite side of the world and see the same things. Truly amazing

    Coop glad to see you when you are able to check in. Same for everyone else to.

    Have a wonderful day, I see Sunshine.

  2. dhcoop says:


    So glad to see the sunshine today! Hope everyone has a great day!

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang! it was a nice drive in this morning for me, unlike my hubby who had lots of fog on his drive.

    everyone have a great day!

  4. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon! Took Bleuz in this morning for a new rear tire. Tire is now on and I’m not worried about tread for a while….maybe a long time. They had never put a Michelin on a cycle and want me to let them know how it handles. It’s rated for 25,000 miles. Hope I get most of that. The original rear tire had 7,500 miles on it.

  5. Clucky says:

    Loving the SUNSHINE!!!


  6. Molly says:

    Ha, Clucky! I sneezed just as I was reading your post. My sinuses are acting up big time. Ugh.
    Sunshine has disappeared from here now. It was nice while it lasted.

  7. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon! finally getting to stay in my chair for more than a couple of mintues at a time. No wait! I was in it earlier in the morning, just getting that furniture magazine to the press. I just LOOOOVVEE these weeks that have two deadline days back to back.

    My jonquils are beginning to bloom. They are so pretty. My sweet shrub is also blooming. Those flowers are so neat. That’s one of the bushes that sold me on this place I live. It is an older bush that is not part of the modern day landscape, but it is so hardy. And it gives you the first whiff of spring.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Marshall’s cartoon is funny. Unfortunately it is the truth for a lot of 911 systems across the state.

  9. dhcoop says:


    Clady, I’m seeing lots of jonquils blooming everywhere. I know we can’t count on the groundhog not seeing his shadow and all that, but I’m ready for spring!

    I’m still waiting for my pepper seeds to germ, but am in the process of transplanting a whole bunch of tomatoes that are up larger than I expected.

    Now to watch a little AI.

  10. OldBopper says:

    Spent the afternoon at the dentist. Don’t know if I told y’all, but I decided to try the school of dentistry at UMC. Progress moves slowly there, but the prices are right and the treatment is absolutely first class. Finished up my periodontal cleaning this afternoon. Next….two fillings to replace, two root canals, two crowns, and whitening.

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