Sixteen years ago


Last year, my family went to New York City. As we were heading out to the Statue of Liberty, I noticed the view looked very familiar. I lifted my phone and quickly snapped a photo. I then Googled my cartoon from 9/11 and realized why it looked so familiar. I remember seeing that view on the TV as the smoke billowed up over Manhattan. As we climbed the statue, I met one of the park rangers who was there on 9/11. He told me of the shock, horror and fear they felt as they watched Hell unfold right before their eyes. They also feared that they were going to be the next target. He also remembered my cartoon and thanked me for drawing it.

Later that afternoon, I took my older two sons to the 9/11 Memorial and I wept. Years of pent up emotions poured out of me. I had never really been able to process what I had seen. My sons, one who was a baby when it happen and the other who wasn’t born, didn’t quite understand.

I pray they never have to.

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