Rolling with the punches

So this was my day yesterday:

I was eating my free breakfast at the hotel before my speech and managed to spray yogurt all over my jacket while opening the foil lid.


I cleaned it off, regrouped and headed out to the car.

My tire was low. OK. There was a gas station next door with free air. I could handle it. No need to panic. I was cooking with grease so far.

Then I got to the venue and opened up the back to unload my boxes of books. I bent down and heard a giant riiiiiiiiiippppp.

Double damn.

Yes, my pants ripped. The hole was six inches long in the back.

Hmm, I thought. This could be VERY a revealing show.

But once again, I didn’t crack up (well, I guess I kind of did). I grabbed a pair of jeans out of my bag and went into the restroom and changed. Everything still matched. The less-revealing show could go on. Life was good.

None of the things that happened were bad, per se, but they started to pile-on like some kind of poop avalanche. The old me would have lost my cool. But not this time. I just laughed as a black cat panicked when I crossed its path.

I got up, got the crowd up and laughing and they gave me a standing ovation. My jacket was yogurt free, tire was inflated and my pants were without a hole.

Life throws you crazy sometimes and if you learn to laugh at it, you get some good stories to tell.

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Sports = life. This weekend proved it.

A few thoughts on some of the sporting news over the weekend:

Arnold Palmer was a class act and made golf cool. I remember my Dad being a fan — so naturally, I became one, too. Like Jack Nicklaus said, “He always tried to make himself better.” That’s something we all should try to do. And we should have the same passion for our professions. He lived a long life, yet I’m sad to see him die. I hope my Dad gets to play a round with him.

I just wish 2016 would stop taking our icons.

Jose Fernandez didn’t live a long life. He was tragically taken at the very young age of 24. But he loved living during the time he had. — some of the clips on the internet were amazing. Such passion and joy for the game. But his death was a terrible reminder that life is very fragile and that we should make the most of it. Call a loved on today. Tell them that you love them.

Dak Prescott continues to prove his critics wrong. So many people tried to create a story for him (he should switch to tight end, he can’t throw, he can’t blah blah blah.) But Dak hasn’t bought into that story. Yeah, he can run. But he also has an astronomical quarterback rating and has not thrown an interception through preseason and the season so far. His work ethic is epic and has turned down endorsements so he can focus on the game. Dak proves that success is the best revenge. And that you should never buy into someone else’s story about you.

Les Miles reminds us why coaches get such large buyouts. When you’re a big-time college coach, it isn’t if you’ll be fired, it’s when. He now joins Phil Fulmer in the “I won a National Championship but I still got canned” club. But he’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll take his clock-management skills to another team eventually. But as a Tennessee fan, I have one bit of advice for my LSU friends: Don’t hire Lane Kiffin. If you do, you might as well plow salt into your football field. (Trust me.) But it’s a good reminder that none of us are secure in our jobs. We have to earn it every day.

Speaking of being a Tennessee fan, I’m relieved Tennessee finally got the Florida Gators off their backs and out of their heads. I tell you, I thought Florida was going to whip them once again until halftime. And then Tennessee rattled off 38 unanswered points in the second half. Neyland Stadium came alive and frustrated Florida’s office. Tennessee’s Defense did the same. But I think the lesson from the game is this: You haven’t lost until the game is over. And that goes for your life, too. You can always have a comeback. Make your adjustments and play your heart out.

People sometime question the value of sports. But it is an incredible metaphor for life. This weekend was proof.

What do you think?

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Out of your mind: Keeping people out of your head

There is scene in the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix where Snape is trying to teach Harry how to keep Voldemort out of his head (Occlumency). Harry and Voldemort are (spoiler alert) connected via the scar on Harry’s forehead, a scar created when Voldemort tried to murder him when he was a baby. There is a reason they are connected, but I won’t spoil that. Let’s just say, I see the brilliance J.K.Rowling’s writing. Harry needed to keep the worst wizard in history out of his head.

How many people do we allow into our heads?

I know I’ve struggled with it in the past. It’s the whole Mark Twain quote: “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” How many times have we held a grudge against someone and allowed it to affect our lives (while at the same time, the person we’re mad at could care less)? I have my hand raised.

Some people just want to screw with you. They enjoy making your life miserable. They get inside of your head and drive you nuts. Don’t give them that power. I’ve had people try to attack me and I don’t give them the time of day. It’s not turning the other cheek per se. It’s just not letting them into your life.

Don’t let them win.

