Paying a dream forward

I was in a gym surrounded by first graders. Part of me feared someone would blow a conch shell and the whole group would rush me. But they didn’t. They sat patiently as the rest of the classes walked in. One little girl sported a pink cast.

“What happened to you?” I inquired.

“Fell off the monkey bars.”

I nodded. Monkey bars will do that to you.

The lights dimmed and so did the nervous little voices. I introduced the first graders at Madison Crossing Elementary to the world of Banjo. Banjo, the little brown dog who could, is about making dreams come true, I told them. Dreams like theirs. Many of them had met Banjo via his book, “Banjo’s Dream.” The rest got to meet the dog with the world’s biggest heart.

They got a little rowdy halfway through my program — mainly because I was engaging them and asking lots of questions. I could tell by their answers that they’re imaginations were firing on all cylinders. They saw the paw prints. They learned about Banjo, Sam and Pip. Then, the lights came back on and we said goodbye.

When I was their age, my imagination was sparked by a television cartoonist at WSB-TV named Bill Daniels. I met him at the Marietta Public Library and I was wowed at his work (he lateBanjoWriter2r went on to be a graphic artist at the Weather Channel). A dream germinated that day. I wanted to be a cartoonist just like him.

As I looked out in the audience, I hoped that I was able to pay that forward. I hope at least one kid thought about something they really wanted to do. I hope in 40 years, one of them will talk to another first grade class and pay their dream forward, too.  Because you never know when you will inspire someone to chase their dreams.

P.S. Thanks to Madison Crossing Elementary School and Lela Hester for allowing me to be part of your Wednesday morning and sharing Banjo with you.

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#Fit2Fat2FitBlog: Let your heart win.

My son was glum last night between his guitar and soccer practices. I asked what was bugging him and he said he was tired. “I push myself harder than some of the other kids.”

I smiled and said, “Really?” He does work really hard.

“Some kids are satisfied with C’s. I’m not. I push myself harder than that.”

I looked at him and said, “You, like your brothers, have amazing potential. And don’t ever be satisfied with C’s. You can do anything you put your mind to. I am amazed by and believe in your talent. Always let your heart win.”

This morning’s workout was tough. We started with the Gauntlet, which is running up and down Madison Central’s Football Stadium. My legs said no but my heart said yes. By the fourth lap, my legs were really burning. The rest of the workout was tough, mainly because like my son, I was tired, too. Then we got hit between the eyes.

We did a long plank – straight-arm plank -mountain climber session. It was the last one of the day and my shoulders were screaming bloody murder. I pushed into the pain.

I guess I didn’t have to. Could have stayed home. But I I showed up. And pushed myself when I didn’t feel like it. I’m not satisfied C’s, either. At the very end, when my shoulders hurt the worst, my mind went to another level and pushed past the pain.

I can do better than I am doing. And today, I think I figured out how.

Push past the pain. And always let your heart win.


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#Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Ups and Downs

Let’s do a quick physical inventory:

1. Sore from Thursday’s leg day. Check.
2. Sore from Saturday’s 16-mile run. Check again.
3. Mentally whipped because of some family stuff. Check once again.

So I went into this morning’s workout mentally, physically and spiritually tired. My stupid soul ached and my body felt sluggish. Not to mention my exhausted leg muscles. They just hurt.

Neil took us into the weight room and wore us out. We did rubber band pull downs and skull crunchers (sounds like a good name for a punk band). In between, we did unlimited push-ups. Did I mention we did unlimited push-ups? I easily did over 100. Then we did core work. Planks are more than just what people beat you with, just to let you know.

Then we went outside to Coach Trahan’s station. It was up-down time. We had a choice between that or running on the track. Of course, no one was going to take the “easy” way out and run the track. So I felt like my shoulders were going to pop off. I weigh 211 lbs. Gravity will kick your butt after 66 or so up-downs. We had the option to do burpees — which I did some in the last 50-yard stretch. Honestly, my arms were shot. My will was shot. So I was ready for the next station which was…

Sprinting 600 yards while sea!ring a parachute. And then 300 yards without one. Son of a… GASP Austin made sure we didn’t run away. I thought about it. And…

Once I stuffed my lungs back in my mouth, we went to Richard’s station which I don’t remember because I had blacked out. (I know it involved moving the whole time.)

Clark’s station was last and of course, it involved more core work. Clark is the King of Core. I’d say he’s Hard Core, but that sounds dirty and this is a family blog. I know the rubber pellets are supposed to be hazardous. I didn’t give a damn by that point. I was hoping they’d kill me.

Today was a total butt kicking. And I’m sure tomorrow will be the same. That’s how it rolls in the world of my morning training.

