#Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: October 1, 2014

Today’s fitness blog is brought to you by back pain. Back pain, when you didn’t want to sit comfortably.

OK, here we go.

My 75 teammates and I start our workout at 5 a.m. and end exactly at 6 a.m. That’s 60 minutes a day to push ourselves through two stations in the weight room and four on the field. We do that four times a week for 12 weeks.

That’s 2,880 minutes we are given to become stronger, faster, lighter and better.

And all 75 of us are given the same number of minutes and the same opportunity. And we’ll all have different results. Why? It’s what we do with each minute we’re given that determines our success at the end. If you lean into an exercise instead of just going through the motions, you’ll see huge results.

Isn’t that like life? Ever know someone who manages to get so much more out of his or her day? Ever wonder how how successful people become that way?

We are given 1,440 minutes per day. It’s like 1,440 little gift wrapped little presents that we’re allowed to unwrap and use. Wow! Some people grab hold of each one. Others allow them to slip on by.

I truly believe success is journey. Life is to be seized and enjoyed. And I’ve been so guilty of not doing just doing that. I put the “PRO” in procrastination.

According to my handy-dandy calculator, I have 1,980 minutes remaining of my 12-week boot camp. I’m going to work hard to take advantage of every one of them. Because I know the results will be amazing. Just like it will be in life if I do the same exact thing.

Now to just get my back to heal.

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Ode to a Traffic Jam

ByyBTLYCAAA5SGH.jpg-largeThere’s nothing that spreads joy, goodwill and glee quite like a traffic jam. You just want to reach out and hug the drivers of the cars around you. Puppies and kitties. Puppies and kitties.

Screw that.

You want to kill everyone.

If you had a James Bond car, you’d be lighting up the horizon with your missiles. You can hear the seconds ticking as you know you’re going to be late to work.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Son of a….

A vein pops out of your forehead.

Then you think of puppies and kittens. You try to lower your blood pressure until suddenly that butthead in front of you slams on her brakes. You swerve to the left and drive through some tire gators that an 18-wheeler left earlier. KATHUMP.

You get back into your lane.

You’re trapped like a rat. The traffic copter flies over, mocking you as you sit motionless in the fast lane. If only you had a Stinger missile.

Time to think of puppies and kittens again. Your mind wanders, “whose brother-in-law got the contract to design a CURVE in the interstate?!?!? And he must have designed it with a crayon.”

That second cup of coffee comes back to haunt you. “I HAVE TO PEE!” But like in space, no one can hear you scream in a traffic jam.

HOOONNNKKK!!!! Some jerkwad lays on his horn. Oh THAT will make things better.

Your blood pressure spikes again. Your forehead vein begins to pulse. But there’s hope. Blue lights flicker on the horizon. Suddenly a Nissan Altima tries to get into YOUR lane. NO WAY! (Of course, its lane is blocked by a firetruck.)

Civility is dead. Someone does a Lord of the Flies and blows a conch shell. A man in a BMW convertible has a pig head on a stick.

Interstate has ground to a halt. The heart of your commute is having a heart attack.

The Waterworks Curve officially needs a plumber.

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You Gotta Believe

shs_1985_off-defThe 1985 Sprayberry Yellow Jacket football team had a slogan “You Gotta Believe.” I think I even had the T-shirt.

It was one of the most important things I learned playing football (that and G.A.T.A., but I’ll tell you what that stands for in a minute.) But I didn’t really know what it meant to believe at 17.

Today it’s a fire that burns inside of me.

Belief. You have to believe. You have to believe in your dream, yourself, your life, you faith — in something bigger than yourself.

Because sometimes others won’t.

I used to be driven by wanting others to believe in me. I wanted to “please” my bosses and other people in my life. But I found out a long time ago (the hard way) that that doesn’t always workout. You have to be driven from inside. No one can steal that from out. You have the power to prove the nonbelievers wrong.

People who believe do great things. People who believe overcome obstacles. People who believe don’t quit.

I’m, by nature, a cynical guy. But you can’t steal my dream from me. Nope. Not going to happen. And if you think you can, watch me prove you wrong.

P.S. G.A.T.A. stands for “Get After Their @sses.” And it’s how you make what you believe come true.

