Always put water in your oatmeal before you microwave it

I’m not really big on giving my sons advice. They probably wouldn’t listen to me if I did — and frankly, I make so many mistakes, they’d spend the rest of their lives unlearning the gems I left them. I did tell my oldest son to always make sure he put water in his oatmeal before he microwaves it. Trust me on that one.

But I do hope that my kids learn from my example. And just saying that scares the daylights out of me. Because once again, I make many, many mistakes. I do want them to know that parents teach until the day they die. And they sometimes teach in negative ways. They will learn from their mother and me daily. They need to learn to be good students of life. And to realize that every person has a story and that story is what drives who they are.

If they are good students, they can learn from everyone.

I hope my kids pick that up. And I hope they put water in their oatmeal. Finding the battery in the smoke alarm is hard to do when the room is full of thick, black smoke.

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