Like I’ve said before, if I get my butt kicked on the field, it is easier to handle getting my butt kicked by life itself.

I just hope I don’t fall down tonight. I won’t be able to get back up.

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Mississippi Healing

10351067_749887978397764_2649879574229048579_nThe day Bill Duval thought would be his greatest victory turned into the day of his greatest defeat.

For nearly 20 years, Bill had dutifully reported to his bank branch in downtown Jackson, Mississippi. And every morning his routine had been the same. He woke up at the same time. Ate the same food. He then drank the same coffee. He even shaved the same side of his face first. There had been the same morning commute at the same time. Bill was very happy with his same routine. He liked his same comfort zone. He prided himself as the bank’s most loyal employee. He hadn’t even taken a sick day in 15 years. He was the poster child of same.

He saw the memo on his desk. “Bill, come see me, Paul.”

Paul was Bill’s boss and friend. Bill’s heart skipped a beat. Could this be the promotion to Assistant Vice Bank Manager? No one else in the branch had worked harder and the position had been open since Joan left last month. Bill closed his eyes. This promotion would solve all his problems. His wife Ann would be happy again. His bills would finally get paid. They might even get to take that vacation after all.

He walked into Paul’s office. If he had been observant, he might have noticed something was wrong. The office was quiet as a tomb. Bill wasn’t walking into glory. He was walking into a trap.

If his ego wasn’t so focused on his promotion, he also would have noticed Paul wasn’t looking him in the eye. Bill sat down with a smile, “What’s up?”

Paul handed him an envelope. “I’m sorry. Corporate mandates these cuts. It’s nothing personal. Just business. Your separation package is in there.”

Bill’s world fell apart. He looked at his boss and said the only word he could, “Why?”

Paul looked out at the empty room and said, “It’s just business.”

From that moment, Bill quickly discovered who his true friends were. No one would look at him as he took his box and plant out of the branch office. His wife Ann left him a note that said, “I’m staying with my mother for a while to think this other.”

Depression covered Bill Duval like a cold, dark blanket and pinned him to his bed for a week. He didn’t eat. He didn’t shower. He didn’t even shave the same way.

Sunday: Jackson, Mississippi

Bill woke up and noon and decided to take a walk. He looked at the leaves and uncut grass in his yard and just coldly walked down the street. Maybe a car could hit him.

“Nah,” he thought. “I’m not a quitter.”

He heard a truck rumble up behind him. He stepped off the road but the truck came up on the sidewalk. Bill dove into the bushes and cursed the driver. Who he saw next shocked him.

“Why hello Bill. Thought you might need someone to talk to.”

It was the crazy old priest who had used to be at his church. Retired, he had taught his lessons using old rock and roll songs. He had also been with Bill when he had had his surgery. No one had brought him more peace.

“Hey Father Riley, how are you?”

“Better question, how are you?”


“You always talk to a man of God like that?” Father Riley smiled. Bill knew he was giving him a hard time.

“Sorry about that. Can’t think of a better word.”

“How about blessed?” Father Riley continued. “What are you doing for the next week?”

Bill looked at the old man with a glare, “What do you THINK I’m doing?”

“I’m taking a trip. Why don’t you ride along?”

Bill thought for a second. What else did he have to do?

It must have been a God moment, but he said, “Sure. Let me get some stuff together.”

Father Riley looked at him and said, “Just bring your tooth brush and a change of clothes. We’ll live off the land.”

And that’s when Bill Duval’s redemption began.

Monday — Northeast Mississippi.

The old truck pulled into the parking lot in Tupelo. In front of them was an old shotgun shack sitting by itself on a big lot. It was obvious it had been moved to a nicer location. A historical marker revealed where they were: “Elvis Presley’s Birthplace.”

Father Riley put the truck in park and the engine backfired. The sun’s rays were peeking over the trees.

“OK,” Bill questioned,”Why are we here?”

Father Riley just said, “C’mon.”

Bill was impressed at how simple the house was. He realized that one of music’s greatest icons had come from incredibly simple roots.

“Elvis came from nothing. He was dirt poor. But the boy had passion. He had a love for music that burned in his heart.”

Bill thought about the young Elvis. How he had changed modern music.

“Do you think this kid felt sorry for himself because things didn’t go his way? No. He worked his butt off. He “Took Care of Business in a Flash.”

Bill smiled thinking of Elvis’s TCB necklace.

Father Riley said, “It’s passion boy. Let Northeast Mississippi teach you that. You have to have passion.”

Tuesday: The Mississippi Delta.