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Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: September 29, 2014

Felt my leg ache a little as I was running a sprint up the hill. And I felt my melanoma scar scream when I was doing straight arm crunches. My shoulders hurt as I did burpees and worked out with weights. My lungs burned while I was running A-frames across the stadium. My knees balked as I was doing box jumps. I creaked more than an old house in a hurricane. I felt my age.

So, you ask, why do I do this to myself?


A little pain early means I don’t have a lot of pain later. My blood pressure is normal. My heart rate is low. My blood sugar is normal. I take no prescription drugs. My waist is what it was when I was 16. I have energy when I shouldn’t have. I am more focused and am better at setting goals.

I’m not Superman. Nor am I a natural athlete. I’m a normal man who has made a choice to live a healthier life.

Sitting on a couch is easier. If I had my way, I’d sit on the couch and drink Cokes until I weighed 250 lbs. again. But I keep thinking about the people I saw in my grandmother’s nursing home. The ones who were just zombies and staring into space.

There’s a big difference between being alive and living. A little pain at 5 a.m. reminds me that I’m truly living.

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Feeling the Need for Speed: What Top Gun taught me.

MV5BMTY3ODg4OTU3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjI1Nzg4._V1_SX640_SY720_Most of life’s lessons are in the movie Top Gun.

Seriously, Maverick and Goose were high-flying prophets from the 1980s. They roared around in their F-14, teaching scores of lifehacks.

“And if you screw up just this much, you’ll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog $#^& out of Hong Kong!” Guy who looks like Mr. Clean

OK, I admit, there were cheesy parts — It was the 1980s after all. (The 80’s had more cheese than Wisconsin.) But there’s one scene that speaks to me:

*Spoiler alert*

If you haven’t seen a nearly 30-year-old movie by now, seriously, I don’t think a spoiler alert will help you. But here it goes. Goose is dead (a tragedy of the likes not seen since *Another Spoiler alert* Bambi’s mom gets turned bumped off) and Maverick is completely messed up in the head. He graduates Top Gun on points alone but the smarmy Iceman wins. Boo! Suddenly the graduates are called to the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise (because apparently they ran out of pilots.) And international incident breaks out! The commies attack with their Mig-28s (that look like F-5 fighters) and Maverick has to go save the day. But he won’t engage. One F-14 is shot down and Iceman, a thin Val Kilmer, is in peril. Oh no! America is at risk.

And Maverick still won’t engage.

“Come on, Mav, do some of that pilot $#&^” Goose (who died because Maverick did some of that pilot $#&^.)

Then Maverick, who has an epiphany, looks at the late, great Goose’s dog tags and proceeds to kick Ruskie *$$. BOOM!

“Mustang, this is Voodoo 3. Remaining MiGs are bugging out.” Merlin (who wasn’t as cool as Goose and wasn’t married to pre-plastic surgery Meg Ryan)

The point is this: He engaged and ended up on the front page of every newspaper in the english-speaking world, even though the other side denied the incident.

I’m at a point in my life where my busyness is choking out my productivity. I know what I have to do. But I’m not getting it done. I’m like Maverick zooming around in his F-14 and not taking on the bad guys.

It’s not time to get busier; it’s time to get more productive. And their is a big difference between the two. I need my moment with Goose’s dog tags.

I feel the need for speed.

Before I lose that lovin’ feeling.




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The new office

10290615_10154665627265721_8589500281578098593_nWalked over and looked out my old window. I stared at Capitol Towers’ parking garage one last time. I remembered the morning editorial meetings with Sid Salter, David Hampton, Joe White, John Hammack, Eric Stringfellow and Jim Ewing. They’re gone now. So is my desk. Only memories remained.

I walked over to my most recent office. It used to be Keith Warren’s office until I took it over a couple of years ago. It’s empty now, too. I packed up my last box and put it on the dolly. I’m now downstairs in one of the old V.I.P. Magazine offices — but only temporally. The Clarion-Ledger will be thankfully remodeled. By 2015, advertising and editorial will fill the space once filled by the newsroom. The dull, gray emptiness will finally be gone.

