10 ways for State Gov’t to Save Money

  1. Get rid of the Governor’s Infiniti SUV and lease him a Smart Car.
  2. Unscrew the light bulbs at the Capitol. Abraham Lincoln learned by candle light and he became President.
  3. Layoff unnecessary workers. Er, you can’t do that. We’d have no Legislature.
  4. Serve Spam at the Governor’s Mansion.
  5. Pay college players and tax them 50% (with all proceeds going to Higher Education.)  The pay-for-play model works for some SEC schools.
  6. Paddle people who go over their budgets.
  7. Replace the State Plane with the State Segway.
  8. Make the toilets in Rest Areas pay toilets.
  9. Go green: Hook up a wind turbine next to the Capitol to harness wind power.
  10. Sell Phil Bryant on Ebay.
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11 Responses to 10 ways for State Gov’t to Save Money

  1. Ben Woodrick says:

    This is absurd. Haley Barbour can’t fit in a Smart Car.

  2. Parrotmom says:

    I remember back in some places you did have to pay a dime to use the toilet.

    Selling Phil Bryant on Ebay is hilarious :)

  3. Holly says:

    haha too funny!! Love the new site, BTW.

  4. NMissC says:

    Do you think Phil Bryant will actually generate money from his sale? Or do you have the idea that money will be saved once he’s no longer our problem?

  5. Marshall Ramsey says:

    But Ben, it would be fun to see him try.

  6. Marshall Ramsey says:

    NMissC, every $1.83 helps.

  7. sb says:

    There is definitely enough hot air at the capital to harness.

  8. Harry says:

    How exactly would you market Phil Bryant on ebay? Would you offer a warranty? Does the state have a paypal account?

  9. cardinallady says:

    Hahahaha These are hilarious!!!! I can see the cartoon now, one smart car full of the governor with his eyes bulging out of the windshield.

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