Father Riley’s truck kicked up a huge cloud of dust as it drove through the cotton field.  The crop-dusters had sprayed their magic potion, leaving the plants defoliated. All Bill could see was miles and miles of white.

“Why are we here?” Bill would be asking this question more and more as the week went on.

Father Riley stopped the truck and commanded Bill to get out.  “Now,” he said unusually forcefully. Bill obeyed.

He stepped out into the Delta’s rich, dark soil.

“Smell the pain?”

Bill cocked his head slightly. “What?”

Father Riley ran his fingers through the dirt.  “Smell the pain?  The history of this land is one of great struggle and great victories.”

Bill still didn’t understand.

“B.B. King lived in a small building with no lights.  All he had was an old guitar to comfort his pain.”

Bill started to see where this was going.

“Out of great pain came one of music’s greatest musicians. Look around at this field. This, son, is the birthplace of the blues.  B.B. worked his fingers bloody, went to Memphis, set high standards for him and those who played for him. But never forget, out of the worst moments come the greatest gifts. B.B. would never have played that guitar if he had been comfortable.”

Bill looked at the old priest as the suns rays backlit him. He almost looked angelic. Almost.

Wednesday: Natchez, Mississippi

Both men sat on a bench in the part overlooking Natchez Under the Hill.  The sun set slowly over Louisiana and the lights on the Hwy. 84 bridge flickered to life.  Neither said a word.  They just watched the water of the mighty Mississippi pass.  A lone plane flew down the river, breaking the calm.  And then stillness covered the land.

“You know all those problems you have?”

Bill watched the water and nodded.

“Pretty minuscule compared to this, aren’t they?”

Bill nodded again.

“This river will be around long after we are gone.”

Bill exhaled. He could feel the pressure leave his body.

Thursday: Near Hattiesburg, Mississippi

“Order the ribs,” Father Riley commanded Bill.

“Kind of bossy, aren’t you?” Bill said.  They were sitting in Leitha’s Bar-be-Q Inn  between Hattiesburg and Columbia.

“The old location was in Columbia, but the food is still amazing.  Eat the ribs.”

“Why,” Bill asked.

“Because, you can’t understand heaven until you taste it.”  Father Riley looked him in the eye. “Today you’ll learn to enjoy the moment. Eat the ribs. Savor each bite.  All we have is the moment we are in.”

Bill promptly ordered the ribs.

Friday: Biloxi, Mississippi.

Father Riley parked the truck on the beach.  Both got out and felt the breeze blown across their faces. The Mississippi Gulf Coast had one of the world’s longest man-made beaches and Bill walked across it toward the brown water of the Mississippi Sound.

Father Riley gestured at Bill, “Walk out in the water.”

“But…” Bill argued. He took his shoes and socks and waded out to waist deep.

Father Riley walked behind and grabbed the back of his head and shoved his head into the water.

“Dear Lord forgive this man’s sins. Allow him to find peace. I baptize him in your name Lord.”

Bill jumped up from the cool water and yelled, “I thought you just sprinkled!!!”

Both men laughed.  Father Riley looked at his friend and said, “Mississippi has healed you. Now go start your life over.”

A low-flying gull buzzed Bill. As he looked at the Mississippi Gulf Coast, he knew if the people here could recover from Katrina, he could rebuild his life, too.






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Life is easier with a running partner

10351067_749887978397764_2649879574229048579_nSaturdays are my long-run day. And today, I didn’t feel like running. But I knew I had to — this week had been too much. My mind, body and soul were exhausted. So on paper it didn’t make sense: Why go out and pound myself even more? But runners know why we run. Running is our Xanax, Zoloft and Prozac rolled into one. It’s the two or three hours every week when we can sort through our lives and try to make a little sense of it. Right now, I probably need twice that time –life has been throwing a lot a curveballs. And most of them have been aimed right at my head.

As running days go, today was amazing. The sunrise over the Reservoir was glorious. I got on the trail and my legs started to loosen. The temperature was a brisk 45 degrees and steam wafted off my shoulders. My mind was lost in my week. My job. My dad. He isn’t feeling well and lives far away. I kept running, passing groups of Fleet Feet runners who are training for the Blues Marathon. I crossed Hwy. 51 and then I-55. I went past Highland Colony and past St. Andrew’s Upper School. I kept running. My mind was totally lost. I kept thinking about my parents.

Then I looked at my watch. Eight miles! That would mean I would have to run 16 miles today. I haven’t run more than 13 miles in over a year. Add to it, legs were wiped out from a rough week of training. This wouldn’t be easy.

But life isn’t easy. I think that’s why I was pushing myself so hard today. I know the next two months will be challenging to me. It I can push myself to the brink, I’ll be ready for whatever life throws at me.

