The School Picture

I just cut out your school picture. Although we share a name, you look so much like you mama. You are even blessed to have her beautiful blue eyes. Your head is cocked slightly and your chin is up. You’re grinning like only you can do. It’s a funny grin that makes me smile.

Waves of love are crashing down on me. It’s funny how one little picture can do that.

You inspire me. And you’re taught me to see the world in a different way. You experience life in ways I never will. I’m better for it. You made me infinitely more compassionate. I now see things I never could before.

Like your brothers, you are wickedly smart. But your intelligence stuns me sometimes. You are gifted in ways I can’t understand. And those gifts have allowed you to overcome so much. And you have a strong will.You represent perseverance to me. You’ve proved so many people wrong.

I want to be just like you, son, when I grow up.

Unfortunately, the world you’re entering is cruel. People are mean. And they will be mean to you. Life itself isn’t easy. And you will struggle. Your mother and I will do everything in our life to protect you. But more importantly, we will do everything in our ability to prepare you for it. You have so many people who love you — but none more than your parents.

I hold this small school picture in my hand. It’s truly one of the most precious gifts I’ve ever received.



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