There have been a lot of changes at The Clarion-Ledger. You’ve seen some of them. I’ve seen even more. It has a new publisher named Jason Taylor who has a very strong reputation because of his community involvement and professional success. I hope he kicks butt here in Jackson like he did in Chattanooga. I can tell you that his energy is refreshing. It’s already making a big difference. I’m really pulling for the guy.

My role has changed a lot in the last few years. But every change has brought forward blessings. Sure, there have been some challenges but challenges blast you out of your comfort zone. After nearly 18 years in Mississippi, I’m thankful to still be able to bring you editorial cartoons. They’re what brought me to the dance. And I will always find a way to get them to you. Promise.

For now, I just unloaded the last box in my temporary home. It will be fun to see what the future brings. I just hope it brings me a cartoon idea for tomorrow.

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The remodel

CLcolorRGBLet me be very open and honest here: Being diagnosed with melanoma messed with my head. There really is nothing quite like having your own skin trying to kill you to cause you anxiety. But what really affected me was that I suddenly craved security.

Not good.

Because what I thought was security was nothing more than an illusion. I thought if I sat still and hunkered down, I’d be secure. I felt like I could rest on my past successes. Nothing could be farther from the truth! And I found out the hard way! Sitting still, ignoring the change going on around me caused chaos in my life. Now, looking back, I’ve discovered one truth from the last few years:

True security comes from successes brought on by embracing change.

I’m not saying all change is positive. Trust me, I have proof. And I couldn’t control what was happening around me. But what I could control was how I reacted to it.

As soon as my attitude changed, doors flew open. Seeing change as opportunity totally altered how I envisioned the world. And for the first time in years, cancer’s yoke of fear fell to the ground.

Today, I’m cleaning out my office at The Clarion-Ledger. No, I’m not leaving. I am, however, moving downstairs. The building, built in the mid 1990’s, is getting a much-needed makeover.

What a great metaphor for our lives. As much as it would be comfortable for the building to stay the same (I have a lot of great memories in this place), it wouldn’t reflect the needs of a changed world. Sure, there’ll be a few weeks of discomfort. It will be loud and messy. But the end result will be worth it.

I just need to remind myself to embrace change, not fight it. It’s my true path to future success.

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Fit2Fat2FitBlog: September 24, 2014

Yesterday was the first cool morning of the fall session. And I didn’t stretch well enough — soooooo — I pulled my right quadricep (thigh muscle). It didn’t feel particularly good yesterday. In fact, it really smarted. And it didn’t feel particularly good today.

I have been an athlete in some form or another for most of my life. I know when to rest, when to seek medical treatment and when to push through the pain. Today, I pushed through the pain.

And for the most part, I did fine. Did it feel good? No. But the way I look at it, it hurt less than open-heart surgery. I knew I could do the work today. So I pressed forward.

Where I tripped up was Clark’s session. We did some exercise where we had to try to touch our elbows to our knees while running in place. For some reason, it hurt 100% more than any exercise. I felt like someone was hitting a deep bruise with a baseball bat. I compensated so I wouldn’t aggravate my injury — thus I didn’t have a very fluid range of motion. Clark thought it looked funny and pulled me out to do my exercise in front of the whole line. I laughed it off because I knew I looked funny — but it hurt like hell.

If you are alive, you’ll have to play through pain. It may be heartache, depression or physical. Most of it is out of your control. But what you do control is how you react to it. I could have made an excuse this morning. Instead, I plowed through it. And I got a little mentally tougher.

We live in a vicious, broken world. So you have to keep pushing when life hurts. You train more than just your muscles when you workout. You train your mental toughness, too. That toughness carries over into the rest of your life, too. You learn to laugh it off.

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Now You’re Talking with Me

In 2010, I started an afternoon radio show on another radio network. I had no training and no clue what I was doing. With the help of wonderful producers Jim, Captain, DRadioawn, Andi, Camie and a host of people behind the scenes, the ratings steadily climbed and eventually we had a very respectable show with a sizable audience.

Then it went away.

For the past year, I’ve done a Monday morning show on Mississippi Public Broadcasting at 10 a.m. called Now You’re Talking with Marshall Ramsey. It started out as a pure interview show but the format has (thankfully) changed. Now it’s an hour of interviews and other bits and pieces that my talented producer Cherita and I come up with. It’s doing very well and frankly, I’m really enjoying it. I like to think of it as a radio version of my Facebook page.

