Friday Free-For-All

2013_RFS_LogoGood morning! Sorry this is late. Went to go see my son’s Kindergarten program.

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7 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. cardinallady says:

    Hello? Well I’m glad someone else is late besides me. I’m here for now. gotta finish a few things. leaving even earlier than I thought today. I ran out of hours before I ran out of things to do yesterday. Still trying to convince my body that it’s truly daylight.

    Be back later.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings, peeps. Got to see my eldest and her beloved last night. You know he truly loves her when he will attend (as a spectator) a choir festival of church choirs from the Gulf Coast!! We went to Grace Memorial Baptist in Gulfport. The church from Moss Point mentioned how far they had come. When we get to Moss Point, we’re only halfway there!!

    Now I have to go get something with which to create a cape. We’re doing the story from 2 Kings 5 where Naaman is healed from leprosy and Elisha turns down the reward, only to have his servant lie to get the reward for himself. I get to portray Naaman and the servant Gehazi. The twist: all my lines rhyme and are sung to the Overture to the Marriage of Figaro playing in the background. That’s right! Biblical opera!!

  3. parrotmom says:

    MrsH sounds like fun.

    Had a BLT for lunch, pretty dang good, but the best ones are yet to come.

  4. Clucky says:

    Mrs H, that sounds awesome!!

    I’m fighting a migraine. Later.

  5. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening and weekend! I will be in the yard tomorrow tearing out the last big flower bed in the front yard.

  6. Old Bopper says:

    Evening! Got Boule ready for market and listed him on Craigslist. Had a real good ride this afternoon. My riding group is making a presentation of several thousand dollars to Mississippi Special Olympics tomorrow and then we go eat and ride afterwards.

    Boss I liked you cartoon in the paper today. It reminded me of one of my favorites you did of Fordice where he was running out of the Governor’s mansion with shotgun in hand yelling to the tobacco prize patrol to “Git, Git away”

  7. parrotmom says:

    Morning Saturday almost 9:00 am been up a couple of hours. I must be ill I did some almost dusting and so far this morning brought out the heavy duty vacuum cleaner and have mopped the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. Someone save me!!!!

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