Many years ago I had a person who was absolutely tearing me down. I was depressed and angry. I felt powerless. One day my wife looked at me and said, “You know how much joy you’d bring ___________ if he knew you were this miserable. Stop allowing him ruin your life and hurt your family.”

That one moment allowed me to shut the door once and for all on that person. I went from being a victim to a victor. I remembered something bigger that that one person — my family. And then I started living for them. Yes, he still had power over parts of my life. But I had power over what was most important: My attitude. Things began to change rapidly after that. Soon I stood up to him — and then his power waned.

Harry Potter briefly used Occlumency against Voldemort and did (spoiler alert) end up winning in the end. We can be like Harry and win. It’s all about who and what we allow in our heads.

It’s not magic. But it sure works like it.

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Fifteen years ago:

imageFifteen years ago, thousands of innocent people were slaughtered before our eyes on live television.

Fifteen years ago, we sat stunned as the world changed violently.

Fifteen years ago, first responders ran toward the burning buildings, not away from it.

Fifteen years ago, strangers helped strangers.

Fifteen years ago, our Congressional leaders stopped their partisan bickering long enough to sing together on the Capitol steps.

Fifteen years ago, that very Capitol was saved by the valiant bravery of the passengers on Flight 93.

Fifteen years ago, we stood united against pure evil.

It has been fifteen years. And while “United We Stand” posters may be faded, we still have that power of good within us. I know that seems almost silly to say in light of what we see on TV and on Social Media today. But when we’re shoved up against the wall, we fight back. We saw it on 9/11. We saw it after Katrina.

Sunday will be a day of quiet reflection for me. I’ll remember the terror of that day. But also remember the bravery and kindness of total strangers who pulled together to help others.

It will be a day of sadness. But it will also be a day of respect.

Bless those who died that day. And bless those who died sacrificing their lives for others.

United they stood.

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The best money I’ve spend is for:

The best money I’ve spent is for:

1. One diamond ring and gold wedding band.
2. A tux
3. Running shoes
4. Books
5. All the drawing paper and pens I’ve bought.
6. Money I’ve sunk into my dogs (and cat)
7. The hospital bills when my kids were born (so we could keep them.)
8. The doctor’s bill for my cancer surgery
9. Anything that has made my wife smile.
10. Tickets to the last football game my dad and I attended together.
11. Any family trips.
12. Live concerts for my wife’s and my favorite bands.

While this isn’t a complete list (I am pretty tired), I was just thinking about how I spend my money and what brings the most joy.

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When going through Hell

imageHe’s one of the most positive people I know — and he’s in pain. His marriage is unraveling, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. As we sat at the table, I could see hurt in his eyes.

If I had three wishes, I’d give one to him.

We had lunch the other day and shared our personal woes. Both of us are having cognitive problems from the stress we’re under — I can’t remember squat right now, for example. He’s having similar issues. He’s losing his marriage. I’ve had a tough couple of years with my parents. It’s exhausting. Grief has walled off part of our brains. But what could have easily turned into a pity road trip never quite got there. We got off the first exit and headed in a more positive direction.

He’s worried about his kids. I’ve always known him to be a great dad — so his concern doesn’t surprise me. He’ll still be in their lives — thanks be to God.

Speaking of, he said that God obviously wanted him there for a reason. I admired his ability to try to find a diamond of good in a big heaping pile of crap. He knows love will get him through this. He has been volunteering and trying to help others. He did that before this latest crisis. But now, it’s good therapy. He has a way of inspiring people — and I have to admit, he inspired me.

Winston Churchill said it best, “If you’re going through Hell, keep going.” I know it is tempting at times to lie down and quit. But we all have so much more inside of us than we use. There are times when you have to take a long, hard look at your life and decide what’s truly important. My friend had the decision made for him. But he’s doing a great job plowing through the pain.

He’ll be fine. I have faith in him and his heart. And I’m proud to call him a friend.

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Fifteen years later, it’s personal

image image image imageIt was the tightest security we faced in New York City. I turned to my son after we got through it and said, “This is the true monument to 9/11.”

We were in the 9/11 Museum and were about to take our long journey downward.

Outside are the footprint fountains of the Twin Towers. Their size and power will overwhelm you — just reading all the names will suck the breath out of you. I had visited the World Trade Center first when I was in high school. I remember the lobby and the mall underneath. I remember standing next to Tower one and looking up as it tickled the sky. I also visited it when it was a smoldering ruin in early 2002. To see the area redeveloped now is incredible. The new World Trade Center is an architectural marvel. But still….