At mile 12, I started to have leg cramps. Great. I still had four more miles to go. This was going to be a gut check. And my checks were bouncing.

Then I saw John and Newman. Both are amazing runners (I’m not.) They were standing at the Old Canton Exit off of the Trace, talking. I joined in the conversation for a minute and Newman headed back to the Old Craft Center parking lot. John agreed to slow down (he’s a jet and I’m a biplane) so we could run together for three miles. My cramps faded as we ran.

John did most of the talking, I was too tired. He talked about how his daughter wanted to put together puzzles this morning. “How do you say no to that? Really. All we can give our children is time.” John’s transformation as an athlete is remarkable. He lost a lot of weight and became a very quick marathon runner. So I knew that part of his story was amazing. But what he told me next, I didn’t know.

“I got downsized from my job in 2012. Was out of work for several months. Took a part-time job to keep my family fed. Took another job. Lost it, too. Now I have a new job that I’ve been in for two months. You really don’t appreciate how good you have things until you lose your job.”

John hadn’t complained about his job loss. He had just gotten busy.

We continued to run and he said that all he wanted to do was help and inspire people. He and I agreed that the bad things in life are blessings in the disguise. How else would we be shoved out of our comfort zones?

He prepared to run back and I headed on to my house. I shook his hand and smiled. Not only had John gotten me closer to home, he helped me grapple with my life. He put some things in perspective.

When I got to mile 16, I thought, John’s wish is coming true. Because he sure helped me today.

Life is tough. But it sure is easier with a running partner.

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Fit2Fat2FitBlog: Black Dots

Modern artificial turf has come a long way from the green Astroturf that lined stadiums and the bed of your average El Camino. The old stuff was plastic grass slapped on concrete (and would give you the mother of all carpet burns.) Now fields pieces of green turf with a generous bed of black rubber pellets. The pellets provide cushioning –and honestly, a fake field is more comfortable to run on than your average natural grass field (although I miss the smell of wet, cut Bermuda grass.)

Madison Central High School has one of the new-style artificial fields. And that’s where I workout four mornings a week. There are millions of black rubber pellets on that field — and twice that many in my house. I bring home pellets every day. They are in my car. In my bathroom. Under my wedding ring. In my hair. I’ve also even found them in my ear.

I am a black rubber pellet hoarder. It looks like a rat crapped all over my life.

I tell you this because I lost one pound at this week’s weigh-in. I weigh 211 lbs. And I am 100% certain I would’ve lost at least five pounds if I wasn’t covered in black rubber pellets.

P.S. Today was leg day and I did a million squats. Some with weight. Some without. My knees cursed me royally and the rest of my body was still whining because of yesterday’s butt-kicking. But when we finished today, I smiled. Another week of training is in the books. Thanks be to God.


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Where Creativity Comes from…

A friend asked me, “How are you so creative?” First of all, I thanked my friend. If he thinks I am creative, I’m doing something right. (I have my detractors and am fine with them, too. Jerks). I looked at him and rubbed my chin (a gesture to make me look smarter).

Then I answered as honestly as I could:

“Remember 6th grade P.E.?” My friend nodded and said, “Who could forget it?”

“Remember how you had to run a mile and nearly barfed a lung?” This got big-time nods.

523566_10153449464465721_1078091548_n“Now, I know you recently ran a Half Marathon.” A smile of pride came to his face.

“What was the difference? How were you able to run now as opposed to back then?”

“I trained for it.”

“Bingo. You trained for it. Like a muscle, your creativity grows with use (and some rest.) I am sure I was born with a little creativity — my parents are creative people. But most of that I can do is because I do it nearly every single day. Ever quit running for a few weeks?”

My friend said, “Yeah.”

“Remember how fast you fell out of shape? Well that’s me when I take time off from writing or drawing.”

I went on to explain that most of my ideas come from a place in my head that I really can’t explain. And that I can only gain access to it is through practice. Honestly, I don’t know how how creative I really am. I never have taken a creativity test. But I am prolific. And if I do 400 cartoons, at least I know one of them will be good. (Unless you are one of my detractors and then you’ll think all 400 of them suck.)

The secret is frequency. Now, I need to go be creative.

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Fit2Fat2FitBlog: The Next Level

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you’re hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”
Rocky Balboa

The Halloween-like ground fog on the football field should have been a sign. It looked as if Jason or Freddie would pop out at any moment. But something worse happened: Paul Lacoste lumbered out of the mist.

Instead of of doing our normal rotations with different coaches, Paul trained us himself. He pushed us as hard as we’ve been pushed in the three years I’ve done the program. We ran 200-yard sprints. We did burpees and up-downs. We did planks and spider-crawls. We moved the whole time. And at times, we gasped like a bass flopping on a dock.

