Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you are having a blessed day!

My son hiking in the Smokies a few years ago.

My son hiking in the Smokies a few years ago.

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12 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Saturday morning, It looks beautiful outside although a bit chilly. Hope you all have a lovely day.

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Today is Baby Darlings birthday. We’re going to celebrate later. I’ve got to go by the funeral home, lifelong friend passed away. I got to see him every time I visited Daddy as they were in the same facility!

    It’s a beautiful day, enjoy!

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Baby Darling!

    I looked to the right and saw MR’s comment about the woman in front of him in the airport security line telling him that she didn’t wear underwear and nearly spewed tea on my keyboard, AGAIN!

    I put a rump roast in the Nesco roaster around 8:45 this morning and it’s still cooking. It should be good and tender by the time we get around to tasting it. BE and I had to run….wait

    BE left and then came back and couldn’t find his 2-week-old I phone. I kept calling it and calling it and it wasn’t ringing in the house or anywhere outside that we could hear. Finally, a woman answered it and I thought at first I had misdialed, but I was calling from my contact each time. She and her husband had just found it on Highway 80 and they were about 2 blocks from us. We rushed up there and got it back, thank God. I have told him repeatedly that he is going to have to watch his I phone carefully. It turned out that he had layed his phone on his truck while loading something and drove off with the phone on top of the truck. It’s a miracle that 1. someone found it; 2. the one who found it was honest enough to give it back, and 3. it didn’t break when it hit the highway or biway.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    I’m at the George County Distinguished Young Women event. El is a little sister to one of the contestants. Mr. H and I are having fun with our own commentary. Our girl definitely had the best self expression answer. It was about whether certain lyrics should be allowed on the radio. She answered that they have a right of expression but we have the right to turn it off. And she said it very sweetly.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Happy birthday to your daughter AW.

    Wow LE lucky for you and BE on the phone.

    MrsH I think you and MrH have raised some terrific girls.

    Happy evening

  6. Mrs. H says:

    Woohoo! Flight of the Bumble Bee on electronic marimba. It was excellent!

  7. parrotmom says:

    Sunday afternoon 1:10 pm. Hope you are all having a wonderful day so far.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    5:35 Sunday afternoon and wondering where everyone is, including the Boss Man.

    Hello, is anybody out there???????????

  9. Old Bopper says:

    Evening. Spent Saturday in Vicksburg visiting with my Momma at my sisters home. Went riding today. It was a great day for motorcycling. Guess we will watch the Oscars this evening.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    I caught the Oscars!

  11. Clucky says:

    M was kind enough to have DVR’d the Oscares, so I watched all of the recording..which ended immediately following Quentin Tarantino’s win for Django Unchained. I missed best Actor (still don’t know who won), Best Actress-Jennifer Lawrence, and Best Picture-Argo. Very Disappointed that Les Miz did not win.

    I posted on fb the part of Jimmy Kimmel’s post-Oscar show with Jamie Foc and Channing Tatum. Funny stuff…heh. It’s a full moon, meaning I’ve slept all day the last 2 days and stayed up all night. I came outside to get some fresh air, and it started raining. DRAT.

    My children’s great-grandmother has been in the hospital since last Wednesday night. Friday night, Chicklette and I stayed at the hospital with her and and her daughter-my ex-MIL. Still warms my heart to be considered part of the family. She’s improved, but is still very, very ill. AW, she’s the sister of our mutual friend from Fulton.

    I’m wide awake and it’s 5:06am. I might as well get busy and make the coffee for Mr. Fab. I really hate that I wasted yesterday in bed. The mind was willing, but the flesh said I DON’T THINK SO. So far, today is better already.

    Leagle, I strongly suggest an OtterBox for your phones. They are lifesavers.

  12. msblondie says:

    morning gang! It is monday 8:10 am

    everyone have a good day!

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