We rode the escalator down into the subbasement. Next to it were the stairs that a handful of people had survived on when the towers collapsed. I’m not sure if it was the air conditioning, but I definitely felt a chill. At the bottom, I think we were where the mall and the train station were. To one side was the iron cross that inspired so many. On the other was the giant retaining wall (the bathtub) that holds out the Hudson River was on one side. One of the greatest miracles of that dark day was that the wall held. The Hudson could have flooded much of lower New York, making the disaster so much worse.

But after looking at the photos of the victims, I thought, “how could it be worse?” There were artifacts like ID badges, glasses and wallets. A crushed fire truck told the story of the violence of the collapsing buildings. My oldest son was a baby on 9/11. My middle son wasn’t even born. He never knew a world where you could go to the gate to meet your loved one. They read the exhibits and wondered why their dad was crying.

Yes, I cried. I am not normally a crier, but there was one exhibit that totally got to me. There was a set of Pooh headphones and a stuffed bear that belonged to two girls on two of the crashed planes. We had just gotten off the plane and all I could do was picture my youngest son holding his BB-8 toy.

The museum had taken me down my lowest depth and completely gutted me. It successfully humanized one of our nation’s darkest days. As it should have. As we rode back up the escalator, I felt sadness and then I felt anger.

How dare those bastards do this?

I’ve felt that feeling off and on for 15 years. I felt it on the actual day. And I’ve felt it over and over when we watch the planes crashing or the victims jumping to escape the flames (if you’ve ever been burned, you know why they jumped.) But seeing those toys and hearing the last recordings of people who were about to die tore at my soul.

Sunday  we will remember. But this year, I’ll remember a little differently. It’ll be more personal.

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Seven ways to keep from giving up

Yesterday, I asked this question: When times get rough, how do you keep from giving up?

I was very impressed with the answers that I got. A friend of mine asked me, “so what do you do?”

Good question.

Guess I’ve had a little experience with that. I thought about some tough patches I’ve faced and how I managed to stumble through them. I know I’ve made plenty of mistakes. Most of what I mention comes from learning the hard way. That seems to be the only way I’m capable of getting an education. But here are a few things I use to plow through bad times:

1. Get back up.

I’ve ingested so much of the Tennessee River that I am surprised I don’t have a third arm. Let’s just say when it came to teaching you how to waterski, my dad waterboarded before it became national news. And when you did get up, he took glee in knocking you back down. He’d turn the boat to sling you to the outside (and make you go even faster.) One day, I hit a piece of driftwood and did several cartwheels. I hit the water hard — and one of my skis hit my head. I was laying half conscious in the water when he guided the boat slowly next to me.

“You alive?” My Dad’s concern overwhelmed me.

I groggily nodded.

“It’s time to get back up.” My Dad wasn’t going to allow me to wallow in my misery. I grabbed the rope and we did it all over again.

Fifteen years ago, I had serious surgery for my melanoma. I was home, lying in bed and floating on a sea of pain pills. My Dad, also a cancer survivor, walked in my room and poked me.

“You alive?” He grinned.

I groggily nodded.

“It’s time to get back up.” We walked around the block together.

Since then I’ve learned that when you get knocked on your butt, you evaluate where you are then you get back up and get moving.

As Sir Winston Churchill said, “When going through Hell, don’t stop.”

2. Cancel the pity party

When I was a janitor after college, I threw a massive pity party. For six months, I pushed my trash barrel around with a copy of my diploma on it and a black cloud over my head. I was like a fart in the elevator — no one wanted be around me but couldn’t escape. I had a major attitude change one Sunday after hearing the Parable of the Talents. I went to work the next day with a much better attitude and doors began to open up. One of those doors was a co-worker introducing me to her daughter. I’ve been married to her daughter now for 23 years and have three amazing boys. Thank God I was a janitor after college.

3. Find the good in a bad situation

SuperTalk fired me after two years on the air but I didn’t mind. Because even though I wasn’t doing a show they wanted, my ratings and phone calls proved I was doing a show people wanted. I was able to translate that into books sales and a new radio show. That has led to a television show. And who knows we’re that will lead. It’s very hard to have that kind of positive attitude (at least for me), but experience has taught me that if I look for the good, I will find it. If I focus on the bad, I will crumble like a stale cookie. I firmly believe that some bad moments are just a shove from above to knock you out of your comfort zone. And I can tell you from experience, a comfort zone is more dangerous than even a blasting zone.