It’s putting the fun in Mondays.

Today I asked the question, “What is your favorite part of living in Mississippi?” My answer? The people.

And that is what I have loved about this show. The people.

I’ve interviewed Mississippians who’ve accomplished world-class things, showed courage or just made this state a better place to live. One week I might talk to Mac McAnally. The next, a Civil Rights pioneer. The next an inspirational coach. Or a cancer survivor committed to inspiring others. Like this state, you never really know what you will get.

And that’s just the way I like it.

The good news is the show’s audience is rapidly growing and I wanted to thank everyone who listens. I look forward to bringing you the best of Mississippi every Monday at 10 a.m. on MPB.


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The Answered Prayer

Power of Words

Smoke clung to the bottles behind the bar. The young writer gulped his drink. He was throwing a massive pity party. And he was the only one in attendance.

An older gentleman with a white beard tended bar. He had been there forever and seemed to have a knack of knowing what you wanted before you could even ask. There was a reason his tip jar was overflowing.

No one knew his real name. Folks just called him Gabe.

“I don’t get it, Gabe. I once prayed to become a writer and all I’ve gotten are obstacles thrown in my face.”

The writer’s pity party was so good he was even serving snacks.

“I entered college, told my advisor I wanted to be a writer and she told me not to bother. But I showed her and immediately got a job on the school paper. Then I graduate and couldn’t find a job. I ended up working in a scrap yard. But I worked hard and got an opportunity to write for a local a local paper. But that editor tried to fire me. I found a better job. Then I moved all around the country writing and won all kinds of awards — but was laid off in a round of budget cuts. Yet, I showed them by reinventing myself. Then another boss tried to make me quit. It’s one dam’ thing after another. What good are prayers anyway?”

Gabe smiled slightly and said, “Oh, your prayers were heard.”

The writer, half drunk and in full-pity mode, spat on the ground. “Bull $#%^.”

Gabe grinned, “I can tell you’re a writer by your command of the English language. Look, do you think the Good Lord is a genie?”

The writer looked up at the old man and asked, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t you think everyone of those obstacles was meant to challenge you? To make you prove how badly you WANTED your dream?”

The writer arched an eyebrow, “Go on…”

“Look, if that advisor hadn’t told you not to go out for the paper, would you have?”

“Probably not.”

“Working in the scrapyard made you want your career even more, right?”

“Yes. I realized I was burying your talent.”

“Remember that editor who tried to fire you. Made you work even harder didn’t it?”

The writer nodded.

“And getting laid off didn’t stop you either. Sure it wasn’t fair. But life isn’t fair. You were challenged and you responded.”

“But what about…”

“The boss who tried to run you off? “Is he a terrible person?


Gabe the bartender smiled. “And you worked even harder to prove him wrong, right?”

“Um, yes.”

Gabe dried another glass and set it on the bar, “Ever think that angels sometimes come in not-very-nice packages?”

The writer looked perplexed.

“That boss did you a favor. He pushed you. Look, son — Your prayers are being answered. You’re just having to do the work. And that’s the way it is supposed to be.”

The writer realized that every negative moment had actually been a test. A test to see if he really wanted his dream to come true. Like a stone polished in a tumbler, he had had to suffer some friction along the way.

“Gabe, you’re a genius.”

The old bartender smiled, “I know. Just leave me a good tip.”


Gabe the bartender smiled. “And you worked even harder to prove him wrong, right?”

“Um, yes.”

Gabe dried another glass and set it on the bar, “Ever think that angels sometimes come in not-very-nice packages?”

The writer looked perplexed.

“That boss did you a favor. He pushed you. Look, son — Your prayers are being answered. You’re just having to do the work. And that’s the way it is supposed to be.”

The writer realized that every negative moment had actually been a test. A test to see if he really wanted his dream to come true. Like a stone polished in a tumbler, he had had to suffer some friction along the way.

“Gabe, you’re a genius.”

The old bartender smiled, “I know. Just leave me a good tip.”

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