It was a butt-kicking. And it was just what the doctor ordered.

I have some things going on in my personal life that are taking every bit of my emotional energy. My job is demanding and life is punching me in the mouth. But like the up-downs we do on the field, when life knocks me down, I have the physical capacity to jump back up. I thought about Rocky’s words, “it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward..”

No kidding.

Paul talks about the Next Level a lot. We yell “1..2..3.. Next Level!” after each session. As we lay on the field afterward, I thought about what the next level means to me.

The Next Level is training yourself mentally and physically to be able to take on lives challenges.

The Next Level is leaning into life, not just floating through.

The Next Level is busting out of your comfort zone.

The Next Level is realizing you are a product of your choices. That means diet, exercise and even your attitude.

The Next Level is embracing personal responsibility. You must quit blaming others for your problems.

The Next Level is having the maturity to fix what you have control about and not worry about what you don’t.

The Next Level setting high standards and sticking to them. Set measurable goals and achieve them.

The Next Level is living in the moment.

The Next Level is being grateful.

The Next Level is leaving it on the field and not keeping something in the tank.

The Next Level is helping others.

The next year will be one of the toughest of my life. I need to step it up and be a better husband, son, brother and father. I need to do better work and make things happen in my career. I need to plan more and procrastinate less. I need to hit fear in the mouth.

I need to get to the Next Level.

And it all starts at 5 a.m. when I physically push myself to the brink.

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#Fit2Fat2FitBlog: Monday, October 20, 2014

Imagine four-hundred yard sprints while dragging a cold, damp parachute. Imagine doing it twice. Then imagine running that while you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

I ran much slower than I would had liked this morning. My mind was a parking brake holding me back. I worked hard to bring my focus back to the field. Each session was a struggle.

I do the Paul Lacoste workout three 12-week sessions a year. It is intense, tough and very early in the morning. My old body does things that it doesn’t particularly enjoy doing. I sweat like a fire hydrant and hurt like I’ve been hit by a Louisville Slugger. Usually by this point in the session, I’m physically exhausted.

But I keep after it. I push and keep pushing. I don’t quit.

From 5 a.m. until 6 a.m., I am allowed to take all my problems, lay them out on the football field and beat the hell out of them. My heart races. My brain heals. It’s my therapy. It keeps me sane.

Sure, I am in great physical shape. But right now, I need the mental part of my training more than ever. I need my hour of discipline every morning.

I am getting stronger in mind, body and spirit.

And I refuse to quit.

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Losing Danny

Daniel Frankin Jr. sat looking at an older version of himself.

“Hello Danny,” he said as the old man sipped his soup from a bent soup spoon.

“Oh hello. When did you get here? You remind me of my son. Did you know I have a son?”

Danny Jr. looked at this father and felt his eyes sting. This trip never was easy. But over the past few months it had gotten infinitely more difficult. It had started slowly — like a record skipping. But recently it had sped up. Especially since Danny Sr. had moved out of his home and into the Alzheimer’s Ward in Golden Memories Nursing Home. He had threatened a neighbor with a gun. Now Danny Jr. had to come visit his father here. Golden Memories Nursing Home. The irony was painful.

“I don’t want to lose you, Dad. Especially when you are alive.”

“Did you say something young man?” Danny Sr. spoke as he took another sip of his soup.

“No, Dad…..nny.”

The older man smiled. He was at peace. Dust particles danced around him in the sunbeam shining through the slightly parted curtains, making him look almost angelic. The room was nice enough. It was dressed in late 1990’s decor with lots of cheap plastics and tan paint. Over on the nightstand was a picture of Danny Jr’s Mom from the early 1960’s. He looked at her eyes. She still had those beautiful eyes. Eyes that had been bloodshot a lot lately.

“Have you had the soup?” Danny Sr. was good at chit-chat. In fact, he was a master. It was the details that tripped him up.

Danny thought about the times they had spent together. The trips fishing. The times they worked on cars. The times he coached his baseball games. As dads went, Danny had always said he had won the Dad Lottery. Now all his winnings were being stolen by an unrelenting thief.

“And who are these two fine gentlemen?” Danny Sr. looked at the two brown-headed boys in the doorway. He put down the soup spoon and adjusted himself in his chair.

“A couple of your biggest fans.”

“I have fans? Well today is my lucky day.”

Danny Jr. watched as his boys hugged their grandfather. And it was at that moment, he realized our truly valuable possessions are the memories that we make over a lifetime.

Danny Jr. sighed. He was losing Danny. And that was a terrible price to pay.

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