For the past couple of months, I’ve sat in book stores and shops around Mississippi, signing books and watching people rush around as they try to stay ahead of Holiday stress. I’ve had moments of busyness as I joyfully personalized books for eager customers. And I’ve had moments of boredom that allowed quiet reflection of the past year. As 2016 winds down, I think it is safe to say that this year has been unusually tough for many of us. I know it has been for me. I can’t remember a year this painful. I’ve lost. I’ve faced disappointment. Not since my cancer surgery 15 years ago can I remember walking away with so many scars.
But before you think that this is going to be a post of complaint or pity, please know its not. In fact, it is one of joy and hope. On Wednesday, I will have completed one more journey around the sun. On Sunday, my family will celebrate a day of love and gift giving. A week after that, we will ring in a new year. And for that, I am grateful.
When you remodel a house, you have to demo it. That means you strip away the old before you can rebuilt the new. It’s hard work and at times painful. But you can’t just put the new over the old stuff — you have to do the work. Life’s like that, too. The pain is a sign that we need to take the difficult step of change.
I know, change is hard. Like one commenter told me earlier this year, “But what if I don’t want to change?” Well, the answer is that the world will go along without you. As tempting as it is to sit in your comfort zone and to sit on your butt, that’s the quickest way to rot and die — literally and figuratively. I’ve had just about everything in my life called into question this year. I’m painfully aware of my past mistakes and the damage it has caused. I’ve had someone show me what I could become if I don’t change my ways. I wish a face as friendly as Clarence the angel (or even the scary third ghost) had told me all this. But I’ll take my wake up call in any form I can get it. I have my marching orders for 2017.
Life is hard and takes lots of energy. And we have both good and evil inside of us. To get that energy, you can tap into either the good or the evil. I personally feel that the good is loving others. And I choose to reject selfishness and be powered by love. Love of my family. Love of my friends. Love of this life. I choose to take on every day with joy and wonder. I vow to use my talents. I’ll give gifts daily.
Sounds kind of like a certain holiday that’s coming up, doesn’t it? We’re in the season of love and giving. And the season of hope and wonder. Many of us will celebrate a little baby who grew up to teach us that.
2016 has been tough. But it has been reminder that life is a series of problems. What makes life special is how we solve those problems. We can sit around, complain, write snarky comments on Facebook posts, throw a pity party, serve snacks and hope our problems go away. We can hope someone will come and save us. Or we can take on the problems head-on and choose to grow and learn — all through hard work and self discipline. It struck me the other day that if you take the word “EVIL” and turn it around, it spells “LIVE.”
Let’s choose to live.
Let’s make 2017 a year of passion.
Let’s tackle the world around us and make it a little better. Let’s reject those who make us afraid for their own gains. Let’s lift up those we love.
Let’s bring joy to the world.
Bless you and your family this joyous holiday season.