Fat Shaming

I’ve seen the word “fat shaming” thrown around a lot lately. One promise I can make you is that I won’t ever fat shame. The plank in my eye is too big. (come to think of it, so is my butt). I am currently 40 pounds heavier than I was when I got married. And three years ago, I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now. I had more rolls than a bakery.

I get the struggle.

And I know the odds are stacked against us. We live in a world of inactivity, food deserts and sugar in nearly everything we eat.

What I try to do is live as healthy as any middle-aged father of three young boys can. I post pictures of my runs and tell stories how I succeed and fail. I try not to eat junk — but at times fall to temptation. I have seen the future and I’m desperately trying to avoid heart disease, diabetes and another bout of cancer. I know a healthy lifestyle leads to a better life. My family needs me. And I need to be my best for them.

I want everyone to take charge of their health because I know the benefits are much greater than the effort it takes to achieve them. We all have to take charge of our lives because no one else will do it for us.

But making fun of someone’s struggle won’t help. I’d rather reach a hand to help instead.

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One Response to Fat Shaming

  1. David Lawrence says:

    Thank you for this, Marshall. According to my “ideal” weight, I am now 200 pounds overweight. It’s nice to hear encouragement once in a while instead of ridicule.

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