4. Believe in something bigger than yourself.

It’s faith. I’ve known my fair share of narcissists (and have teetered on that illness myself). But when bad things happen, if you believe in a bigger picture, a higher power and people you need to serve, it gets you out of the black hole of misery. I, of course, have faith. That is a personal journey for me that I keep close to my vest. But I also believe my role is to serve my family. When I lost past of my job, I didn’t panic. I looked at my sleeping boys and got to work. Love is a powerful motivator.

5. Get help

I’m a guy so even asking for directions is hard for me. But over the past couple of years, I’ve dealt with some serious issues. One day I woke up feeling like I was driving with a parking brake on. I leaned on my friends and started to work through it. It’s OK to reach out to a therapist, minister, priest, rabbi, dear friend, etc. When you’re in the middle of a crisis, your brain can lie to you — and make things seem much worse than they are. Sometimes it takes someone helping you for you to see reality. Things aren’t as grim as you think.

6. Live in the moment

Hard to do, but important. You have to learn to eat the elephant one bite at a time. Otherwise you can get overwhelmed. I know that feeling.

7. Laugh at the things that drive you crazy.

I tell people at the beach that my cancer scar is from a shark attack. Laughing has kept me sane for the past 15 years. I know that when my wife and I are laughing, we usually aren’t fighting. A sense of humor is probably the most valuable asset I have.

Well, I need to run to Natchez, Mississippi for a speech. It’s all part of that “keep moving” thing that seems to work so well for me. I didn’t have time to edit this — this is just off my chest. But I hope you got as much good from it as I did from your answers. What are your thoughts? Add them to the comment section below.

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Intern Season

As amazing as the 2nd Annual Mississippi Book Festival’s panels were (and they were very good), the author’s lounge was a little piece of heaven. It was a refuge from the hustle and bustle out in the Capitol’s hallways. And it was well-stocked with pastries and fresh fruit.

It also was well-stocked with authors. I got to catch up with long-time friends and met a few new ones. Several of my Twitter friends were there, too. I was like a literary family reunion. But that’s how Mississippi works. And it is one of the reasons I’ve really enjoyed living here. You can bump into talented people nearly daily. And they are glad to see you when you do.

One person who I wasn’t so sure would be glad to see me is former Senator Trent Lott. My cartoons were fairly tough on him back in the day (and rightfully so). I got his attention, he introduced himself (like he needed, too) and I said my name. A look of recognition washed over his face.

“Oh. You used to draw me with a helmet head.”

Well, yeah.

Anyway he told me this story that I’ll share. Back when Bill Clinton was President (probably around 1999 or so), Senator Lott slipped a piece of legislation into an appropriations bill that would have extended duck season. Many years, duck season would end before the ducks made it to Mississippi. Clinton threatened to veto it. So I drew a cartoon with Lott explaining to a wide-eyed Clinton why it was important, “Imagine if intern season ended before any interns showed up.”

Senator Lott found the cartoon amusing and asked for the original. I figured it was the most I could do, so I gave it to him. The good Senator promptly framed it and hung it in his Senate office’s bathroom in the U.S. Capitol.

Most artists hope to end up in the Louvre. I end up in the darn loo.

When Hillary was sworn into the Senate, President Clinton needed to hit the bathroom. So he popped into Lott’s office to use his. When he came out of the bathroom, he was laughing because of the cartoon. He promptly gave Senator Lott another cartoon (by another cartoonist) as a present as a payback.

The part of the story I didn’t know is that both original cartoons were lost when Katrina washed Senator Lott’s home out to sea.

I’m going to look in my electronic archives and find that cartoon so I can make a copy of it for Senator Lott. If for no other reason, he gave me a good story. But that’s what the Mississippi Book Festival was all about — good stories. And that’s what Mississippians do so darn well.

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The Eulogy

Last night I heard a grandfather powerfully eulogized his 13-year-old grandson. No grandfather ever should have to do that.


As he spoke, his love for his grandson reached out and wrapped its arms around everyone in the audience. There wasn’t a dry eye in the church.

Then he asked all his grandson’s classmates to stand. They did. The grandfather challenged them to reach out to everyone in their school. To lift someone up, whether it be a smile, a fist-bump or some other act of kindness. He told the kids that they could change their school for that day. And then he asked they do it again the next day.

I’m not sure how many kids got it — but even if it was just one, it’ll change a life. And it’ll help heal pain. Pain that his grandson obviously felt.

It’s advice we all should live by.

I watched my own 13-year-old son stand-up and thought of his grandson. I can’t even imagine his pain.

Thunder rumbled outside. And then I heard the rain.

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